Minister Family’s Black Belly Woman

Chapter 256: Take revenge for you!

Bu Tinghe smiled softly, with a contented smile on her face: "Princess Zhaohua is really smart, haha, you don't have to be too surprised, anyway, you now know the true identity of my cousin, so how should you understand Is that right? "

Shen Ninghua smiled coldly: "What does Princess Wenhe do? I don't understand, even if Chu Junyi's identity is not ordinary, then what? We are living our lives the same way."

"Let's live my own life?" Bu Tinghe slightly tilted her head and turned around Shen Ninghua, watching her spine straight and indifferent, laughing out loud, "Princess Zhaohua, isn't it? Did n’t you hear what Lan Ye said just now? My cousin ’s biological mother is my Yun Qing princess of Dayue Kingdom, and my cousin ’s biological father is the emperor of Da An Guo. He is a noble prince who is born to control the true dragon of the world. You, Shen, who was born to kill his biological mother, why do you think your cousin can still live with you? "

"Whether in Da Anguo or Da Yueguo, his cousin has high capital. Why do you think he is going to be your pony and see how you and others look for life?"

"Shen Ninghua, you made your cousin marry you by virtue of your status, thinking that now you can have a kid tied to him?"

Shen Ninghua looked at Bu Tinghe, the beautiful face smiled a little madly, making the beautiful face look a lot ugly: "Zi Fei Yu Zhi Zhi Yu Yu Le? How do you know Chu Junyi will not choose me? How do you know that I tied him on purpose, is he willing to do it? "

Bu Tinghe's anger flashed in her heart, then she converged the smile on her face, and returned to the original tenderness like water: "To be honest, I'm not sure how my cousin would choose, so I simply didn't give him a choice. Opportunity, now that the three princes have learned the identity of their cousin, the next thing to do is to publicize this matter. At first, Aunt Yun Qing was framed by the queen, and he had to use his death to protect his cousin. He now has strength With the support of Dae Vietnam, it's time to get back your glory. "

Shen Ninghua's face was condensed, and the light in her eyes continued to shake.

Bu Tinghe drew a bright red lips corner: "Princess Zhaohua, it doesn't belong to you, it will never belong to you, Jinlin will not be trapped in the fish pond. If you have a self-knowledge, leave now, cousin looks in the past I can still remember you a little in terms of love. If you don't leave, then you and the child in your stomach ... but you will be buried here ... "

Shen Ninghua turned her head and looked at her, looking like a steel knife: "Do you dare to move the child in my stomach, I will come to a dead net to see if Chu Junyi is in pain, you are a cousin who does n’t know where he is, or he Your own blood! "

"Oh, Princess Zhaohua, it's useless for you to be prestigious with me. Today you have to take a break with your cousin, because the person he is going to marry is me, and the person accompanying him will be me! He gave birth to bones and blood, and it will be me who has children! And you are just a stain of his life, a past that he doesn't want to mention! "

Bu Tinghe said, pulling an institution behind him and hearing only a ringing bell, and then a dozen strong men rushed in from outside the door, staring at Shen Ninghua, Hongling, etc. as if looking at the fish on the cutting board. .

"I'll leave it to you. Princess Zhaohua ignores the shame, conceives her pregnancy, and is affiliated with others. After being discovered by our people, the adulterer hurriedly pushed her to the table on the room and knocked her out. Boy, understand? "

"Yes, princess."

Hong Ling yanked out a soft sword from her waist, and Bai Ling backed Shen Ninghua back: "Miss ..."

Shen Ninghua looked at Bu Tinghe, and was full of disgust.

The brave men did not hesitate at all, and rushed towards Shen Ninghua and Hongling.

Hongling Kung Fu is not weak, but her two fists are hard to beat four hands. She stopped three people, and the others bypassed her and rushed to Shen Ninghua.

Bu Tinghe raised her lips, she knew that Shen Ninghua was clever, but no matter how clever she was, she wasted in front of absolute force. She won't make so many twists and turns, just use the most rude move to destroy Shen Ninghua!

Bai Yan was pushed aside and held back, and she looked anxiously at Shen Ninghua: "Miss!" Why isn't the chick here today? If it is a chick, it can still protect some young ladies. At this moment, Bai Ji hates herself very much. use.

Seeing that someone was going to grab Shen Ninghua's arm, Bu Tinghe smiled happily. The smile on his face was as sweet as a demon. Suddenly, the person close to Shen Ninghua fell directly to the ground.

The smile on her face froze suddenly. "What's the matter?"

In her amazement, her people fell to the ground one after another, and she twitched twice before she lost her voice. Her heart sank abruptly, and she was about to leave when she turned, but suddenly her body was soft and fell directly to the ground. .

Shen Ninghua took out a porcelain bottle from her sleeve, poured a pill out of it, walked in front of Bu Tinghe, and stuffed it into her mouth: "Princess Wenhe, haven't you investigated me before, I'm not only good at medicine , But also good at poisoning. However, Kyoto is no better than any other place. I have n’t touched poison for a long time. I was thinking of accumulating a blessing for the baby in my belly. I did n’t expect you to force me to take a shot. "

Bu Tinghe felt severe pain in his chest, and the blood on his body had to be solidified: "Shen Ninghua ... you ... you mean!"

Shen Ninghua chuckled and taunted, "I can't beat you."

Suddenly, a noise came from the door.

Bu Tinghe's eyes brightened, and her gaze for help fell on the door.

Shen Ninghua listened to the three short and one long knock on the door, and slightly tilted his lips: "Come in."

Chu Junyi, dressed in a Chinese suit, came in with a negative hand.

Bu Tinghe's eyes widened fiercely, and his eyes were full of disbelief. Why did Chu Junyi appear here and why did he come over?

"Ninghua, are you okay?" Chu Junyi entered the door and hurried to Shen Ninghua, carefully examining her condition.

"I'm fine."

"Cousin ... cousin, save me ..." Bu Tinghe looked up at Chu Junyi with pain in her face, and the water in her eyes was so pervasive that she looked extremely touching, no matter how she came over Yes, she is going to finish the play. "Cousin, Princess Zhaohua and others were intimate with each other. I was hit by a killer ... hehe ... cousin, save me."

Chu Junyi looked down at Bu Tinghe, and slowly crouched down in her expectant eyes: "Cousin, I would like to thank you for bringing me to you, and told me the truth that year."

Bu Tinghe reached out and grabbed the hem of his shirt, tears fell down: "For cousin, I should do as much as I can."

Chu Junyi smiled mildly, and Junmei's face turned to Bing Tinghe's face flushed: "Since you said you should do as much as possible, then don't care to help your cousin more?"

Bu Tinghe trembled in her heart, always feeling that Chu Junyi's smile was trembling coldly, but she asked, "What's busy?"

Chu Junyi looked back at the door. The three princes walked in quickly and saw Bu Tinghe lying on the ground, his face was full of distress: "Princess Wenhe, are you all right?"

Why did the three princes appear here? Shouldn't he go to the palace and report to the emperor? What went wrong?

Bu Tinghe's eyes widened in shock and looked up to Shen Ninghua: "Did you design?"

Shen Ninghua ignored her and looked at the three princes: "His Royal Highness Princess Wen He was attacked by thieves. Fortunately, I was struck by the maid and me, which strangled the assassin, but Princess Wen He was also sent to the spring You need someone to detoxify. You and the princess are in love, so ... "

The eyes of the three princes were bright, and they turned to look at Shen Ninghua and Chu Junyi: "Okay, the princess and the horse, this prince wrote down."

Shen Ninghua smiled slightly: "Where is it that we can see that a lover finally becomes a dependent? We are also happy."

The three princes laughed, and stooped and hugged Bu Tinghe violently: "After the incident is complete, the prince will have to thank him again."

"Dare to be."

Bu Tinghe gritted her teeth desperately, looking at Shen Ninghua's eyes seemed to be able to pull her skin and bones. She was about to yell when she opened her mouth, but suddenly she felt a sore throat, but she couldn't say a word when she wanted to speak. Hate surging madly:

Shen Ninghua, you bitch! You must not die, Shen Ninghua!

Cousin save me, I only like you, cousin ...

Brother Six Emperor, Brother Six Emperor!

Soon, another person exactly the same as Chu Junyi came in, still holding a trembling bluebird in his hand.

Lan Yan has been stupid, she looked back and forth between two identical Chu Junyi, and did not know how to tell.

Chu Junyi who came in later glanced at the dead on the ground and saluted to Shen Ninghua: "Ye Yi has seen the princess."

"It's hard. Now you go outside. Later, when things get into trouble, you'll bring people in."

"Yes, my subordinates retire."

It turned out that Shen Ninghua and Chu Junyi had taken precautions before coming to the banquet, and they found the presence of Lan Ying earlier. When Ye Yi Yirong became Chu Junyi and talked with Lan Ying, Chu Junyi Appeared among the guests outside, at that time, even if Lan Ye talked about it, Chu Junyi had evidence of her absence, who could write to an old woman who had destroyed Rong crazy?

After seeing Ye Yi leave, Shen Ninghua looked at Chu Junyi: "I did not expect that Bu Tinghe also notified the three princes, what can he hear?"

Chu Junyi shook her head: "I just saw a maid taking Bu Tinghe's Sipa to lead the three princes to the backyard, so he stepped forward and blocked it. He didn't hear anything. But even if he didn't hear Waiting for the third prince and Bu Tinghe to explode, I'm afraid I can't hide things about my identity. Now that I know the truth, it's not a bad thing to get back my identity in advance. "

Shen Ninghua frowned slightly: "You are too risky, things have passed for so many years, and the evidence that the queen framed Princess Yun Qing was difficult to find. The dictation by Lan Ye and Bu Jinglan and others did not work at all. If you can't reverse the case, then even if you regain your identity, you may be suppressed in succession. "

"I know it's dangerous now, but many things can only be done easily if you are in a high status, not to mention that you are in a special physical condition, and I can't let you continue to take risks. The dual status of a princess and a princess allows you to suppress Many people. So even if it is risky, I have to give it a try. I have collected a lot of evidence before. This time, even if I can't bring down the queen, I can restore my identity. "

The look in Shen Ninghua's eyes changed, and finally she became firm: "Well, in this case, then, by the hands of Bu Jinglan and Bu Tinghe, get back your princehood!"

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