"Changsun Xueying, you really deceive me!"

After learning this news, it was not Ye Lingyue who was most annoyed, but the Nine-Life Buddha, who had been infected with a vicious disease.

Di Nishang's face turned green with anger.

"It's useless for you to get angry here. The Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas is flooded, and the people of the Buddhist sect are scattered. Unless Yun Buddha and Mirror Buddha come forward, it will be difficult for you alone to turn the tide."

Ye Lingyue sighed.

"You don't want to go down there, you think I don't know, you want to take the opportunity to inquire about the whereabouts of the two of them. I tell you, my conditions have already been opened, find Zitang, or find Jiangyan, otherwise, don't I want to know the whereabouts of the two of them from my mouth."

Di Nishang sneered.

She wouldn't fall for Ye Lingyue's aggressive tactics.

"I'm not in a hurry, it's you who should be in a hurry. I still have a ruined city in Beiyi, but the Buddhist sect, except for the ruined city of Thousand Buddhas, has no land."

Ye Lingyue pointed to the power map.

Strange to say, it was also submerged. Among the abandoned cities of the Thousand Buddhas, only the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas still flashed the signs of Buddhism.

Other abandoned cities have changed their logos.

Generally speaking, except for special existences like Hundred Flowers Abandoned City, a normal abandoned city, as long as the abandoned city is captured, the city owner changes his flag and changes his banner, even if it is taken.

The Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas has no city owner, and it seems that there is no way to capture it.

"No matter how capable the eldest grandson Xueying is, he will never be able to take the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas. You, follow me to the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas. I have already asked the ninth prince to go back and bring reinforcements. I don't believe it. I went into the water myself and couldn't find it. to Jiangyan."

Di Nishang has been thinking about it for a day and a night, and the rumors outside have made her angry.

Yun Sheng and the others were not there, and it was only Di Nishang who took back the Buddhist sect's territory.

Di Nishang didn't like to imagine that if Yun Sheng and others came out, they saw the scene where the abandoned city of thousands of Buddhas was lost.

Besides, the eldest grandson Xueying is so calculated, Di Nishang can't swallow this bad breath.

"No, you took her away, what should we do with Beiyi?"

Di Yang Qingfeng was the first to disagree.

"Leave Gu Ji Ling. Is it possible that she can be stronger than Gu Ji Ling? Don't worry, as long as you lend me people, I will help you if you have any difficulties in the ruined city of Beiyi in the future."

The Nine Lives Buddha is neither in a hurry nor slow.

After a while, Ye Lingyue, Pang Gu and Di Nishang sat on the moon shooting car.

There is also the White Dragon King, who is resting in the Jiuzhou Ding at this time.

"Diyang Qingfeng is a dishonest person."

Ye Lingyue cursed secretly.

This guy, as soon as he heard that he could get an adult from Di Nishang, he handed Ye Lingyue over without saying a word.

Both Shui Feng and Chen Ri temporarily stayed in Beiyi Abandoned City.

If Lei Yiming came again, with them and the ancient sacrifice spirit, they would be able to deal with it.

"Who is this guy? I didn't say I would take him to the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas."

Di Nishang was dissatisfied and glanced at the bones.

At this time, Pan Gu had already taken off his leather jacket, and had returned to his appearance as a dwarf craftsman.

He was short and dirty. Di Nishang was very unhappy when he saw him. If Ye Lingyue was not there, Di Nishang would have been kicked off by him.

"He is a skeleton, a craftsman of the dwarf craftsman tribe. It is thanks to him that the moon-shooting chariot can be repaired. In addition, he travels all the year round, and he knows all kinds of situations well. With him, it is possible for us to deal with the Daomen."

After Ye Lingyue finished speaking, look at Pang Gu.

"You said that you have a few flying rune bones on hand that can transform the moon shooting rover?"

"Yes, I asked for these treasures from the tribe. Although they are not as good as the Fuyu of the Archaeopteryx King, they can barely make do. With them, the Moon Shooter can fly. But the flight time is not long. , it can only last about half an hour at a time."

Pang Gu said, and took out four rune bones.

Those rune bones are several times larger than the flying rune bones that Ye Lingyue obtained from Daomen earlier.

Pang Gu got out of the Moon Shooting Car, and after a while of beating,

Crawled back again.

"You can try it out. Use the power of thought to control it directly. There are two pieces on the front and back of the wheel. The thought power of both of you should be enough for the car to reach the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas within half an hour."

After Pang Gu said, Di Nishang was a little surprised.

Ye Lingyue had already activated the mind power in her body, and the mind power was integrated into the two flying rune bones.

Di Nishang also immediately merged his thoughts into the two rune bones of the wheel behind him.

After a sound like the vibration of wings, the moon-shooting rover, which is nearly a thousand weights, flew up easily.

"This guy can still fly?"

Di Nishang saw the scene outside through the car window.

The moon-shooting rover flew smoothly without any bumps.

Its flying speed is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it has left Beiyi Abandoned City behind.

Because of the flooding of the Ghost River, some of the surrounding roads have been submerged by water, but because the moon-shooting vehicle can fly, their speed is not only a little faster than when they returned to Beiyi Abandoned City.

"Look, the ghost river is still spreading."

Ye Lingyue also paid attention to the movement outside the car.

She saw several submerged abandoned cities, and the surrounding forests and hills had been submerged.

"Why does this river look like a dragon, have you found it?"

The bony and short body hung on the window, he looked out and muttered.

Ye Lingyue and Di Nishang both frowned.

The ghost river that is flooding everywhere, if you look closely, it really looks like a dragon.

The rolling rage is like a dragon raging on the ground.

"That ancient sacrificial spirit is extraordinary, it must be found."

Di Nishang said.

Lei Ming Abandoned City is located in the middle area of ​​Qianfo Abandoned City and Beiyi Abandoned City, but it is on the way.

After Ye Lingyue listened to it, she let the moon shooter go to Leiming Abandoned City.

"Strange, the ruined city of thunder was also submerged."

But when they reached the sky above the ruined city of thunder, the target was the rolling river.

Where is the shadow of the thundering ruined city?

It seemed that Lei Ming Abandoned City had already been abandoned by Lei Yiming.

"The ancient sacrificial spirit is in Lei Yiming's hands, but for now, let's go to the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas to see. Whether the evil dragon is the Black Dragon King is not known for the time being, but Jiangyan must be in the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas."

Ye Lingyue had a hunch that there must be Jiangyan in the ruined city of Thousand Buddhas. The existence of Jiangyan should be related to whether the evil dragon can continue to rage.

The most urgent task is to try to seal Jiangyan again, so that we can further deal with the dragon.

The Moon Shooting Vehicle galloped away in the direction of the Thousand Buddhas Abandoned City.

The flooding river flooded more than 30% of the ruined cities of the hundred cities. At this time, in the base camp of Daomen, in the abandoned city of monks, Lei Yiming was crying.

"Your Taoist sect is too unbelievable, how come even my thunderous ruined city has been submerged."

~The last two days of September, if you have a vote, you can vote, compare your heart~2k reading network

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