Minister Family’s Black Belly Woman

Chapter 267: Teach you how to be a man! (on)

When the silence in the hall was almost suffocating, suddenly a crackling sound of tea was heard.

The crowd was taken aback, and they raised their eyes carefully, only to find that it was the imperial concubine who threw tea.

It was dark, and her scarred face was becoming more horrible, and many people dared not look up.

"Baiguan, please, to kill the daughter-in-law of this palace, you really have the courage!"

The rough voice was like sandpaper, and everyone frowned unconsciously.

Bu Yunqing swept around everyone's faces: "Ninghua, you were born on the sixth day of the first day of May 22nd of Hongzheng, right?"

Shen Ninghua nodded: "It is indeed this time to return to my mother-in-law."

"Well, if we remember correctly, there should be a lot of people born on this day, and even adults should have been born this time. Think about it, the Ministry of Punishment? Your daughter looks like that. I was born at this time. I read it on the roster of the election a few days ago, and I still have some impressions. "

The named Ministry of Justice Shang Shu immediately gave out a cold sweat: "Xiangui Concubine, the daughter of an old minister ..."

Bu Yun sneered interrupted him: "Born at the same time, they are all women. In addition, the election is related to the royal family. All three characteristics are inconsistent. Then only Ninghua is harmful to the royal family. , Master Dust, what do you say? "

Chen Chen looked up: "Concubine, this is not the case."

Bu Yun stared at him coldly: "Dust, you just said that Ninghua's influence on the royal family is due to the celestial character. Isn't that character just the birthdate character, are you just talking nonsense?"

"The poor monk just said what he said." The hesitation in his heart was only a moment, and he quickly confirmed his thoughts. Even if he sacrificed several women, it was worthwhile to kill Shen Ninghua.

"Well, in this case, first check the woman born at this time among the hundred officials, then look for it among the people in Kyoto, and finally kill all the people born at this hour in Da'anguo!"

The crowd looked up in shock: "How can this be?"

"Why not? People in the world are all the emperor's people, and they all have something to do with the royal family. Who else thinks that the people of Da Anguo have nothing to do with the emperor?"

Who dares to say nothing, isn't that the same as rebellion?

"No, you can't," said Shang Shushu, who was on his knees, and stepped forward. He only had that daughter, who regarded it as a treasure. How could she be willing to give her away for nothing? "Emperor, isn't this going to cause chaos in the world? Don't you do that? "

"Yeah, according to the concubine, I don't know how many innocent people are going to die."

Yin Guifei sneered: "Innocent? No one who has influenced the royal family dare to say that he is innocent! When they say that, they complain that they were born at a bad time. Who is weird?"

"No, it will cause chaos in the world, and the emperor can't believe what Chen said." When it comes to himself, someone finally can't help but refute the dust.

Shen Ninghua sneered in his heart, and a secret passage came, turning his head to look at the dust: "Master, I used to think that the monks were compassionate. Now it seems that this is not the case. You can also practice arrogant killing like this?"

Chen Chen's face changed slightly: "Emperor, the poor monk never said that he would kill someone born at the same time as the princess, but only said that he would practice."

"Well, if you want to practice for ten years, then you might as well kill these women directly."

"Yes, so many people, Master Dust, are you busy?"

"It's ridiculous, ridiculous!"

Bai Liqing Cang's face was extremely ugly, and he looked at Chen with suspicion: "Master Chen, do you mean to make an order for the women who were born at the same time as Da Anguo and Princess Zhaohua?"

"No, princess ..."

After Chen Chen hesitated for a moment and wanted to explain, he was interrupted by Bai Lijun Yi: "Master Chen Chen, do you want to say that only the prince of the king has influence on the royal family, and no one else?"

"Yes, after all, the princess is considered the righteous daughter by the emperor, and she is married to the prince of the county, and has the closest relationship with the royal family, so ..."

"Oh, if you say this, as long as Ninghua is not the righteous daughter of the father and the princess of the king, then it will have no effect on the royal family? After all, other women born at the same time will have no effect."

The dust lingered: "This ..."

"Dust, are you framed Ninghua, or are you sarcastic about the Father and the King secretly?" Bai Lijun's eyes skyrocketed, and he frowned coldly.

"The poor monk never meant to ridicule the emperor and the lord."

"You dare to quibble! As long as you are not regarded by your father as your righteous daughter and you are not married to your prince, it will have no effect on the royal family. Once you have a relationship with your father and your prince, it will have an effect. ? "

At this time, Chen Chen finally understood the idea of ​​Baili Junyi. If he said that Shen Ninghua not only had an influence on the emperor, he would have to bear the anger of the people in the world. If he said that only Shen Ninghua had an influence on the royal family, he would ridicule the emperor No matter what kind of result, it is a crime he cannot bear for a monk!

Shen Ninghua chuckled in her heart. In order to make Baili Jun Yi difficult to choose, the queen moved the dust all over, so she first asked Chen to choose how to die, and then asked the queen to calculate today's account!

Bai Lijun stared with majesty and faintly looked at the dust, but it made people feel intimidating: "Master Dust, you should answer the king's question!"

Li Chen looked up at Bai Liqing Cang: "The emperor, the poor monk is just thinking about the emperor, without first arriving at the concubine and the king of the county, so misunderstood the poor monk, the two want to maintain Princess Zhaohua is understandable, but Where is the safety of the emperor? The incident in the Zhichun Temple has been learned from the past. Alas, the poor monk has said that.

Bai Lijun sneered sneerly: "Oh, what a move to retreat to, Dust, do you think you can continue to deceive your father, and still do not plead guilty?"

After Chen Chen turned his head, he was full of righteousness: "The poor monk just kindly told, why is King Yijun so stubborn? If you want to protect Princess Zhaohua, the poor monk will not force it, but what will happen, I hope King Yijun will be able to Affordable! "

"Then the master who is not working is worried." Bai Lijun Yi sneered, you should take good care of yourself first and then take care of others.

Bai Liqing's frown froze tightly, but felt a splitting headache. Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside, and he looked up suddenly: "What's wrong again, why is it so noisy?"

Jingwei's house Yin went out to check quickly. When he returned, he was followed by a pair of mothers and sons in cloth. After a while, everyone caught their eyes on them.

Jing Weifu's face was full of horror, and he looked at the dust from time to time.

The crowd didn't respond before they heard that the child who came in slammed into the dust and called out loudly, "Father, are you father ?!"

Everyone only felt that the thunderstorm just now was too small, and now it is the real sunny thunder.

It seems strange that a teenage boy turned his father to a monk and had a son.

Rao's calm Baili Qingcang also widened his eyes and couldn't believe it: "Dust, what's going on?"

The entire person was caught in the spot by the dust: "The emperor ... emperor, no, the poor monk doesn't know what happened, this child is not the son of the poor monk ..."

"Father, how can you not recognize the child, the child and the mother have traveled a long way to find you here, the flood in their hometown, the grandparents died, my mother and I have worn my feet all the way and came to Kyoto He was also driven away, and I finally realized that you came here today, and when you broke in, you were almost killed. How could you not have my mother and me? "

Shen Ninghua and Baili Junyi stood aside without saying a word, quietly watching the absurd scene in front of them. At this time, they didn't have to rush down the well and just watch quietly.

The imperial concubine Bu Yunqing no longer has such good patience: "Haha, it's so funny, a generation of Taoist monks should have stayed away from Hongchen, who knows that there are even children? This is the best joke this year. Emperor, minister妾 Looking at the warning just now, I am afraid that I want to remind you that there are demon monks and deceitful people who frame the royal family? "

Bai Liqing slammed the table fiercely, the tea cup on the table case was shaken by ping. The housekeeper on the side hurriedly said, "Who is below, it's not good to see the emperor?"

The woman who followed the door hurriedly pulled over the son who had dragged Chen Chen, and knelt on the ground with a whisper: "The family woman Wang Shi brought her dog to meet the emperor."

"Wang? What is your identity and what does it have to do with Chen?"

The entire Wang family shivered, and his body was clinging to the ground. "Emperor Hui, the woman is Ding Haoyun's insider. This time in Kyoto, he is looking for a husband who has not returned home for many years."

"Who is Ding Haoyun in your mouth?"

Wang's head was raised, his eyes filled with resentment and looked at the dust: "This is the beast of the wolf's heart and lungs!"

The surrounding officials didn't know what to do, Ding Haoyun and Chen Chen? This is really a big show.

With tears in Wang ’s eyes: "The emperor, a woman from Dingjia Village, a woman in Jinzhou, married Ding Haoyun 18 years ago. It was less than half a month before he got married first. Ding Haoyun left his hometown under the name of the imperial examination system. Eighteen years later, after the woman found out she was pregnant, she didn't hear back from the letter. Now that the child is eighteen years old, if it is not difficult at home and it is no longer possible to maintain a livelihood, the woman will never come out. "

Standing in the same place, Chenchen just felt a cold sweat behind his back: "It's nonsense, the poor monk doesn't know you at all."

Bai Liqing Cang said: "I haven't seen it in eighteen years, and you have no information channel for a rural woman. How can you recognize that Dust is your husband who has been missing for many years?"

"Speaking of all this extraordinary coincidence, the mistress's home was damaged by the flood. As the fugitives fled out of Jinzhou, they were taken in by a temple in Nancheng. I heard people say that Master Dust is profound, and they used to go to Nancheng temple to talk about it. In the scriptures, the little monk worshipped Master Dust and drew a portrait of Master Dust. The woman saw the portrait and recognized the man as my husband. "

"A portrait can recognize people who have been missing for more than a decade?" Bai Liqing Cang suspected.

Chen Chenguo denied: "Emperor, it is a nonsense, this is clearly someone who wants to frame the poor monk, please the emperor to check."

Wang suddenly got up, grabbed the duster's puppet, and tore his neckline sharply: "Ding Haoyun, you have a Buddhist four-dimensional mark on your neck. I can't admit that I am wrong!"

Chen Chen shoved her away: "Vixen, you ..." As soon as the words came out, he paused suddenly, "woman donor, please take care of yourself."

The eyes of the surrounding people changed, and a monk opened his mouth and shouted the word vixen, which was unheard of.

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