Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Four thousand one hundred and sixty-one chapters Buddha and Buddha seal

Mind power is based on human willpower.

Just like what the Qianlan Buddha had encountered earlier, the water in the Ghost River was fast and people could stand unsteadily.

Ye Lingyue has a water spirit bead, which is better. The water spirit bead shields the turbulent water flow.

But even in the water spirit pearl, Ye Lingyue was still being blown from time to time, and it was difficult to stabilize her feet.

If it is said that on the ground on weekdays, 100% of the power of thought can be exerted, then in the water, only 30% of the power of thought can be exerted.

This is Ye Lingyue, but she has blessings from the ancient years in her body.

Other teachers, I am afraid that they can only play one or two percent.

It is no wonder that the breath of Qianlan Buddha was weak after only a long time under water.

Ye Lingyue pondered for a moment, and simply did not need to think.

She unleashed the power of the earth within her.

The power of the earth still exists even at times.

There are thousands of underwater grounds.

Here, before being submerged by the Ghost River, it was all the earth.

Moreover, Ye Lingyue has been to the depths of the Misty Sea, and she also knows that even in the Misty Sea, the underwater temples and the lost lands used to be the land of Kunlun.

In this way, there is a great aura of king soil in the world.

Although Ye Lingyue's power of the earth is still limited, it is much stronger than before.

The power that originally belonged to the Mother Earth spread rapidly at this time.

Under the pressure of the power of the earth, the flow of water seemed to slow down a bit. leaf

"Sure enough, it is much easier to use the power of the earth than the power of mind."

The ground under water responded quickly, only a tremor was heard, and the Buddha heads scattered in all corners just rolled to Ye Lingyue's feet.

Seeing those Buddha heads, Ye Lingyue's heart moved again.

Why can't she use the power of the earth to find the Ninth Prince and Zitang?

It seems that in this place, the power of the earth is more effective than the power of thought.

The power of the earth will not be worn out, and it will continue to flow.

Ye Lingyue thought to herself and did so.

The power of the earth spreads rapidly.

At this time, cracks appeared in the ground.

The cracks, like tentacles, spread quickly wherever the Ghost River reached.

These cracks are Ye Lingyue's power of the earth.

They are like Ye Lingyue's eyeliner, Ye Lingyue can detect the surrounding situation without even moving.

In this way, Ye Lingyue felt much more relaxed.

Since she was temporarily free, she simply observed those Buddha heads.

There are many Buddha statues in the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas.

Although Ye Lingyue and the Ninth Prince walked around the city earlier, it was because of the Buddha's troubles.

Ye Lingyue actually went to a few Buddhist caves.

Most of the Buddha statues she had never seen before.

She found a few Buddha heads nearby, and then looked at the Buddha statues with their heads cut off, and silently recited "Amitabha Buddha."

She is not really a disciple of Buddhism, but before she came, she still believed in Buddhism according to Hua Guo's mainstream beliefs.

It's just that this Buddha is not another Buddha.

She has comprehended several Prajna sutras, and she is also related to the Buddha. Seeing these Buddha statues today, she is also emotional.

After Ye Lingyue bowed, she installed the nearest Buddha head and statue.

"This is?"

The moment the Buddha's head and the Buddha's body were closed, a Buddha's seal suddenly appeared on the back of Ye Lingyue's hand.

She was slightly startled, and looked at the Buddha seal with some surprises.

Isn't this Buddha Seal that passed the Buddha's test earlier?

If you repair a Buddha statue, you will get a Buddha seal?

Is this a thank you statue?

Ye Lingyue seemed to understand something.

She looked at the large and small Buddha statues around her, and her heart moved.

Anyway, idle is idle. Although she doesn't know what the benefits of getting the Buddha's seal are, she subconsciously feels that this Buddha's seal must be beneficial.

The Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas was submerged in water, and the Buddha statues were severely damaged.

Since she has spare strength, she can try to repair these Buddha seals one by one.


That is the best, if there is no reward, she should thank the Danmu she got from the North Buddha Cave earlier.

Ye Lingyue did what she said. She had the power of the earth to help. After an hour of idleness, she simply used her mind to repair all the nearby Buddha statues with missing arms and legs.

It is not difficult to restore these Buddha statues.

Half an hour passed.

The power of the earth has not yet found Zitang or even the Ninth Prince.

On the contrary, Ye Lingyue restored about fifty Buddha statues.

There are also fifty-six Buddha seals on the back of her hand.

These Buddhist seals fell on Ye Lingyue's skin, like runes, but after they were hidden into the skin, they were not conspicuous.

"The appointed time with the White Dragon King has come."

Ye Lingyue counted the time, and the White Dragon King should have returned to the agreed place.

The Buddha statues near the North Buddha Grottoes were basically repaired, and Ye Lingyue determined that the Ninth Prince and Zitang were not nearby.

The water of the Ghost River was rushing and rushing, thinking that the two of them were rushed somewhere.

"It's strange, that guy from Zitang, okay, why did he suddenly enter the North Buddha Cave?"

Ye Lingyue thought about it.

Just before Ye Lingyue was about to leave, she went to meet the White Dragon King.

She suddenly noticed the stone door not far away.

The stone gate was the same stone gate when Ye Lingyue and the Ninth Prince were trapped in the Northern Buddha Cave earlier.

The runes on the stone gate have long since disappeared.

The stone gate was tightly closed, but what attracted Ye Lingyue's attention was a paw print on the stone gate.

How could there be an extra paw print on the stone gate?

Ye Lingyue was puzzled.

She touched the paw prints, and the paw prints looked like dragon claws, which were almost the same as those of the White Dragon King.

Could it be that after the ghost river haunts, there are still dragons haunting underwater?

This thought made Ye Lingyue break out in a cold sweat.

You know, even in the thirty-three days, there are not many dragons anymore.

The dragons that Ye Lingyue knew were nothing but the White Dragon King and the Black Dragon King.

This dragon claw cannot be left by the White Dragon King.

The Black Dragon King was trapped in the Yangquan Temple, and it was impossible to get out easily, so it would be...

It seems that I still have to find the White Dragon King and ask him a question.

Behind him, the power of the White Dragon King gradually increased.

"I found you. The Ghost River is so big that I couldn't find anything for half an hour, and I was almost washed away by the river. The water in this river is so strong that I can't even control the water spirit. It's really weird."

The scales on the White Dragon King were also washed up and down.

Seeing Ye Lingyue, she couldn't help but complain.

There are many undercurrents underwater, and people who are unfamiliar with hydrology are simply unable to move.

Moreover, the waters of this Ghost River are much wider than the White Dragon King imagined. If you follow this method, you may not be able to find anyone in twelve hours, let alone one hour.

Ye Lingyue was about to speak when her eyebrows moved suddenly.

"There are clues.

Ye Lingyue's eyes lit up, the power of the earth had found someone. 2k reading net

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