Minister Family’s Black Belly Woman

Chapter 318: Mess! Hit it!

Shen Ninghua personally watched some of the severely ill victims, prescribed the medicine and watched them drink, and then breathed a sigh of relief after the diagnosis. Although the symptoms were a little serious, thankfully, it was late in the autumn and the weather was not too hot, so I was able to control it carefully. Stay, when you're through it, it will be a lot easier.

After a busy day, Shen Ninghua and Baili Junyi returned to their residence to rest. The two children seemed to know the hardships of their parents. They only played quietly for a while, and were obediently taken to rest.

Hong Ling sorted out the news from the newspapers and sent it to Shen Ninghua:

"Miss, the slaves have sent someone to inquire. Some time ago, many victims were forced to leave from here and ask for help from the surrounding areas. However, because the surrounding towns are far away, they are also very poor, and the people who really get help. Not much. "

"We came too late," Shen Ninghua sighed slightly, looking at Baili Junyi, "Jun Yi, but what has been investigated about Zhou's family?

"In Zhoucheng, almost everyone is silent about the Zhou family's affairs. However, some problems can be seen from their attitude. The Zhou family has absolute right to speak in Zhoucheng. Don't move alone, bring a blue **** or red diamond in and out. "

"Well, rest assured, I will pay attention."

The two were tired for a day, and soon they hugged and fell asleep after washing.

In the middle of the night, a sudden knock on the door rang.

Baili Junyi opened his eyes, and there was no trace of frowning in his eyes, and he frowned and asked, "Who, what?"

Qingque's discourse was rushed: "Prince, slave slave Qingque, something happened to the victims in Zhoucheng. The people wanted to drive away the victims, and now they are out. Many people were injured. Even the city gates were opened from the inside. Many People were kicked out. "

Bai Lijun stood up sharply and walked out wearing his clothes. Shen Ninghua also woke up and quickly got dressed.

Baili Junyi took the sabre and coldly instructed: "The blue **** comes in, you follow the princess, you must protect her safety."


Shen Ninghua contemplates for a moment, opens the jewelry box, carefully pulls out two jade badges, and then makes the bluebird take the medicine chest, and the two quickly go towards the gate of the city.

The torches at the gate of the city were brightly lit, and the porridge sheds on both sides of the street had been pushed down. The pots and bowls were shattered to the ground. Many seriously injured victims were lying on both sides of the street, and there were scattered blood on the ground.

Just as Baili Junyi arrived, Zhou Da with blood on her head broke out of the crowd: "Master Wang? You must be careful. Some diggers are taking advantage of the trouble and you must not come forward Too close, Xiaguan has asked officers and men to maintain order. "

Bai Lijun's face was ugly, and people in the middle of the street were constantly pushing and pushing the victims towards the city gate. His mouth kept shouting: "Get out, get out of Zhoucheng."

"How is this going?"

Zhou Da's eyes were full of anxiety. After hearing his words, he lifted his sleeves and wiped the blood on his head: "Xiaguan suddenly received the news in the middle of the night. I only heard that people were making troubles. What's going on, when they came here, the people of Zhoucheng had already fought with the victims. "

Bai Lijun's eyebrows were locked tightly, and he turned around and said coldly to the guard behind him, "Separate the people here, what's the noise?"

With the addition of these trained guards, the scene was quickly brought under control. The people of Zhou Cheng and the victims stood on both sides of the street, with anger and unwillingness on their faces.

Bai Lijun Yi was so impressed that no one dared to speak again. He glanced coldly from the people on both sides and asked out loud, "Who will tell my king, what is going on?"

People, look at me, I look at you, and don't even speak.

Shen Ninghua stood on the side of Bai Lijun and looked at the people in Zhoucheng next to him. He said lightly: "I heard that the people in Zhoucheng have always been the most enthusiastic and kind. How can they conflict with the victims today? Are the previous rumors false ? "

When the people suddenly began to talk absurdly: "The princess is wrong, even if we are kind, we can't ignore our lives."

"Yes, my children are all in trouble. I don't know who else will be involved next. Would you have to sacrifice your life to save someone?"

"It's all those victims. They brought the disaster to Zhoucheng."

"Kick them out and kick them all out so we can be saved!"

"Yes, drive them away, we have to live!"

Shen Ninghua frowned slightly, turned to look at Bai Lijun Yi, and nodded at him.

Bai Lijun turned his head coldly, flashed into the people, and arrested several people who had just taken the lead in shouting.

Seeing that the people on his side were thrown to the ground, someone shouted again, "If the Lord and the Princess want to save people, will they sacrifice our people in Zhoucheng?"

"Yeah, even if you want to show kindness, you have to see what is really good. Is it necessary to sacrifice the entire people of Zhoucheng in order to rescue hundreds of victims, there are tens of thousands of people here!"

"Give us an explanation. We need an explanation. If we don't get any explanation today, we will desperately drive these disaster sources out."

Shen Ninghua stepped forward and came to a person: "Just now you shouted the most vigorously, you think that it should be the most affected, then I ask you, what disasters did the victims bring to you?"

The people on the ground were a little dumbfounded, and they didn't expect that they would be taken out so quickly: "Those victims have brought the plague, and many people in Zhoucheng have been infected, especially the people living around here. Some children have My body is hot and almost out of breath. "

Shen Ninghua's face was cold: "Where are the children who want to stop their breath? You say that these victims are the source of the spread of the plague. Then you are really bold. You don't want to hurry away, and you try hard to move forward."

As soon as this word came out, the people who were still angry suddenly calmed down, and backed up inadvertently, fearing that they would be infected by the plague.

The people on the ground said again: "Even if we are infected, we should drive these people away, and we should not let them harm more people."

The people nodded and immediately echoed: "Yeah, we are here anyway, and infection is inevitable, then we should just drive them away and keep them from harming others."

Shen Ninghua looked up at them, with a ridiculous tone of irony: "Isn't the most important thing now is to treat people infected with the plague?" It was really unexpected that someone would catch the victims when they entered the city to make trouble, just don't Knowing these things has nothing to do with the Zhou family.

The people who had been taken out alone and took the lead to speak out: "We will never be good without driving these people away!"

The people who accompanied him this time were much less, because a woman rushed out with her unconscious child: "Prince! Please ask the princess to save my child."

The woman's hair was messy, her face was covered with tears, and she was holding a red-blooded child about three or four years old with her hands, her eyes begging.

Shen Ninghua stepped forward to check, her frown was very tight, the child was flushed, and she was still convulsing from time to time. It looked very worried: "When did this child start to develop this symptom?"

"It was this evening that I wouldn't let him run around, but he didn't listen, he just wanted to go to the street. I just took him to the street to take a look. I didn't want to be infected with the plague. Best of all, you must be able to save my child, right? "

Shen Ninghua turned to look aside: "But there are other children infected?"

"Yes, yes!"

Several other people came out with their children in their arms, with a sadness and despair around them. Their children are still alive and dead. If they can't be saved, even if they die, their victims will be kicked out and killed! Let them pay their lives!

Shen Ninghua looked next to each other, her eyes looked so cold, these children were not infected with the plague at all, but were poisoned!

Bai Lijun Yi stepped forward: "Ninghua, how is it?"

"Let people check the residences of these families, get some well water and what they have left over." Zhoucheng is arid, and everybody has wells dug. This is most likely the well water Something went wrong.

On the side of Zhou Da's fingers trembled, his eyes were lowered calmly.

Baili Junyi immediately instructed people to go: "Ninghua, but someone secretly mischief and poisoned in the well water?" He didn't keep his voice down, so the people around him heard it and talked for a while.

"Impossible, who would poison for no reason?"

"Yeah, and if there is something wrong with the well water, isn't it that only the children are in trouble?"


Shen Ninghua ignored the surrounding sounds, and there were 800 guards present, and no one dared to move randomly, so let them talk about it first.

Soon, those who went to fetch water rushed back.

Shen Ninghua looked at several well waters next to each other and finally confirmed it: "Jun Yi, someone has poisoned the well water, the toxicity is not strong, and because the well water is diluted, it is not very obvious for adults, but children are different, they Your body is much weaker, and you ’re sick. "

"how can that be?"

"Yes, is it wrong? How could someone poison a well in a well, what if he killed someone?"

"The princess is wrong ..."

Hearing the questioning sounds around him, Shen Ninghua turned her head and gave them a cold glance: "If you don't believe me, come and drink more water, maybe you can realize the effect of poisonous hair."

The people who just came out suddenly silenced, and they were not stupid. How could they come forward to be the testers themselves?

This conclusion came out, and the victims nearby were emotional: "It is clearly not our problem, but you want to drive us out and have injured a lot of people. Shouldn't you apologize?"

"Why do you have to apologize? Who knows if the poison is yours?"

"How could it be us, if you don't apologize today, we will never give up!"

"Don't stop, don't stop, see who can beat who!"

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