Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

The fourth thousand one hundred and seventy-ninth chapters were robbed of the temple


Lei Yiming was stunned when he heard it.

In this ghost place, besides that black dragon, who else is there?

Although this temple was built in the abandoned city of monks, not many people may enter here.

Except for the eldest grandson Xueying, on weekdays, ordinary teachers would not dare to come in.

Although the Black Dragon King came out of Hongmeng Heaven and could be controlled by the Holy Maiden of Taiyin, his temper was very irritable.

Especially after it uses divine power to flood the ghost river, its temper is even more temperamental, and it will be violent at any time.

It will get angry as soon as those reading masters get close, and one of the reading masters had a leg directly bitten by it earlier.

Before the eldest grandson Xueying left, he had also issued a ban, so that other people were not allowed to enter.

Ye Lingyue didn't answer, but went straight to the god's case.

The conditions in the old Kunlun site were poor. Although the Bhikshu abandoned city was much more complete than the general abandoned city, it still lacked necessary materials.

At first glance, this divine case was a temporary arrangement.

The God's case is just a humble table with a shrine enshrined on it, with a statue in the shrine.

The statue is not big, so the slap is a little bigger.

This statue, however, was born with a face. It didn't look like a Buddha or a Bodhisattva. It looked like an ordinary elder.

Because of its age, the statue can only be seen as an elderly person in his sixties or seventies.

"Palace Master Yangquan, when are you going to pretend?"

Ye Lingyue picked up the statue and took a few glances.


Lei Yiming was even more surprised.

"If you don't say anything, I won't be able to save you when Saint Lady Taiyin comes back."

Ye Lingyue said and knocked on the statue.

"Cough cough cough."

After a cough, the statue actually made a sound.

"It's really you a liar."

The statue made a weak sound.

At this time, Lei Yiming felt a faint breath from the statue's body.

That is, the power of ancient beliefs!

Although it was weak, Lei Yiming still caught it.

His expression suddenly became excited.

"God Kunlun is above, please be worshipped next."

Lei wanted to kneel as soon as he made a move.

"Don't worship first, he is not a Kunlun God, he is the patron saint like you, the patron saint of this temple."

Ye Lingyue waved her hand to let Lei Yiming cause less trouble.

Lei Yiming is also confused, there is no Kunlun God in this world.

The Kunlun Heavenly Vessel collapsed, and all the gods have fallen.

It's just that the Yangquan Hall Master is stronger than Lei Yiming, and he also has a well-established temple, which is why he still has a part of the power of ancient beliefs.

"Who is this kid? Keep yelling, but don't attract that terrifying female teacher again."

Although there is still a breath, the Yangquan Palace Master is very weak.

He was completely different from the cunning and sophisticated Yangquan Hall Master Ye Lingyue met when he first got the Yangquan Temple.

"Nian Nian Shi? You shouldn't be talking about the saintess of Taiyin, but the eldest grandson Xueying?"

Ye Lingyue thought for a while, and knew that the culprit behind Yangquan's appearance should be the eldest Sun Xueying.

Although Saintess of Taiyin is also a teacher, she does not have the ability.

At the beginning, she had no way to retake the Yangquan Temple, and now it is impossible. The only explanation is the eldest grandson Xueying.

"It's that person, the little princess of the Destiny Clan, that woman, that woman is really terrible. She bewitched me with her mind power, and I was fooled and handed over the ownership of the temple to the Holy Lady of Taiyin, hey, I'm sorry. you."

The voice of the Yangquan Palace Master was full of guilt.

He didn't make a sound earlier, one is because he is really weak, and the other is because he is not sure whether Ye Lingyue is the real Ye Lingyue.

Ye Lingyue is the true inheritor of the Yangquan Temple. She lost the temple herself, and I am very sorry for Ye Lingyue.

"The patron saint? He is also the patron saint? How is this possible? Didn't all the Kunlun temples collapse? All the patron saints,

They are all in the old Kunlun site, and I know them all. I have never heard of the patron saint of Yangquan Temple. "

Lei Yiming wondered.

"Listen to his explanation."

Ye Lingyue was also a little surprised. The palace master of Yangquan was also a cunning and cunning person, and he was actually deceived. More importantly, he just mentioned the little princess of the Destiny Clan?

"You said that Zhangsun Xueying is the little princess of the Destiny Clan?"

Ye Lingyue has always suspected that the eldest grandson Xueying also knew something about the Destiny Clan in the ancient times. Now it seems that she should have guessed correctly.

"Yes, she is the little princess of the Destiny Clan, the only inheritor of the Destiny Clan. She has the cultivation mentality of the Destiny Clan, her mind power is very powerful, I was controlled by her, and Zhu Zhao, that old thing was also caught by her She's gone. It's also her who sealed me with this statue. I can't leave, I can only help them absorb the power of faith."

Yangquan Palace Master said while coughing violently.

"You said that Senior Zhuzhao was taken away? What the hell is going on?"

Ye Lingyue was shocked.

No wonder, there is only one person in the Yangquan Temple.

"I don't know exactly what happened. All I know is that after Hongmengtian was submerged in water, the old monster and I have been in the temple, waiting for you to come to us. But one day, the water suddenly receded. After that, I saw 'you'. The old monster was the same as me. At that time, there was no problem. It was not until we moved the temple out of Hongmengtian that we found ourselves in the old Kunlun site. We also found out that we were bewitched by others. Now, the Black Dragon King was also controlled. At that time, the old monster got angry and wanted to compete with the other party. But the other party took the old monster away. I was also sealed in the statue. The man claimed to be from the Destiny Clan. Little princess, she also said that Yangquan Temple used to be a subordinate temple of the Destiny Clan, so let us obey her."

After that, the Yangquan Hall Master was imprisoned in the statue, and the candlelight was taken away by the eldest grandson Xueying.

"That eldest grandson Xueying is too outspoken. She actually calls herself the little princess of the Destiny Clan. She said so, the inheritance of the Destiny Clan belongs to her? Even the inheritance of the Queen is hers."

Lei Yiming snorted coldly, disdain for Zhangsun Xueying's actions.

"What does the inheritance of the Queen have to do with the inheritance of the Destiny Clan?"

Ye Lingyue was puzzled.

"You don't know, it is said that before the last battle with the Red Moon Queen, the Queen once left a Queen's decree in order to prevent accidents, saying that the inheritance of the Queen will be passed on to the inheritors of the Destiny Clan. If the other party is the Destiny Clan The little princess is naturally the queen's heir. But later, the queen won, and after the queen won, the queen was also seriously injured. Several great god kings suddenly attacked the Tianming family, saying that the Tianming family was a traitor, and then the Tianming family was defeated. was exterminated."

What Lei Yiming said happened in the later period of Kunlun, and Ye Lingyue never knew it from the illusion. 2k reading net

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