Minister Family’s Black Belly Woman

Chapter 271: Swell your face!

Qian Yan, who was next to the queen, said kneeling directly:

"Back to Emperor, this thing has already fulfilled Master Chen's words. Princess Zhaohua's life is really dangerous, the concubine is her mother-in-law, the queen is her aunt, and both mothers are her mother. At this moment, the two men's palaces happened one after another. Later, no one can say where it is their turn. "

She said this, and Bai Liqing Cang immediately remembered Chen Chen's life style, and the father and mother were unfavorable to her heirs, thinking of a complex look flashing in her eyes. Ninghua is a quiet child, now she also Become Jun Yi ’s princess, and she is pregnant. If her life style really has an impact on the royal family ...

Seeing the look of Baili Qingcang, Buyun trembled in his heart, and a bit of contempt flashed in his eyes. Sure enough, no matter when it was, the emperor was always cold-blooded and ruthless. Even if he loves another person, he will also be because of others. With a few words and suspicion, then the killer hurts!

"The emperor, this low-minded lover has a mouthful, and dare to speak so loudly before the imperial emperor. Just drag it down. What's nice about her?"

Baili Qingcang didn't bother Bu Yunqing's words, but frowned tightly, looking at the queen on the side: "Queen, you do n’t know to pick up when you come?"

After a while, Zhao Huiying turned her head to look at Baili Qingcang, her eyes were a little stunned, and her voice was stunned: "The emperor, look at the palace in front of you. Maybe when the courtiers are like this palace suddenly It no longer exists, and the emperor will hold me accountable for his misconduct, and he will be punished directly, so as not to be intimidated all day. "

Bitch! Bu Yunqing's eyes were angry, and the queen had right or wrong to smash the reputation of the father and mother to Ninghua!

Bai Liqing Cang pursed his lips, his expression was extremely cold.

"Mother, are you okay?" Prince Bailey Jinyi hurried over, seeing Zhao Huiying's look full of worry, came forward and supported her arm: "Father Emperor, first declare the doctor to help the mother and bandage the wound. . "

There was a flame hidden under the eyes of Bai Liqing, and he nodded impatiently when he heard the words: "Xuan Taiyi."

The prince supported the queen, and turned to look at Mei Xue aside: "Mei Xue, how did you wait for the mother-in-law so that the mother-in-law was so badly injured?"

Mei Xue immediately knelt on the ground: "Back to the Emperor, when the maid was reading a book, no one wanted to bang, the thunder came down, and the minions outside screamed, saying that the tree was chopped by thunder, and the slave was too late to look out, and felt For a while, the sky shook, and half of the palace collapsed. Fortunately, the mother got up and walked to the door two steps because of a tree accident outside, or else ... "

"Ningkun Palace lived with queens of previous generations, and was blessed by the father and emperor. How could something happen if it says something?"

"This ... Slaves are also unclear. Recently, the palace has not been unsettled. We must investigate the reasons ..."

Bai Liqing turned his head fiercely to look at the prince, his voice was extremely harsh: "Prince, if you are worried about your mother, go and urge the prince!"

Bai Li Jinyi's eyes sank, and she heard the dissatisfaction in the words of Bai Liqing Cang, and immediately received her voice, and secretly resentment in her heart: Until now, the emperor was still protecting Shen Ninghua. I really didn't know what she was good for, just because of her. It was the child that the father and emperor loved to give birth to, but the emperor's house really has deep affection? He didn't believe it!

The Physician rushed over quickly, and along with him was the Supervisor of Qin Tianjian. "Wei Chen see the emperor, long live, long live, long live the emperor."

"Well, no need to salute, this time in the vision of heaven and earth, what can you find?"

Qin Tianjian Jian was wiping the sweat on his head, and calmly said, "Emperor Uighur, according to Weichen ’s observations at these times, I found that a small star appeared around Ziweixing, faintly facing you and you. The Queen has had an adverse effect. "

The corner of Bai Liqing's eyes moved slightly, and the blue veins on his forehead flashed: "What does that star represent?"

"The star is so close to Ziwei Star. That star must be a member of the royal family. Although Master Chenchen has been imprisoned, he must not heed what he said. Weichen combined the princess Zhaohua's birthday characters and repeatedly calculated. Once again, every time it was the same as Master Chen said, Princess Zhaohua was indeed the lifeblood of the queen and queen.

Bu Yun looked coldly at Qintian Supervisor Zheng: "I remember that Sun Jianzheng's wife seems to be the last name Zhang, should it be the sister of Zhang's wife, Zhang Family?"

Sun Jianzheng immediately fell to the ground: "The return of the concubine to the concubine, at this time, the matter is of great importance. Wei Chen was not belittled by anyone. The emperor and Wei Chen's words are true.

"What if you don't tell me the truth?" A cold voice asked suddenly.

Bu Yun tilted his head to see the Baili Junyi coming over, his heart loosened slightly: "Junyi is here."

Baili Junyi stepped forward with respectful salute: "Children see the father and empress, mother, concubine, and prince."

"No courtesy."

Baili Junyi stood upright, and looked down at Qintian Jianzheng, who was kneeling down on the ground: "Sun Jianzheng, you haven't answered the question of the king yet, what if it is not true?"

Sun Jian is looking up, seeing Bai Lijun's cold eyes, and only feels that his heart is beating fiercely: "King Yi County, how can you doubt the court officials so much?"

"The court order officer? It is because of you, the court order officer that the corpse is a vegetarian, that the people have suffered so much loss, and they even call themselves the court order officer!"

"Wei Chen is wrong."

"Just because you have just framed the princess of the King, it is enough to kill all of your nine clans. You are not wronged at all!"

Sun Jian was eagerly watching Baili Qingcang: "The emperor, Wei Chen's sentences are true, and he dare not have half a word, Wei Chen is willing to prove innocence by death."

Bai Lijun sneered and looked at Sun Jianzheng with a sneer: "Okay, then you prove with death. If you die, the king will plead with the father and forgive your family!"

"The emperor ... the emperor ..." Sun Jianzheng looked up at Baili Qingcang, but found that he was allowed to make a fool of Baili Jun, and there was no meaning to stop him. Is he really going to die? No, he didn't want to die yet, thinking, he turned to look at Zhao Huiying and the prince, and his heart suddenly lightened, "Emperor, Ning Kun Palace was thundered by thunder is evidence, this is the warning that God descended, reminding the emperor that someone It is endangering the Jiangshan community! "

"Hahaha ..." Bai Lijun laughed violently, his slender eyebrows were full of smiles, and his cold phoenix eyes were even because the smile was stained with water, and he looked forward to flying for a while, Zhilan Yushu.

Sudden laughter made everyone a little surprised, Bai Li Qing Cang said: "Jun Yi, why are you laughing?"

"Father Emperor, the son-in-law was disrespectful, but just now Sun Jianzheng's remark was the funniest joke the son-son heard this year."

Sun Jianzheng's face was full of justice and stunned: "Joke? What Wei Chen said was related to Jiang Shanshe, how could it be a joke? King Yi Jun was too rude!"

Bai Lijun gradually put away his laughter: "Sun Jianzheng has been busy watching the stars in the sky all day and forgot to look at the people on the ground. Father Huang, when the sons and daughters entered the palace, they listened to Jing Wei Fu Yin said that the thunderstorm caused many houses in Kyoto to collapse, but there were no casualties. "

Bai Liqing Cang was surprised: "You said, there are people in the people's homes that have been knocked down by thunder?"

"Yes, I heard that there were also several trees that were cut by thunder. This year's thunderstorms were extraordinarily high. This was not the case in previous years. It was just because there were very few that reported to Kyoto. This year, it broke out collectively. There are also many houses and trees out there. "

Bai Lijun raised his lips and looked at Sun Jianzheng's extra ridicule: "It is clearly a normal phenomenon. How do you reach some populations and endanger the Jiangshan Society? Father Huang Yingming, the world's Haiyan He Qing, the Lord is alive, what monsters dare to come out and make trouble? "

Bu Yun laughed loudly, applauding his son: "Jun Yi is right."

I don't know what I thought of, the smile on Bai Lijun Yi's face suddenly changed, becoming extra warm and soft: "Father Emperor and Mother Concubine, they were just too angry just now, forgot there is another good news to report to you guys."

"Oh? What good news?" Bu Yunqi asked quickly.

"Hehe, Ninghua Ping'an has produced."

Bai Liqing Cang stunned, and then a smile appeared on his face: "It's not half a month, why did you give birth in advance?"

Bai Lijun smiled more and more brilliantly: "I just asked Chen Yuanzheng to help the government and looked at it, saying that because Ninghua Huai was pregnant with twins, it was produced early."

This time, not only did Baili Qingcang live, but the people present were unable to respond?

"Twin twins?" A flash of excitement flashed in Bai Liqing's eyes, with a tone of disbelief, "Twin ... Dragon and Phoenix twins?"

"Yes, Dragon and Phoenix twins!" How could Bai Lijun Yi's face couldn't hide.

"Okay!" Bai Liqing Cang laughed, the little doubts in his heart disappeared, dragons and phoenixes twins, what a blessing, what else did you say that was not good for you? If this is called unfavorable Zi Xun, who else is good for Zi Xun? Besides, he is not okay with Bu Yunqing and the queen. It is just that he collapsed a palace, split two trees, and was thundered more by the thunder. What is strange?

Zhao Huiying took a breath on her chest and almost spit out blood: Dragon and Phoenix twins, that was the Dragon and Phoenix twins. What exactly did Shen Ninghua accumulate and she could give birth to Dragon and Phoenix twins! Didn't you say that Bu Tinghe has secretly started? Why didn't she have an abortion?

Where did she know that Bu Tinghe was originally designed, but was interrupted by a thunder, but later she wanted to do it, and she also broke her arm directly by Bai Lijun Yi, still mourning in bed now.

Bai Lijun slumped his face swiftly: "Father Emperor, Ninghua Pinghua gave birth to the dragon and phoenix. This is a great event. Everyone knows that the royal family was blessed by heaven, but someone has damaged her reputation. It's really sad. "

Bai Liqing turned his head fiercely, and stared at Sun Jianzheng with a poor look: "Sun Jianzheng, say the star you just said again?"

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