Minister Family’s Black Belly Woman

Chapter 290: Blood splattered on the spot!

The wedding of the three princes to the side concubine arrived as scheduled. Shen Ninghua was dressing in the room, and Qingque came in with an ugly face, with blood on her arm.

Shen Ninghua's eyes moved: "Blue sparrow? Baiyun, get the medicine chest."

Qingque cares little about her injury: "Miss, slavery has something to report."

Bai Ye brought the medicine box, and Shen Ninghua frowned to help her apply medicine: "What is it?"

Qingque's martial arts is high in strength. After knowing that she was born in Biyun Pavilion, Shen Ninghua separately made medicine to help her manage the bruises. Now her martial arts has recovered as before, and there are not many people who can hurt her like this.

Bone was visible on the wound on the arm, and there was a lot of blood flow. The clothes on the entire arm were thoroughly penetrated, but the blue bird didn't even move his eyebrows: "The injuries on the slaves were stabbed by the people of Biyunge. They There are a total of six people, and it can be said that they are the highest martial arts in Biyun Pavilion. The slaves found that they were all hidden among the servants of Tinghe in the Three Princes' Palace. "

"Hidden among the waitresses who serve Tinghe? What does the queen want to do to ruin the three princes' wedding?"

"The slaves didn't know either, but someone found the slaves by accident, so the slaves killed them all and asked the lady to plead guilty."

Shen Ninghua looked at her and shook her head: "I said long ago that things are in a hurry. Once something happens, you can handle it by yourself. Kill it and kill it. It will protect your identity from being leaked and weaken Biyun Pavilion. Strength, kill two birds with one stone, what do I punish you for? No clue left? "

"No, the slaves dealt with it very cleanly." The blue bird nodded quickly, his tight look relaxed a lot.

"Well, it's fine without it." Shen Ninghua contemplates, "Why did the Queen send someone in the past?"

After thinking for a long time, I couldn't understand what was going on. Shen Ninghua always felt uneasy. The queen has been quiet for some time. The emperor's restraint on her and the Zhao family has increased step by step. Until now, the Zhao family ’s homeowner is not in the chapel Dare to speak up. The queen should know very well that it is best to do nothing at this time. It is better for the three princes to be arrogant, but she sends someone to the three princes' palace ...

Wait, Shen Ninghua flashed in front of her eyes, because she knew that Biyun Pavilion was the force of the queen, so she realized that the person in charge was the queen, but the emperor and others did not know. The queen dares to make trouble, and must find a good substitute for the dead ghost. No matter from which point of view, the best substitute for the dead ghost is definitely her and Baili Junyi!

"Blue Sparrow, you can rest in the house first, let Hong Ling do the rest."

"No, miss, Biyun Pavilion has a unique channel for transmitting messages. Those people were killed by me. Naturally, no news will be passed back. The queen will soon feel different, so I can only go there. "The blue bird's gaze is firm." And, this injury is nothing at all. "

Originally in Biyun Pavilion, she almost chopped off her entire arm and had to complete the task, let alone just scratched her mouth. Otherwise, she could not always occupy the top position of Biyun Pavilion.

Seeing Shen Ninghua still frowning, Qingque quickly added: "If the lady does not let the slaves go, the slaves will sneak away."

Shen Ninghua was amused by her, so that Bai Ye took the best medicine, and nodded after he helped bandages: "You go, keep in touch with Hongling in time. No matter what the queen does, all we have to do is stop her. . "

Although she also hated Bu Tinghe, she was even more jealous of the queen, so she wanted to deal with the queen first, and still deal with the queen's affairs first, and this time, Bu Tinghe would definitely not make trouble, after all, Prince An was watching Now, he must let Buting Hean marry the three princes securely.

Shen Ninghua made arrangements, and Baili Junyi did not stop there. He was responsible for solving the problem of Qing Tiange, but Biyun Pavilion had a lot of success because of the blue bird, and he had to rely on his own efforts.

After all the arrangements were made, the two men took the carriage and drove to the Three Princes' House.

Bu Tinghe, wearing a red wedding dress, sat in the sedan chair with the help of Magpie, and the face under the hijab was full of coldness, but there was no joy at all.

The sound of music from outside was Ji Qing, but all her ears became irritable. She squeezed Yu Ruyi in her hand tightly, and there was a hint of hatred in her eyes: when she came from Dayue Kingdom with the shock of the steps, her heart was full of excitement and joy. She just wanted to come to Da'an Kingdom and help the watch. Brother regained his identity, and then married him as his wife. Now thinking about it, it seems like another generation.

My cousin was full of Shen Ninghua's bitch, and hated herself repeatedly for her! Thinking of Bai Lijun's eyes, she hated her teeth.

Many times, she has the feeling that she should marry a cousin, and with her help, the cousin became the emperor, and she deserved to become the queen. The two loved each other, respected each other as guests, and grandchildren!

But why is it now?

"Get off the car!"

The ceremonial officer's singing interrupted her thoughts. Bu Tinghe was helped to come out, and then a piece of red silk was stuffed in her hands. Then she felt the traction, and she walked obediently, but every time she walked One step, she felt unwilling to deepen a point.

He who should marry his cousin should become the queen of Da Anguo, and then the mother of the world accepts the worship of all peoples. Why is she now married to the three princes?


The sound came from her ear. She felt a push on her back and obeyed obediently. She just felt like a puppet. Was she really destiny? No, it's impossible. That month's inhuman pain has endured. Now, if she plans well, she can certainly achieve what she thinks in her heart.

As long as you have the supreme power, then when you want to kill, you only need to command, who you want, you just need to tick your fingers. By then ...

Bu Tinghe raised the corners of her lips, and the light in her eyes became brighter and brighter.

Because of the special status of Bu Tinghe and the presence of Prince An in person, Bai Liqing Cang and the Queen also came. At this time, they were sitting in the highest position, next to the prince on the left hand side, Prince An on the right hand side, and then the prince princess civil and military officials.

Shen Ninghua sat next to Baili Junyi and watched the newcomer saluting in the hall. He said quietly to Baili Junyi: "You said that we had to marry a concubine like this, and who would dare to marry her daughter to Three princes? "

Bai Lijun drew his lips, holding Shen Ninghua's hand in the palm of his hand without a trace: "Officials with high ranks do not want their daughters to be suppressed by side concubines, and daughters of officials with low ranks are not enough. That is not the same Did Prince Ann mean it? "

Shen Ninghua smiled, with a hint of slyness in her eyes: "Isn't the emperor giving a wedding?"

Baili Junyi and her looked at each other, and a smile flashed in her eyes at the same time. Bu Tinghe is now too prosperous and can be said to be invincible in the third prince's palace, but if a woman with the same noble status has become a concubine ? By then, the two will be busy enough for the three princes!

The salute was completed, and Bu Tinghe was sent to the new house to wait.

The waitress came to invite Shen Ninghua: "Slave has seen Princess Yi, and Princess Prince invites you there."

Shen Ninghua's heart moved: "Prince?" Prince Baili Jinyi was married to Gu Ya, the daughter-in-law of the Gu family, but heard that the princess's health was bad, and she gave birth to a daughter who hurt her foundation. Part-time training in other hospitals, I rarely attend banquets. Why did I come today?

Shen Ninghua looked at Bai Lijun Yi, smiled slightly at him, then stood up and went out with the maid. Bai Lijun lifted the wine glass and took a sip, a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes. The prince also helped, and it seems the queen is bound to get it this time.

When Shen Ninghua walked by, it was found that it was not only her who was called outside, but also the second concubine Yang Yingxue and the sixth concubine Zhao Rugao. In addition to the four concubines who were not here, the current wife of the princes who were currently married was one representative. not bad.

Prince Gu's appearance is not amazing, with a breath of illness, but also a full beauty. She was wearing a princess costume, with some warmth in her eyes, and the fragrance of the book lingering around her looked extremely gentle.

"I have seen the princess."

"My sister is free." Gu Shi personally stepped forward and lifted Shen Ninghua with surprise in her eyes. "I used to hear about my sister's beauty, but my body has never been upset, and I have never been able to see each other. Now, at first sight, it is really well-known The title of the first beauty of Da Anguo. "

Shen Ninghua smiled: "The princess has broken me."

Gu smiled and looked very mild. She came from the government of the Patriotic Palace and had a very high status, but her population was simple. Coupled with her parents ’pets, she did not suffer any grievances after marrying a prince. In addition, she was in poor health. Zhuang Xiuyang has never seen those contending pickles. Her character is similar to that of her unmarried couple. She likes a person but she really likes it.

So after seeing Shen Ninghua as before, she kept holding her hand. Shen Ninghua is sensitive to people's breath, and naturally can tell whether she is true or false. After seeing Gu's temperament, she praised her quite.

After all, there are not many people in the royal family who can be so innocent.

Gu Shi pulled Shen Ninghua and said with a smile:

"Now my body is much better, so I came to see the bride at the third brother's wedding. It is said that it is a beauty comparable to Ninghua. So, the sisters of the second and fifth princes were called to see them together. , Originally wanted to be the sister of the fourth prince's family, but unfortunately she just finished the small labor and did not come to the wedding, it is a pity. "

"The princess is in good health, and there are many opportunities to attend the banquet in the future. It is not urgent to meet the four princesses."

"Well, you're right. Let's go to the new house and take a chat with her."

Yang Yingxue had the lowest status. Without her speaking, Zhao Ruyi was afraid of Shen Ninghua and did not dare to interject. Only the princess and Shen Ninghua said that it was lively.

A few people came to the door of the new house, but they didn't see that the door was bare, not even a guarding magpie.

Gu's frown: "Where have all the people at this door gone?"

A hint of blood came from the tip of his nose, and Shen Ninghua stopped abruptly, and the coldness in her eyes exploded: something happened!

"Prince, I don't feel right, either. Let the maid call the door first."

Gu's nodded and motioned to the maid behind to knock on the door. The maid stepped forward for a long while, but no one answered: "Prince concubine, nobody seems to be in the room ..."

She said, and shoved the door at random, never thinking the room would suddenly pop open, and the strong, sickening **** flavour burst out.


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