Minister Family’s Black Belly Woman

Chapter 389: Dirty water constantly

Bai Lijun Yi did not hesitate the accusations of the three princes, but instead gave him a strange glance: "Brother three empires, in the face of such a false accusation against the master, I just kicked, why do you react so much?"

"The matter has not been questioned and understood. Is it possible that the obituary also said that the five emperor's actions were a bit suspicion!"

Bai Lijun sneered, and was about to say something, but was stopped by Shen Ninghua ’s exit: "Jun Yi, let the three emperors make it clear that things are going by. Why do you have to be so anxious, the Qing emperor clears himself, the father and emperor will naturally return I am innocent. "

The third prince just spoke, and was stopped by the cold eyes of the concubine: "Princess Zhaohua, this palace and the third prince came together just now, and they are still confused. How did he know what happened?" , Innocence to yourself.

After the three princes had a meal, his face suddenly sank, and he almost said to Shen Ninghua: "Yes, Princess Zhaohua wants to prove her innocence, and don't pour dirty water on others at will."

Qi Guifei's face was full of tears: "The emperor, Chen Ye's niece went into the palace to visit me today. Today Chen Ye thought that Sister Gui Ye's sister would hold a flower-viewing feast, let her come and relax, if you know the results today, Chen Xun would rather she practice the rules at home, my poor child, how old is she, how could she be a poisoned hand ... "

Yang Yingxue stepped forward and supported Qi Guifei: "Concubine concubine, you must be sad, the emperor will definitely give Miss Qi an account."

Bai Liqing's face was tense: "Ninghua, what are you talking about?"

"Yes, Father Emperor," Shen Ninghua stepped forward slightly. "I was in the garden to admire the flowers. Who knew that the palace lady Lu Rou suddenly ran over, saying that Yang Fangfei passed out, and she was still full of blood because she knew me. I was nearby and knew medicine, so she asked me to ask for help. I had some doubts in my heart. Why did n’t I go to the doctor or the concubine, and came to me, but I thought Yang Fangfei was my cousin. So I came to see for myself. After thinking about this, I found that the woman lying on the ground was not Yang Fangfei at all, but the palace girl pushed me from behind while I looked, so that my feet and All the dresses were stained with blood. After that, she yelled, and you should be clear about the rest. "

Yang Yingxue was surprised: "Princess Zhaohua, I was originally invited to participate in the flower viewing feast, but when I heard that Qi Guifei was unwell, I went to her Chunlan Hall to visit, and thought about it later. The niangni came here together, and there was no step out of Chunlan Temple. Among them ... "

Shen Ninghua's calm eyes fell on Yang Yingxue, and it took a while to turn away: "I want to come here. It is designed by someone. I remember Lu Rou is the maid of your side, otherwise I won't follow her at will."

"Yes, Miss Qi was originally in Chunlan Hall, but when I heard that the queen concubine was about to have a banquet here, I thought of coming first. I was afraid she was unfamiliar with the road in the palace. She was also familiar with Gongzhong, so she led the way. Who ever thought that would turn out to be this way. "

Concubine Gui feels that the atmosphere around her is so fierce that she turns around and finds Lin Lin: "Hey, why is your face so pale, but scared?"

When suddenly questioned, Lin Yan shuddered: "No ... no, but I didn't expect Princess Zhaohua to be ..." She said, facing Shen Ninghua's gaze, she seemed to be frightened and stopped, but, This kind of support makes people more and more curious.

Bai Liqing Cang asked, "What's wrong, but what do you see?"

Lin Yan's face became whiter and more powerful, and he reached out and held Bu Yonghan aside, as if he had got some courage: "Back to Emperor Hui, Princess Yong Han and I originally wanted to chat with Princess Zhao Hua, but just got closer A few steps, but found that she followed the maid in a hurry, and we followed with some curiosity, but did not expect ... "

"What do you see?"

"We were far away and didn't see much. We only saw Princess Zhaohua and Miss Qi who fell down at her feet. At that time, she didn't respond. We didn't find out until the palace girl screamed."

The words of Lin Yan just fell, and the kicked-out maiden green trembled up and trembled up, "The emperor, it was Miss Qi who asked the slave to go to Princess Zhaohua. I was worried and went away. Who knew that after Princess Zhaohua came, she only spoke a few words with Miss Qi, and then knocked her down on the rocky hill. The slaves were driven aside and wanted to save everyone. It's too late to cry out for help. "

Bai Liqing Cang narrowed her eyes and looked at Shen Ninghua. She stood quietly, looking calmly without the slightest wave, without any fear or worry: "Ninghua, when you said that you were here, Qi Ying had fallen on It was on the ground, but the maid said that you were pushed down after talking to you for a few words, and the deviation was too great. "

Shen Ninghua looked up, her face calmed: "Father, such a big difference can only mean that someone is lying."

Bai Liqing's cold eyes swept across the crowd, just at this time, the Taiyi rushed over: "Taiyi, see Miss Qi's condition."

The Taiyi rushed forward and accidentally touched Qi Ying's face when she tried to breathe. Her heart sank and her whole body was frozen. The person died completely: "Back to the Emperor, this lady has no breath at all. From the head Looking at the wound, it should be caused by the impact. "

After listening to Taiyi's reply, everyone could not help but take a breath. This really hit him. The skeptical eyes fell on Shen Ninghua.

Yang Yingxue stepped forward slightly to salute: "The emperor, the concubine, Miss Qi has passed away, so it is not a problem to let her lie on the ground and be watched. It is better for two people to help her dress up."

After hearing this, Qi Guifei came from sadness, tears were falling down, her mother was Ding Shanbei, and Qi Ying was the only girl of the Qi family. She had planned to let her marry to the second prince ’s palace. In this way, she would take care of it, and it would not be deceived. Who ever thought that something had happened without asking the emperor to marry him, how should she explain to her maiden family!

"Chun Lan, Chun Ju, you go."

"Yes, mother."

The two court maids stepped forward and wanted to lift Qi Ying out of the pool of blood. Who knew that they slipped on one hand and even fell Qi Ying's body, and then kneeled down to plead guilty: "The mother-in-law forgiveness, slavery should be dead . "

"Ah, there seems to be something in Miss Qi's hand." With an exclaim, everyone quickly looked over, and a corner of the thing in Qi Ying's hand seemed to be a note.

Qi Guifei personally came forward and took it, seeing the contents of the note, she could not believe Shen Ninghua, her face was pale: "This ..."

Yang Yingxue stepped forward to hold Qi Guifei, saw the contents of the note, widened his eyes in surprise, and murmured: "Please don't deal with the second cousin anymore ..."

Although she was quiet around, her voice was quiet, but she was still heard: Second cousin, not many members of the Qi Ying family, she can be called second cousin, it seems that there is only one, that is Qi Guifei Son-the second prince Baili Jinchuan.

Baili Qingcang saw the content on the note, and his eyes moved with suspicion across Shen Ninghua and Baili Jinchuan. At first, the second child asked him to marry Shen Ninghua, but unfortunately, he did not succeed in the end. Is there still a relationship between them? ?

The palace lady Lu Rou suddenly exclaimed: "It is no wonder that Miss Qi has always been serious about her heart. It turned out to be this way. The concubine lady, Miss Qi has long been pleased by His Royal Highness Her Royal Highness II, and has deeply rooted her Royal Highness Her Royal Highness. This is the discovery of His Royal Highness He Zhao Princess Hua's private affairs, so I met the princess alone, and wanted to suppress this matter, who would have thought that the princess turned out to prevent the incident, killing people ... "

Qi Guifei's face tightened suddenly, and then she suddenly realized that the people behind him should really be Shen Ninghua and her son. Qi Ying just suffered the blame! The tears in her eyes snapped back. Bai Li Jinchuan was her only inverse scale. No one could touch her. She pulled back her arm from Yang Yingxue, and her eyes fell coldly on her: Lurou followed her. , And she wanted to send Qi Ying to the second prince's house. If she did something because of jealousy, it would be possible ...

Feeling Qi Guifei's estranged attitude, Yang Yingxue jumped heartily and lowered her head casually.

Bai Liqing's eyes were so dark that he thought it was only related to Shen Ninghua. He didn't expect that even the second child was involved: "Ninghua, can you know the sin?"

Shen Ninghua coldly glanced at Lu Rou: "The son-in-law did nothing and naturally did not know what crime he committed. It was a little strange, when a little maid would dare to scrutinize the master's affairs, and said boldly Is it time to get involved with the princess and prince? "

Lu Rou quickly scratched her head and broke her forehead a few times, and the bright red blood flowed out: "The emperor, the slaves just said what they knew, and they did not dare to have the slightest speculation about the masters and the emperors. Having been around Qi Guifei's mother for many years, she did not dare to bite the master at will. If the emperor did not believe it, slaves were willing to prove their innocence by death! "Then, he climbed up and slammed into the rockery on the side.

Bai Lijun sneered sneer, and had been prepared for you to come! I thought, hitting Lu Rou's chest with one foot, and kicked her to the ground: "The father didn't say anything to let you die. You can't die like that!"

Lin Ying's heart jumped, many people felt that his chest was stuffy, and Prince Yi's kick was too hard. They even heard the sound of the broken ribs.

Shen Ninghua's sightlessness swept across the crowd, and then she stood up and said, "Father, this is the end of the matter, it should be over.

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