Minister Family’s Black Belly Woman

Chapter 293: Who wants to rebel?

Bu Tinghe screamed in a lifeless way, and the person with a stabbing voice had pain in the ear. At this time, no one paid attention to her, and everyone looked at the guards and officers and men who came in at the door.

Baili Qingcang took a step back, a flash of shock flashed in his eyes: "You are the guards of the north camp?" They were not stationed outside the city, how could they suddenly appear here?

Shen Ninghua stepped forward and stood beside Bai Liqing Cang's body, her heart was very anxious. After learning about the queen's plot, Baili Junyi finished the affairs in the yard and quickly moved to the army for emergency.

Although there was Xiao Fengyi's containment on the Xiao family's side, the Queen's manpower must have been planted in the army. It would not only be useless to transfer them over, saying that it would make the situation more dangerous.

The second prince was in charge of military power, but Baili Jinchuan and him were deadly enemies. Moreover, he also had a bad attitude towards Shen Ninghua, and he would not help.

Without revealing your own power, the only thing that can be used is the Xiying Army under the command of the Lin family! The royal sword given by the emperor in his hand was not a problem in temporarily moving the army, but he miscalculated the time and did not expect that the garrison in Chengbei Battalion would be transferred by the queen.

The north guard of the city battalion commanded Yang Ye walked in quickly, and when he saw the Bailiqing Cang suddenly smiled: "Weichen see the emperor."

"Yang Ye, there is no order from You, how dare you lead the army into Kyoto without permission?" Bai Liqing Cang suppressed his anger and stared at Yang Ye with his eyes dead.

"The emperor, Wei Chen naturally came to the rescue by the order of the master." Yang Ye's face was loyal, but his tone was extraordinarily indifferent.

"Rescue, what driver are you here to save, and who is your master?"

Yang Ye laughed, his eyes glanced from Shen Ninghua and others: "The reason why Weichen came to rescue the driver was because someone had held the emperor intent and rebelled to force the emperor to abdicate, so Weichen came to rescue the driver. As for who the master is After the emperor is rescued by Wei Chen, it will become clear naturally. "

"Bold! Presumptuous! There is no one to hold on to here!" Bai Liqing's heart was angry, and the dignity of an emperor was provoked, and the anger was almost out of breath.

Yang Ye stepped back involuntarily, and his arrogance slightly converged: "The emperor, the five princes, together with Princess Zhaohua and others held you, intending to misbehave you, Weichen killed them for you!"

Shen Ninghua stepped forward fiercely, with a solemn look that could not be violated. She stared coldly at the soldiers around her: "Yang Ye intends to rebel. Will you also die?"

As soon as this word came out, the soldiers who wanted to step forward suddenly stopped their feet, holding the spear and didn't know what to do.

Yang Ye yelled and yelled, "What are you doing, not even listening to my official orders?"

Shen Ninghua sneered, her figure stood straight: "Let them listen to you, huh, listen to your death? Yang Ye, you can just rebel and kill you, but you disregard the soldiers around you. Life, they have wives and children in their homes! "

"Full of bullshit! Don't listen to this demon girl and deceive the crowd. When everything is done, you will all be heroes who support the new monarch. Then you will be honored and worshipped by the descendants of Fu Yin!"

"Hahaha," Shen Ninghua suddenly laughed loudly. She smiled forward and back, as if facing a group of rabbits holding hands instead of soldiers, "It seems you want to work from the dragon, but I I want to ask you, even if the dragon's strength is in front of you, can you bear it? "

Shen Ninghua sullenly looked cold, his voice as cold as frost: "Do n’t you know who you are? You are horsemen, you are used to die! Even if you can succeed today, that ’s a piece of corpse flowing out of your body. Bloody road, let others step over your body, Xinjun ascended the throne, the first thing to do is to kill you first! "

The soldiers were panicked by Shen Ninghua's words. Many people were so scared that they couldn't hold the spear:

"Yes, there are old mothers in my family ..."

"I am the only child in my family. My parents are waiting for me to go back!"

"My dad and dad don't want to be rich, but just to go home safely and marry my wife and have a son!"

Hearing the sounds around him, Yang Ye suddenly pulled out the sword in his hand: "Observe orders is the most important thing you should do. If you don't listen, don't blame my officials for being merciless!"

"Oh, Yang Ye, you just said you want them to be worshipped, and you are going to kill them now?" Shen Ninghua laughed sarcastically, her slender figure was standing more straight, her beautiful face was firm and windy Blowing and letting the hair behind her dance with the wind, almost fascinated people.

Yang Ye knew that he could not speak Shen Ninghua. He simply shot down the soldiers who had stepped back to cut down the first level, and looked at the others with a grim face: "You obeyed the order and killed Princess Zhaohua and others who intended to rebel. There is a bright future waiting for you. If you don't obey the order, then it's like this person's side, and now the blood is on the spot! "

The soldier was hacked, and blood spewed out directly, splashing Shen Ninghua's body, and some splashed on her face, but her look remained the same, watching the dragon scale guards standing in a line waiting to be held, pulling the hundred miles Cang retreated quickly, into the blood-stained room, and closed the door deadly.

"Father Emperor, Jun Yi is holding the sword above to adjust the Xicheng Army. He will be here soon, and he will be fine when he arrives."

Bai Liqing Cang looked very tired, watching Shen Ninghua's blood stained but extremely firm face, a trace of warmth in his heart: "You girl, if you are not afraid of those people just now, wouldn't you be afraid they would kill you crazy? "

Shen Ninghua suddenly smiled, her smile was beautiful and beautiful. She reached out and took out a dagger from her sleeve: "My identity is a princess, plus the words that are irritated, even if you want to kill me, Yang Ye personally came forward and killed him. I am so good at building prestige. This dagger is highly toxic, and I can also kill Yang Ye by desperately killing me. When the dragons are headless, the soldiers will not have a climate! "

Bai Liqing's eyes flashed, how could she never have thought of her plan like this: "Don't you want to think about your child?"

Shen Ninghua shook her head: "Father, I only know that once you have an accident, the people behind the scenes succeed in rebellion. When the country is turbulent, my children will be less likely to be left! Only if you are safe and sound, will they be able to survive. Say, you love me like my own daughter, and I can't watch you. "

Bai Liqing gave Shen Ninghua a deep look, and those eyes were full of sincerity. She said that, and she really thought so.

Baili Qingcang felt that her mind was severely calmed down, and it took a while before she raised her hand to wipe the blood off her face: "You can rest assured that the Father is the master of the world, and it is not so easy."

There was a shout of killing outside, the dragon scale army martial arts high strength, but after all, the number of people is small, the ants bite more elephants, the two fists are difficult to defeat the four hands, defeat is sooner or later. Now I can only look forward to Baili Junyi hurrying over.

The green bird and Hongling are guarding around Shen Ninghua and others. Suddenly, the blue bird suddenly pulls Shen Ninghua: "Miss, be careful!"

Shen Ninghua swung sideways, a feather arrow shot in, rubbing her side to the ground!

Hong Ling took the table and stood up in front of her. Shen Ninghua pulled Baili Qingcang and others to squat behind him. Yang Yingxue couldn't dodge as much as being shot by Yu Jian's arm, and fell to the ground with an exclamation.

Shen Ninghua quickly pulled her over: "Cousin!"

Yu Jian brushed down in the room, and the shouting and killing sound became louder and louder, Yang Ye's voice was particularly prominent: "rush into the room, except the emperor, not one!"

Bai Liqing Cang's face was ugly, and his sturdy lips lined up in a straight line, and his expression was extra dignified: The Dragonscale Army was defeated!

Shen Ninghua clenched his dagger, all palms were sweaty. The gate was bumped by people, and Qingque and Hongling stepped forward and slammed the door against the danger.

"Break!" Yang Ye looked at the closed door with eyes full of excitement.

Hong Ling bit her lip, and her arm was stabbed with a spear from the outside.

At the critical moment, Baili Junyi arrived with the Xicheng Army! The two soldiers will rush together, screaming and bloody, and one yard will become a battlefield between the two armies.

It was impossible for the queen to hear such a big movement. At this moment, her heart was agitated, but her face must remain calm.

"I don't know what happened, Prince Ann, you sit down first, and the palace and the prince will go and take a look."

Prince An's eyes shook, and he went out to take a look, and brought the Prince? It seems this is a major event: "Queen, please."

At this point he was powerless, even if he had the heart. The queen dared to do it, and it was a long-term plan, and he could only watch it change. I only hope that the Queen's plan will not succeed, otherwise their plans will be lost.

The queen came to the door, raised her foot to step out, but was stopped by the sudden appearance of the dead: "The emperor has a purpose, and no one can step out of the hall."

Zhao Huiying frowned sharply: "Excessive, this palace is going out, you dare to stop?"

"Subordinates act in accordance with the will of the emperor, please be forgiving."

"Let's go!" Zhao Huiying gave a cold drink, but the dead men were completely unmoved.

The prince stepped forward and wanted to break out, but the dead men pulled out their swords sharply, pointed their swords at the queen and the prince, and the atmosphere was killed and condensed.

Zhao Huiying was panicked. The emperor had dead men and ordered them to be locked in the hall. Did she already know her plan?

The killing sound was more and more fierce outside, she shook her head in her heart to deny it, impossible! Once the emperor knew, it wasn't as simple as trapping them. No matter how these people came out, she had to rush out and check the situation.

"Do you dare to do anything to this palace and the prince?"

"The emperor has the will, and no one shall step out of the hall!"

"If this palace has to go out, do you want to kill this palace and the prince on the spot?" Zhao Huiying | with a serious face, "This cannot be the will of the emperor, who are you sending out the rebels? Does anyone want to You have to be rebellious before you were instructed to do this? "

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