Lin Yan bit his lip tightly, his lower lip was not broken, and he did not loosen his eyes. He stared at Shen Ninghua's back with eyes full of resentment and vulgarity. Suddenly, her look changed suddenly.

Baili Junyi rushed over from riding a horse and saw Shen Ninghua's expression became loose. She quickly jumped out of the horse and said, "Ninghua, I have been waiting for you in the government for a long time, why haven't you returned?"

Seeing him in a hurry, Shen Ninghua gave a meal: "Because something was delayed, what happened, but what's the matter?"

Bai Lijun's eyes flashed in embarrassment: "It's okay ..." As he said, he saw Lin Ying kneeling aside.

At this time, Lin Ye was pale on his knees, a pair of apricot eyes glowed with fragile red, slender fingers covered his cheeks, his cheeks were red and swollen, and the tears on them had not dried out. A little blood stains were added to his lips. A tortured state.

Bai Lijun narrowed his eyes slightly, and the danger in his eyes flashed, and then disappeared into the bottom of his eyes: "Because things are delayed, is it because of the person in front of me?" Ninghua entered the palace today for the purpose of the election, it now seems This woman is the one with the least eyes.

"It's all right, let's go." Shen Ninghua didn't want to see Lin Yan again. There were two children in the family waiting for her, so why bother with irrelevant people.

Bai Lijun swept coldly from Lin Zhuo, nodded, turned around and helped Shen Ninghua's arm to get on the carriage, and then he sat in and followed him directly.

Lin Yi knelt stiffly, almost smashing a silver tooth: He went away, so he just left. Isn't Baili Junyi showing a little sympathy, or is it really for Shen Ninghua to stand alone and not to be outside Flowers bloom for spring?

There is still a man who doesn't steal, she doesn't believe it! Although she was raised and raised by Lin Fu since she was a child, she was not a completely ignorant girl. Her mother taught her many women how to understand. Just now, her posture is clearly the most pitying, but she never thought it would have no effect. !!

Back at the Prince's Mansion, Bai Ye hurried over and said salutingly, "Miss, Lord Wang has brought you here. It's great. The two little masters are crying, it's useless to coax, thankfully. The Lord is back in time. "

Shen Ninghua froze and turned to look at Baili Junyi. It turned out that she hurriedly called her back because no one could coax the crying child?

"Cough." Bai Lijun coughed violently, striding towards the study, "I remember there are still things to deal with, I'll take a look first."

Shen Ninghua fluttered a laugh, thinking about Huajun Pavilion, and took two steps to suddenly say, "Bai Yun, go and give Wang Ye two pots of tea. I don't think his throat seems good, let him run his throat."

"Yes, Miss." Bai Yan stepped back with a smile, glanced at Xia Rouqin before leaving, and wondered who this woman was. Seeing her dress didn't seem to be a maid, was it the lady that the lady brought back from the palace?

Bai Ye stopped violently: if it was a show girl who was brought back from the palace, wouldn't it be said that the emperor or concubine gave the royal servant?

Hongling came over and saw her look like she slapped in the past: "Sister Bai, what's wrong with you, how does it feel like you've been thundered?"

"I'm okay," Bai Ai slammed back, taking a big breath, "Hong Ling, go and see the lady, where is the girl who came with the lady?"

"The girl who followed the young lady?" Hong Ling was still in the same place, a sense of crisis rose sharply in her heart, and someone from the palace gave her?

What Bai Ye wanted to say, saw Hong Ling slamming away like a burning butt. Bai Yan forcibly stabilized his mind, and when he sent tea to Baili Junyi, he was still absent-minded.

Baili Junyi was a little puzzled: "What's wrong with you, Bai Ye? But something happened to the princess?" Bai Ye rarely had such a look on weekdays, and at first glance, something happened.

"No, please forgive the king." Bai Ao panicked even more, her hands trembled, the tea flickered, and the tea poured out.

Baili Junyi was anxious, and could not hold her accountable. She strode directly toward the backyard, and kept speculating in her heart that she had just seen at the gate of the palace that she should be the concubine's niece, daughter of the Lin family. Ninghua was embarrassed? Or is there any other moth from the concubine and the Lin family?

He had already entered the palace and said to his father and emperor and his mother-in-law that he would not accept new people, let alone that he now has both children and children. Even without children, his relationship with Ninghua would not allow anyone to step in.

Shen Ninghua walked into the interior, and heard two anxious voices coaxing the boss and Xiaobao, and quickly entered.

I don't know if I felt the arrival of my mother. The two little buns, who were already crying and sad, slammed their mouths and squinted their eyes in the direction of Shen Ninghua.

"I've seen the princess." The four concubines knelt down on the ground, their hearts trembling constantly. They came to serve Xiaobeizi and Xiaojunzhu, but now they couldn't even coax. The princess was angry that they were not killed. Can't keep it?

Shen Ninghua didn't cry, walked to the two children, hugged them one by one, and looked at them. The two children were extremely clean and packed with toys around them, and there were cold sweats on several hoees. Even his throat was a little dumb, and he did his best.

"Let's get up, although you can't blame you all, but it is also true that you did not like Xiaobeizi and Xiaojunzhu, and you will be punished for two months of monthly service. Let's go down first." Although you do not blame them, you have to punish them, otherwise Next time, they will be lucky and not doing their best.

The four uncles listened, and quickly thanked the gimmick for saluting: "Yes, thank you Princess Renhou."

When the four of them all stepped back, Shen Ninghua looked at the two babies who were discharged together, reached out and touched the tip of their noses next to each other: "You two naughty ghosts, your mother did n’t tell you when you left, I Going to the palace, so that you can return home at home? "

"Ah ... ah ..."

The two babies thought that the mother was playing with them, one by one, holding out their small paws to grab Shen Ninghua's fingers.

Shen Ninghua felt interesting, and stretched out two hands, letting the two babies catch each other. The two little babies hugged Shen Ninghua's light-colored fingertips and pulled them into their mouths.

Shen Ninghua quickly withdrew her fingers: "Naughty! Both are naughty."

"Ah ..." The movements of the two babies were exceptionally synchronized, with their eyes wide and transparent, and Shen Ninghua grinned toothlessly.

Shen Ninghua couldn't help but laugh out loud, and just wanted to bend over and pick up one to feed her, the door was pushed open, and Bai Lijun walked in quickly.

"What's wrong?" Why look so anxious?

Bai Lijun Yi looked up and down Shen Ninghua and the two babies, and felt relieved without any abnormalities: "Ninghua, are you okay? Can someone in the palace embarrass you?" "No, you ..."

She hadn't finished a word, and Bai Yan ran over in a hurry. She trot all the way, breathing out of breath.

Shen Ninghua couldn't understand it anymore. Just when she wanted to say something, she saw that Hong Ling also ran in, and then she followed the frosty blue tit.

"What's wrong with you? One by one, Jun Yi, why are you rushing over here?"

Baili Junyi looked at Bai Ye: "I saw Bai Ye's absent-minded appearance, and thought something had happened to you, so I came to see it."

Shen Ninghua looked at Bai Yan.

Bai Ye finally managed to breathe out of breath: "Miss Huiyi, slave girl saw the girl who came back with you, it should be a show girl."

"You say the Rouqin?"

Hong Ling nodded aside: "Miss, don't be too sad, it's not just a woman, whoever is me and Chinchilla in the middle of the night ..." You can kill her dozens of times if you touch it.

She knew it was too arrogant, so she didn't finish it, but everyone at the scene knew what she meant.

The blue sparrow unconsciously dropped the short sword in his sleeve into his hands, and the murderous spirit in his eyes almost overflowed.

That is, Bizhu went outside to check the accounts, not in the house, otherwise maybe come out with an abacus.

Baili Junyi also remembered that just at the gate of the palace, it seemed that a woman had really been brought back by Ninghua. Did the father and mother-in-law respect his opinion and still stuffed the show girl? Thinking of it this way, his face suddenly sank: "You don't have to do anything, I'll deal with this matter."

With that said, turn around and walk out. He had said long ago that there would be no one except Shen Ninghua. What would happen to the emperor and concubine even if the Cypriots came over, could they still force him to spoil others? It's disgusting to think about it. It's not just a woman. There are so many ways to deal with her.

Shen Ninghua's black line on his face: "Stop! The Rouqin was brought back by me, and I want to stay by my side, so don't let anyone of you lose your mind."

Four people with eight pairs of eyes, plus two things on the side were not clear. Only the little guy who grinned and looked at Shen Ninghua was helpless for a while.

"I originally planned to find someone to teach medicine, and I could use it later. The Rouqin was my disciple, and I was going to take her as an apprentice."

what? apprentice? Princess (Miss) 's apprentice ...

Bai Ye quickly saluted: "Miss Hui Ye, the slave has just spilled the tea accidentally, and she has to clean it up. The slave quits, Hong Ling, come and help me."

"Okay, sister Sister Bai, I'll help you." Hongling quickly followed, and ran out pulling Bai Shui.

Qingque turned around and jumped out as soon as Shen Ninghua finished her explanation. Now I don't know where to hide. But for a moment, only Baili Junyi was standing in place.

Shen Ninghua smiled very hard. She turned around and hugged Xiaobao. She sat on the chair and shook it gently, but she couldn't help shaking.

Baili Junyi stepped forward and hugged his son and put it on his arm. "Haha, the boss has grown a lot lately, oops, this little arm and calf are more powerful than before, eh ..." After that, he froze suddenly.

Shen Ninghua looked up, and saw a little water fainting in front of his chest: "Ha, ha ha ..."

Shen Ninghua couldn't help laughing out loud, tears almost laughed.

The boss **** Baili Junyi: ...

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