Minister Family’s Black Belly Woman

Chapter 236: Emperor love!

As soon as Yang Yingxue's words fell, the hall was quiet immediately. Many people's envious eyes fell on Baili Jinchuan.

This lady Yang looks fresh and beautiful. Qin Yi's distinguished person is an insightful person, plus a tearful and touching appearance. Such a woman does not know how many people to envy.

What's more, as a woman who can take the initiative to serve His Royal Highness Her Highness, it must be a deep-rooted love for her.

In this way, His Royal Highness Emperor II is the winner of life. With military merit, title, and beauty. Alas, it makes people jealous!

Yang Yingxue knelt down on the hall. She could not see the expressions of others, but she was full of nagging. Bai Liqing Cang only hesitated for a moment, but she felt as long as a hundred years, and finally he heard the majestic words coming from him:

"Yang Yingxue, are you sure you just asked to serve the second prince in the second prince's house?"

"Yes, please emperor grace."

Bai Liqing Cang groaned for a moment, then suddenly smiled, turned to look at Bai Li Jin Chuan who had been silent: "Jin Chuan, what do you think about this matter?"

Bai Li Qing Cang's voice was a little ridiculous. When he heard it, he was joking about the second prince, so that many people around him showed a smiling smile together. This is a beautiful thing.

Baili Jinchuan looked at Yang Yingxue on the ground, his eyes flashed a wave: "Miss Yang, you volunteered to enter the second prince's house?"

Yang Yingxue looked up and looked at the man whose face was cold and warm, but the whole person was nervous and trembling, his voice was trembling: "Yes, Ying Xue volunteered to serve His Royal Highness."

"Serving? So you want to be a maid?"

Yang Yingxue froze with a pain in his eyes: "Even as a maid, Ying Xue is willing."

Looking at the pain in those eyes, Bai Lijinchuan's heart trembled suddenly, there was an illusion facing Shen Ninghua. He raised a pair of sword eyebrows sharply, and his cold eyes projected directly on the opposite Shen Ninghua.

However, Shen Ninghua kept her eyes hanging slightly, and her thick eyelashes covered a pair of black pupils, and no trace of emotion was leaked.

While staring tightly at Shen Ninghua, he slowly got up and walked in front of Yang Yingxue, looking down at the somewhat similar face, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Yang Yingxue trembled, almost unable to restrain the tremor in his heart: "His Royal Highness ..."

The lips of Baili Jinchuan suddenly moved, a smile on the cold face, like an ice flower blooming, and instantly disturbed people's minds: "How can I be willing to let you serve me like this beauty."

Yang Yingxue's face turned white. Is he going to reject himself?

Baili Jinchuan looked up at Baili Qingcang and said, "Father Emperor, the son-in-law wants to marry Ying Xue as the side concubine, please ask the father the emperor." Since it is the side concubine, then it is not for servants.

Yang Yingxue was stunned by the sudden words. She didn't know how to react for a moment. Her background is too low, her father's position is not high, she has almost become the highest concubine. Father Yang is also very happy on the side. In her heart, she admires her daughter's trial situation. Now Baili Jinchuan is the prince. A big tree must be hugged well.

Bai Liqing Cang laughed: "Okay, I originally said that I would choose you a concubine and two side concubines. I didn't expect to have one at the reception."

Shen Ninghua doesn't have too many expressions on her face, but her heart is extremely unsettled: cousin now just secretly likes Baili Jinchuan alone and can tolerate his neglect and coldness. Would she be so willing if she became his concubine in the future? ?

When people do n’t get it, they can bear a lot of things. Once they get it, they become greedy. They always feel that they should be rewarded for what they have done.

I hope she can keep her heart, at least not to lose herself.

"Children thanked the emperor."

Bai Lijinchuan stood up and lifted Yang Yingxue personally, smiling gently at her: "Yingxue, go back to your seat and sit first, the ground is too cold."

Yang Yingxue's tears fell instantly, but the smile on her lips was extraordinarily gorgeous, and her cheeks were even ashamed: "Yes, thank you His Highness."

Zhao Huiying's complexion has not looked good all the time, her eyes staring at Yang Yingxue with a murderous look.

Lan Lingle, it seems that this bureau was planned by Shen Ninghua and Yang Yingxue. Otherwise, how could you play such a partial tune as Lan Lingle, thinking of the murderous intent in her eyes, does Shen Ninghua know what? So why did this come out today?

It seems that if she wants to do it as soon as possible, she must not be allowed to turn over the things of the year!

Until the end of the banquet, the atmosphere was exceptionally good. Bai Liqing Cang drank a few more glasses of wine, his face turned slightly red, and Zhao Huiying walked out of Chengqian Hall directly.

Some of the housekeepers on the side did not know what to do. The emperor didn't say which concubine's palace to go to. The queen was here again, and he didn't dare to ask. This was not easy.

Fang Xue, who was next to Zhao Huiying, was stabbed by a cane, and she was followed by a newly-selected palace girl called Mei Xue.

At this time, Mei Xue saw the expression of the housekeeper, and smiled forward to block his path: "Master, the emperor drank too much today. The mother-in-law was worried that the maiden could not take care of it, so she wanted to guard it day and night. Rare, touching, isn't it? "

The head of the housekeeper nodded, and then nodded: "Yes, yes, Mei Xue said very much."

A smile flashed in Mei Xue's eyes, and a sleeve was pulled out to pull out a purse. When the housekeeper had not responded, the purse had arrived in his hands.

Zhao Huiying helped Bai Liqing Cang to Ning Kun Palace, let Bai Li Qingcang lie on the bed, and waved to the palace maid to retreat, and personally wiped him with water on a parchment.

Bai Li Qing Cang drank a lot of drinking power, coupled with blowing cold wind all the way, his mind was blurred, feeling the coolness on his face, and slowly opened his eyes. When he was confused, he saw Xia Jingyan smiling at him, and he wiped his face with a papa.

He held the hand violently, his excited eyes turned red: "Are you here? Will you finally come to see me?"

Zhao Huiying trembled suddenly, looking at Bai Liqing's dim vision, and instantly understood what she asked: "Emperor, do you know who I am?"

Bai Liqing Cang looked excited, holding Xia Jingyan's hand constantly tightening: "Why would I forget you ... Jing Yan ... For so many years, you have never been into your dream, but you still blame it?"

Zhao Huiying's mouth was dry and her lips trembled slightly. "How dare I blame you, are you emperor?"

"Emperor? Quietly, if you can, I would rather not be the emperor ..." Bai Liqing Cang said with a bleak voice, holding Zhao Huiying's hand against his face, and it turned out in the cold eyes of ordinary days. Tears, "quietly, are you okay for so many years? I miss you so much ..."

Zhao Huiying's heart seemed to be ravaged by tens of thousands of sharp blades, watching Bai Liqing Cang's eyes changing between love and hate: "Underground cold, how can you live well? Emperor, for so many years, you can have in your heart Someone you love? "

Bai Liqing opened his eyes violently, and Zhao Huiying's heart trembled in the eyes: "Three thousand weak water, just take a scoop. Except you, how can He fall in love with others?"

Zhao Huiying sat on the bed stiffly, her lips continually jerking, and suddenly she burst into a gorgeous smile, and then yanked her fingers out of Bai Liqing Cang: "You won't fall in love with others? What about your queen? , That is your hair wife, the wife who accompanied you along the way! "

Baili Qingcang did not respond in the slightest, and it turned out that he had slept with his eyes closed.

Zhao Huiying got up sharply, holding the spar tightly with her fingers, and threw the spar in the water basin halfway, striding out of the bedroom.

Leaning on a pillar in the hall, Zhao Huiying took a deep breath, and it took a while to suppress the tremor in her heart: "Xia Jingyan! You have died for so many years and still occupy the place in his heart, you slut! ! "

"You're dead, I can't find your account, but your daughter is still alive! And now she is still pregnant. I wanted to kill her directly, but now my palace changes her mind, I will torture a little bit She makes her worse off! "

"The mother's debt is repaid, which makes sense, doesn't it?"

The candlelight in the hall shook Zhao Huiying's half of her face extremely brightly, while the other side was hidden in the shadow, with a strange beauty.

Shen Ninghua and Chu Jun went out of the palace and returned to Princess Mansion, frowning and thinking along the way.

"Ninghua, what's wrong?" Chu Junyi asked with concern.

"Although the Lan Lingle is moving, it will not make the emperor and the queen so morbid."

"What did you think of?"

Shen Ninghua shook her head: "I have no clue."

Chu Junyi helped her sit down and put her palm on her lower abdomen: "Don't think about it without a clue. I'll let someone check to see if there is any secret in it."

"Well." After so long today, Shen Ninghua was a bit tired, and she fell asleep on Chu Junyi for a little while.

Chu Junyi turned her head slightly, brushed her hair across her face, kissed her forehead with great distress, and carefully supported her to lie on the bed.

How could the emperor and the queen's unusual performance not be noticed, not only noticed, but also investigated some eyebrows.

Before he and Ninghua became married, he secretly knew about the Xia family. In addition, after Shen Ninghua and Zhao Yunxiang played a game, he helped her find evidence, and they were kept in the palace.

Ninghua's biological mother was very good at playing the piano. The best she played was a piece of Lanling music, but she never touched the piano after marrying Shen Dong. The last thing she played was this piece of Lanling music.

The emperor drank too much at the end of the banquet. I'm afraid that there is a lot of connection with this song, so I should check it carefully.

The next day, Shen Ninghua stood up and was eating breakfast, and Hong Ling walked in with anger.

"what happened?"

"Miss, the owner of the Xiao family is here. He is sitting in the flower hall and is directing people to have tea. He also said that he would let the princess pass. He has something to say."

Shen Ninghua frowned suddenly: "Xiao Jingran?"

"Yes, he looked like a master, and said ... and said that the princess was rude, and he wouldn't welcome him when he knew his father was here ..."

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