In the Tianci Temple, an old doctor is dressing Ah Yue's wound.

He said while bandaging.

"Patriarch, how can you let a child come to Tianci for a test? It's okay to come to Tianci for a test. This child has suffered such a serious injury. This is an injury that will leave sequelae."

Changsun Converted to the side, his face was also very ugly.

Just now, when Ah Yue tested her mind power, both Changsun Jian and Ye Su thought that Ah Yue would come together.

After all, almost all adult reading tests do.

Unexpectedly, the child Ayue, as soon as she came up, used her mind to challenge the three of them together.


Ye Su was taken aback when she saw Ah Yue's actions.

A Yue's injury, she is very clear.

Together, the three cauldrons weighed 10,000 jins, which is difficult for a normal Kunlun Tianmin to support with his natural power.

Moon's knee.

"Ye Su, keep your voice down."

The eldest grandson on the side was also surprised, but he stopped Ye Su immediately.

"When the teacher uses his mind power, he cannot be disturbed."

Changsun Convert's words reminded Ye Su.

Ye Su could only shut her mouth, but the worry in her eyes was too thick to melt away.

She saw that in front of A Yue's small body, the three tripods were like a mountain, and she seemed so small.

Her knee, it must be very painful, at this time the knee is shaking slightly.

The knees that are very difficult to stand, how can they bear ten thousand pounds of gravity.

Ye Su has already begun to regret, and let Ah Yue come to the Tiannian clan.

This place is simply Ah Yue's suffering place.

"Get up, get up."

The maids and attendants who were watching on the side were all watching a play, surrounding the Tianci Temple.

Earlier, due to the majesty of the patriarch, they did not dare to make a sound.

At this moment, I saw that Ayue finally used her mind power, and everyone stretched their necks and looked in the direction of Jiuding.

"It's up, but she doesn't seem to be able to hold on anymore."

"Don't say it's her, even when I tested it, I almost missed it."

"Half a quarter of an hour, I don't think she can hold it."

Those maids and attendants said each and every one of you.

It is not ability to lift the Sanding Cauldron, the ability must persist.

If you can't hold on to it, and you fall off the horse, your previous achievements will be forfeited.

They all saw Ah Yue's knees shaking badly.

So many eyes fell on A Yue, and A Yue's knees trembled even more.

She felt the pain in her knee as if countless insects were biting.

"Ayue, you can definitely do it."

Ayue's forehead was full of sweat.

She doesn't know how long she can hold on, but she must succeed.

One breath, two breaths... As time went by, the surrounding crowd held their breaths.

For half an hour, Ah Yue's small body stood still.

"Half a quarter of an hour, the power of three tripods."

Behind him, Changsun Gong was relieved and heaved a sigh of relief.

When Ayue first lifted three tripods at the same time, he was also a little annoyed, feeling that Ayue was too impatient.

But later, seeing Ah Yue straightening her spine and clenching her teeth and not letting go, he was a little touched.

This kid is indeed a tough guy.

Can persist for half an hour and endure the pain, at least her willpower is far better than others.

Changsun Converted reminded.

"Ayue, it's done, put down Ding quickly."

Ye Su was very distressed, and urged Ah Yue to quickly put down the tripod and take a rest.

After speaking, Ah Yue did not move.


Ye Su and Changsun Gong were both shocked.

The two stood up in one fell swoop and landed beside A Yue.


Ye Su's face changed greatly.

Ah Yue's eyes were tightly closed, her breath was weak, and she had clearly passed out.

"Go and invite Mr. Luo Ge immediately."

After a while, Luo Ge, the old doctor, came.

As soon as he checked Ah Yue's situation, he was so angry that his beard shook, and he scolded Changsun Convert all over his head.

"How did this child offend our Destiny Clan?

To suffer like this? She is only so old, and her bones have not grown yet, so she was actually allowed to participate in the test with an injury. She had been in a coma for a while, and it was a great luck that she didn't break her spine! "

Luo Ge is also one of the major patriarchs of the Destiny Clan. He is a doctor with a disgusting face and a good face.

"Elder Luo Ge, I don't know either..."

Changsun Convert did not expect that Ah Yue had already passed out.

He looked at Ye Su, who was also solemn.

None of them found that Ah Yue had passed out, but even if she passed out, she still stood tall and held the tripod to the end.

"Passed out? Did you pass the test?"

The servants and maids on the side were also dumbfounded.

"Bullshit, try it, you can still hold the tripod when you faint. If it were you, I'm afraid you'll be mashed."

"Can you pass out, can you still use your mind power?"

"I haven't seen it. Anyway, I can't. As soon as I fell asleep, my mind power was long ago thrown into Java."

There were endless discussions, and the more Luo Ge listened, the darker his face became.

"Elder Luo Ge, take a look at this child first, will her kneecap recover?"

Changsun Converted had a sad expression on his face.

He also felt ashamed of Ayue. If he knew that this child would persist like this, he would make an exception and let her enter the Destiny Pavilion.

You can still lift a cauldron even in a coma, what kind of mind power is that?

She is still a child.

"Looking at her fortune, if she can find the rare life-sustaining dragon's spine, she will be saved. Otherwise, even if she is saved, she will be lame for the rest of her life."

Luo Ge hummed.

"I'm looking for medicine."

Beside him, Ye Su had already stood up and was about to go out.

"Ye Su, don't be impulsive. You have the imperial life, so you can't walk around for a while."

Changsun Convert hurriedly stopped her.

The Red Moon believers invaded the border area on a large scale, and the Queen asked Ye Su to immediately investigate the new movements of the Red Moon believers and try to block their movements.

If Ye Su left at this time, it would be tantamount to disobeying the Queen's imperial order, and it would be a crime of disobedience.

"Compared to Ah Yue's injury, what about a sin of disobedience?"

Ye Su's face was full of indifference.

"I'm going, Ayue was injured in the Destiny Clan, and I will be responsible."

Changsun Converted looked at A Yue and said solemnly.

"Hehe~ Changsun Convert, what position do you have to say that, if it wasn't for your precious daughter, Ayue wouldn't have done this."

Ye Su can still trust Changsun Gong, but it is different for his wife and daughter.

The eldest grandson is here, and Ayue can still stay in the Palace of Destiny.

But as soon as Changsun Converted left, she returned to her own life, and Ayue was seriously injured again, so her life could not be guaranteed.

In contrast, Ye Su would rather go against the emperor's order and find a life-saving medicine.

"Ayue is also my daughter. From now on, no one from the Destiny Clan can bully him."

Changsun Convert said word by word.


Luo Ge was stunned and looked at the unconscious little girl.

This is the species of the patriarch?

What do you think...well, it's a bit similar.

"Elder Luo Ge can testify."

Changsun Converted made up her mind, and with this tenacity of Ayue, she would become an outstanding teacher, even a destiny teacher.

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