"It's very simple, just use the power of thought to lift the cauldron, and you can't use the power of heaven."

After Changsun Converted, he looked at the little A Yue and thought about it for a moment.

"At the same time, if you raise the third cauldron, you are considered a teacher."

"At the same time, you mean to lift these three big things in one breath?"

Ye Su's eyes swept away, she hadn't tried the second and third cauldrons yet, but looking at the weight, it should be from 500 to 1,000 jin, or even about two or three thousand jin.

The strength of about three or four thousand catties... It sounds like Ye Su, of course, is nothing.

As long as you have practiced, you can probably do it.

As the people of God, Kunlun Tianmin has a strong physique. Even ordinary traders and pawns who have not practiced Heavenly Power can lift heavy objects.

Although Ayue had never practiced Heavenly Power, she was born in Xuelangyuan with the Snow Wolf King.

Drinking snow water, eating raw meat, and running day and night, before being plotted against by the eldest grandson Xueying, her physique was strong enough to carry three or four thousand catties.

But Ye Su always felt that if the test of Tianci was so simple, the Tianming family wouldn't have to make it so mysterious.

There are some mysteries in this.

Ye Suhu lifted his right foot, but saw the three largest tripods on the left, being whipped by her leg, flying one by one.

The largest Yongzhou tripod just settled, the second Liangzhou tripod, and the third Xuzhou tripod fell on the Yongzhou tripod.

The three cauldrons were in a straight line, Ye Su held A Yue with one hand, and the other hand picked up the cauldron ear of the largest Yongzhou cauldron.

As soon as she picked it up, her face changed.

"Zhangsun Converted, you son of a bitch, you dare to fool me, is this the weight of the three cauldrons?"

Ye Su turned his face on the spot, ignoring Changsun Gong's face.

The face of the well-maintained, beautiful middle-aged man in Changsun Converted couldn't help shaking.

"Turtle son" was given to him by Ye Su, who had just entered the Kunlun Women's Palace as the head of the bodyguard, and was also the head of the bodyguard a year earlier than he had entered the women's palace.

Except for Ye Su, even Queen Kunlun had never called herself that.

Changsun Convert's face turned red and white for a while. Taking the face of so many subordinates seriously, Changsun Converted had the urge to bump into the cauldron.

Fortunately, he is no longer the hairy boy he used to be. He took a deep breath, repeatedly paralyzed himself, the corners of his mouth trembled, and he held back a sentence.

"Every time the nine cauldrons are added, the weight will increase. The total weight of the nine cauldrons separated is 500,000 kilograms. But if you want to lift the nine cauldrons at the same time, you need 900 kilograms of force, which is roughly equivalent to a small palace."

"Oh, so you want Ayue to lift the 10,000-pound tripod and use her injured body?"

The mother of the earth was so angry that she couldn't wait to slash the eldest grandson to death with one palm.

The eldest grandson converted back then was a good boy after all, with a red and upright roots, how could he grow crooked like this after being the patriarch for a hundred years.

10,000 jins, still just getting started, equal to the level of the maids and guards of the Palace of Destiny?

Ah Yue of her family, such a good child, is only enough for this treatment?

"Ayue, let's go, we don't care about this broken test."

Ye Su couldn't hold back the bad breath, and turned around and wanted to leave.

But at this time, her ears were a little itchy, but she saw A Yue's small hand fell on the side of her ear, and the little girl's voice was right next to her ear, soft like a cloud.

"Aunt Ye, Ayue can do it."

Ye Su was stunned, but the raised foot did not fall for a while.


Ye Su stared at the little girl in her arms.

This wild wolf-raised child was held in his hands, but he was fluffy, like a soft bun.

In Ye Su's pupils, the firm expression on the little girl's face was clearly reflected.

Ye Su's feet stopped moving.

She turned around coldly, glanced at the nine-mouthed cauldron behind her, and didn't even bother to give Changsun conversion from the corner of her eye.

"My family Ayue said that she wants to be tested. Then listen to her."

That tone, as if taking the test, gave the eldest grandson a great face.

The eldest grandson has lived so much of his life, and he has never been so aggrieved.

But the aunt in front of me is Ye Su,

He couldn't bear it.

"Ayue, you can test it one by one, and practice your hands first."

Instead of speaking to Ah Yue, Ye Su's tone was much better.

She rubbed Ayue's head and put Ayue down.

Ah Yue's knee still hurts.

Ye Lingyue was in her body, very clear.

This kid, really strong, has remained silent so far.

Ye Lingyue secretly said.

Ah Yue arrived in front of Jiuding.

She released her mind.

Behind him, the eyes of Changsun Convert and all the guards and maids of the Tianming Palace all fell on A Yue.

It's hard for her knees to stand up straight, but this child is still trying to straighten her spine...

In the Palace of Destiny, in front of a collapsed palace.

Li Lianyue was still gnashing her teeth there, directing her maids to search for her jewelry in the ruins.

"Damn Ye Su, if you fall into my hands one day, I will use a knife to leave thousands of wounds on your face, and then use a blood leech to drain your blood one by one, and find another hundred more. A man spoils you. I want to see how you can seduce my man then."

These vicious words came out of the mouth of the patriarch's wife who seemed to be graceful and luxurious, making people shudder.

Li Lianyue hated Mother Earth very much, and at the same time, she also hated Ah Yue.

"Mother, can you just say a few words less?"

Just when Li Lianyue was like an old hen, she kept talking.

An unpleasant voice came from behind him.

Changsun Xueying stood behind her with wet tears on her face. At this time, her eyes were gloomy and she stared at the shameful woman in front of her.

Also being a mother, Ye Su has to set an example for her daughter.

At least, she is very protective of her shortcomings and will never let that Ayue suffer a little bit of grievance.

Seeing the precious daughter, Li Lianyue's expression immediately softened.

She hurried forward, about to hug her baby girl.

"My Xueying, why are you crying? Who bullied you?"

Li Lianyue was shocked to see the tears on her daughter's face.

The eldest grandson, Xueying, was a little smart, and was also loved by all in the Palace of Destiny.

When has she been wronged, and who would dare to let her precious daughter be wronged?

"Is it Ye Su that bitch! She hasn't left with that wild seed yet? Xue Ying, mother's baby bump, don't worry, Ye Su will have to get out soon, mother has already let Yuge old..."

Before Li Lianyue could finish speaking, Zhangsun Xueying snorted coldly.

"You let Yuge Lao secretly play tricks on the rosary to prevent that little wild species from entering the Palace of Destiny, right?"

She was taken aback by her daughter's indifferent tone.

Li Lianyue nodded hurriedly.

"How did you know? Old Yuge told you? How about it, have those bitches been kicked out?"

Li Lianyue was chased back by the eldest grandson, and it was inconvenient to send someone to inquire. In her opinion, the most senior Yuge elder took the shot. Needless to say, it was a matter of course. 2k reading net

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