Minister Family’s Black Belly Woman

Chapter 239: Running in the rain

Bai Yan frowned: "What's going on?"

"Please be merciful to the princess. The old lady wants to see you for the last time. You cannot be so cold-blooded."

"Presumptuous!" Bai Zhe's anger was irresistible, so crying at this time, was it because he thought things were not big enough?

Shen Ninghua frowned on his eyes: "Bring that person in."

A drenched slave was taken to the hall by twisting his arms.

The little sister-in-law was brought into the hall, and immediately stopped crying, kneeling in front of Shen Ninghua, with a charming voice: "The slave has seen Her Royal Highness."

Shen Ninghua sat on the seat, looked down at the kneeling person on the ground, and asked in a voice: "I remember that you are a slave of the Shen family, and have been acting as a puppet in the old lady's yard, right?"

"It's the minions. The minion Wu Ping has seen the princess."

"Wu Ping? You should be Wu Yan's son."

"Yes, it's a minion. I didn't expect such a long time. The princess still remembers minions, and the minions are really flattered." Wu Ping knelt on the ground, but from time to time he looked at the arrangement in Shen Ninghua's room, and his eyes flashed a light from time to time.

Shen Ninghua smiled slightly: "You're riding all the way, isn't it good to walk in the rain?"

"Yeah, on a rainy day, there were still a lot of people on the road, and they almost ran into it. They were still clever and clever. They reported the name of Princess Zhaohua's Mansion before they got out of trouble. Otherwise, they are still on the road."

Bai Yan's eyes were cold and light, and he could not wait to cut him with a stab: this brazen slave!

I heard that Shen Ninghua's eyes deepened. It seems that Xiao's disease is important to see himself. Many people already know: "Bai Ao, Wu Ping has come all the way. It's hard. Take some silver for him, and take him to change clothes. This one is soaked, the weather is very cold, and it wo n’t be good if it gets a cold wind. "

When he heard of Yin, Wu Ping's eyes glowed, and he knelt down on his knees quickly. I don't know how many times sincerely: "Thank you Princess, thank you Princess!"

Bai Yan resisted his anger and ordered people to take Wu Ping down.

"Miss, this Wu Ping is seen as being abandoned by someone. What do you keep him for?"

"At this time, nothing is clear, and naturally you cannot act lightly. Although this Wu Ping is greedy for money and money, such a small person may be of great use. Anyway, leaving it harmless, let him live for a few more days."

Bai Ye nodded, watching Shen Ninghua looking out the window all the time, and the worry in her heart became more and more serious: "It's still spring, how can there be such a heavy rain, and the old lady happened to happen at this time, it is too anxious . "

The sound of rain in his ears was lapping, and Shen Ninghua could not distinguish between mood and anger: "I'm afraid someone chose this weather specifically."

Bai Zheng shuddered in shock: "Miss, do you think it will be the Xiao family's move this time, after all, Xiao's old owner came here to make a trip before."

"It's all possible, who can say it right." Shen Ninghua said, suddenly turning her head to look at the door, Bizhu walked in quickly, her voice anxiously reporting:

"Miss, master is here, and is hurried to the house, saying he wants to see you."

Shen Ninghua's eyes narrowed, looking at Shen Dong who was striding in under the rain, and nodded slightly: "I see."

Shen Dong's face turned blue. I didn't know if it was urgent or was frozen by the rain. When I entered the door, I saw Shen Ninghua's eyes eased a little: "Ninghua, you just follow me to see your grandmother. She is very ill. No, I want to see you now. "

Shen Ninghua stood in place, without moving: "My father came through the heavy rain, and he was soaked. Let's change clothes first, don't be grandmother, you are sick first."

Shen Dong frowned: "Where can I take care so much, just follow me."

Shen Ninghua shook her head: "The rain is so heavy now, and the carriage has not been prepared. My father first sits down for a cup of tea."

Shen Dong suddenly looked up and stared at Shen Ninghua with an unbelievable voice: "You shirk away like this, are you not going to see your grandmother for the last time with me?"

"Where is my father saying this? I will, of course."

"Since I'm going, what else do I have to prepare? I ordered someone to come over in a carriage, just wait at the door, let's go."

Shen Ninghua shook her head: "It's going, but not this time."

"What?" Shen Dong was full of anger. "Your grandmother can't see it. She said that she wanted to see you for the last time. You even pushed back and forth. Ninghua, you are different now. Do n’t you even want to be human?

"Father, I'm in a banned foot. I can't get out of Princess House."

"Don't worry about this, your father has just entered the palace and begged the emperor, and the emperor has lifted your foothold."

Shen Ninghua asked, "Why is there such a heavy rain outside and my father has no official position?"

"I just met the housekeeper of Chengqian Temple outside the palace. He helped enter the palace and passed without any delay."

It was a coincidence that Shen Ninghua sneered, "It wasn't that there was no delay in time. The news came from the grandmother's illness. Until now, you called me to see her in Shenfu, and it took less than an hour."

"Ninghua, what do you mean? Are you afraid your father will hurt you?"

Shen Ninghua stared directly into Shen Dong's eyes, with a pair of black eyes bottoming out: "Ninghua is afraid, but I won't pass until Chu Junyi returns."

"Chu Junyi? He was called into the palace by the emperor, and he doesn't know when he will come back. When will you wait?" Shen Dongqi said angrily.

"Whenever I wait, I have to wait."

Shen Dong slammed the tea by the table: "Shen Ninghua, is this a complete renunciation of filial piety?"

Shen Ninghua didn't answer, only looking at the growing rain outside the door.

Shen Dong couldn't get a response, and suddenly laughed loudly: "Haha, okay, it's really good! When the Shen family failed, you took your grandmother to support it. At that time, how many people said you don't forget filial piety, now it seems that you are It ’s just a show, and now I ’m going to let you see a dying grandmother, please do n’t move you! ”

Shen Dong put an extra word on the word, and almost a fire broke out in his eyes.

Shen Ninghua was unmoved: "Father is useless at this time no matter what you say, I will not risk my child."

There was a sadness on Shen Dong's face, and his complexion said, "Okay, since that's the case, then I won't embarrass you. Your Royal Highness, Caomin don't stop here." After that, he turned and walked directly into the heavy rain, walking quickly. Leaving Princess House.

Shen Ninghua sat in a chair silently, but did not respond for a while.

Bai Ye was very worried, but didn't know how to say: "Miss, take care of yourself, think about the little master."

Shen Ninghua sighed slightly: "It's all right, you go to see Hong Ling, but you're back?"

About half an hour later, Hongling ran in with a wet body: "Miss, Master Ma is back."

Chu Junyi quickly rushed back along the way, her heart was extremely annoyed. As soon as I entered the door, I saw that Shen Ninghua's face was not very good: "Ninghua, I'm late."

Shen Ninghua shook her head: "It's all right, don't say anything else, go to Shen's house and see grandmother."

"it is good."

Chu Junyi didn't change clothes, regardless of a soaked shirt attached to her body, she accompanied Shen Ninghua to go out.

The carriage traveled very fast all the way, advancing quickly under the heavy rain.

Shen Ninghua looked through the window of the carriage to the street. Unexpectedly, many people standing under the shelter of the buildings on both sides sheltered from the rain and pointed to the carriage.

Shen Ninghua closed her eyes slightly and suppressed the coldness. Her fear of filial piety was about to spread, which was a vicious trick!

Just after the carriage stopped, Chu Junyi stepped out of the horse and helped Shen Ninghua to get out.

The blue bird was holding Shen Ninghua's body under an umbrella, and tried not to let her rain, but the rain was heavy and windy. As soon as it came out, Shen Ninghua's skirt became wet.

Originally, Shen Fu was temporarily used as Shen Ninghua's Princess Mansion. However, after the new Princess Mansion was built, it was restored to Shen Fu again.

At this point, Zhu Hong's door was shut tightly, apparently with no intention of welcoming anyone.

Hong Ling stepped forward against the rain and knocked on the door, smashing hard for a long time but no one came.

Chu Junyi frowned tightly: "Ninghua, you go to the carriage first, I'll call the door."

Shen Ninghua nodded, the rain was too cold, and she could not take risks with her children.

As she was about to get into the carriage, the door was suddenly opened. Shen Ninghua turned her head to look over, she was seeing Shen Dong in sackcloth and filial piety.

"What are you doing here?"

Shen Ninghua stood still again: "See the grandmother."

Shen Dong stretched his face: "His Royal Highness Princess has misremembered that you already have nothing to do with the Shen family, and Xiao is not your grandmother. It's a pity that the troubled princess took a trip, please come back."

Shen Ninghua didn't care about Shen Dong's bad attitude, and frowned and asked, "Grandma passed away?"

Shen Dong sneered: "Yeah, she passed away. She wanted to see her granddaughter before she died, but she didn't see it. She just passed away with regret! Is her Royal Highness satisfied?"

"I went in to see my grandmother."

Shen Dong stepped forward and blocked the door: "Don't be bothersome, Your Royal Highness, you don't have to be contaminated by the dirty air here, please come back, come, come and close the door!"

Immediately, Xiao Xiao pushed the door of the house and slammed shut.

Hong Ling's face was ugly, and she kicked on the door fiercely: "Princess, I forcibly opened the door."

"Stop!" Shen Ninghua stopped Hong Ling's movement. "Let's go back."

"Princess?" Hongling was surprised, tossed for so long, and just went back?

"Go back!" Shen Ninghua's voice was cold.

Chu Junyi retracted his gaze, turned and helped Shen Ninghua to get on the carriage: "Let's go, talk first."

In Princess Palace, when she saw Shen Ninghua returning so quickly, Bai Ye was very surprised: "Princess, you are returning so soon?"

Chu Junyi frowned and swept Baiji: "Don't say anything else, first prepare hot water to serve the princess to bathe and change clothes."

Shen Ninghua's skirt was more than half wet and felt the warmth in the room, which made her feel better.

Bai Yan was worried: "Yes, slaves prepare hot water."

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