With the first ray of memory, it entered Ye Lingyue's body.

Those thoughts of memory that were still suspended in mid-air also rushed towards Ye Lingyue.

In my mind, too many spiritual thoughts were stuffed all at once, as if they were about to explode.

The light and land were blurred, and with a bang, finally those spiritual thoughts exploded.

In front of him, there is one more scene.

It is still in this temple, but the statues in front of them are not idols.

It was a lifelike person.

Those women with beautiful appearance and good temperament are exactly those idols.

At this time, they were lifelike, and there was no sorrow on their faces.

Their eyes flickered, their eyes full of anxiety.

Some of them are looking forward to it, and some are praying silently, and an anxious breath permeates the crowd.

Everyone stood uneasy.

But among these people, there is still no Mother Earth.

"Report to several elders and saintess, all the clansmen have been evacuated, a total of 6,824 people."

"Report to several elders and saintess, no patriarch was found in the clan."

"Report to several elders and saintess, and the patriarch was not found in Zushan."

"Report to several elders and saintess that many Red Moon believers have broken into the clan."

One after another, goddesses from the Taiyin tribe entered, and they brought a lot of bad news.

"Several elders, how can this be good. Why don't we quit first, the power of the Red Moon believers is growing day by day, we are only a hundred people, and staying here, I am afraid it is inappropriate."

A girl with a beautiful face, about fifteen or sixteen years old said.

There was a bit of worry between the woman's eyebrows.

Between her words,

I want people to leave quickly.

Ye Lingyue saw her and saw that her clothes were a little different from others.

"Saint, the patriarch has not returned, we cannot leave. We must wait until the patriarch returns before leaving."

said an elderly woman.

The other women followed suit.

They were originally here waiting for the Mother Earth to leave.

As for the young woman, she was the newly elected saint.

In the Taiyin clan, the purity of the blood of the elders is 70%, the purity of the blood of the saint must be above 70%, and the purity of the blood of the goddess must be above 50%.

Therefore, the women in front of them were the elites of the Taiyin clan at that time.

"But if the patriarch does not return for a day, do we stay here all the time. Once the patriarch left, there is no message left, and we don't know when she will return. When the patriarch is away, I will exercise power on her behalf for the time being. I think we must immediately Evacuate and join the clan."

The new saint is young, but her aura is not small.

Ye Lingyue watched with cold eyes, but when she heard the voice, she was slightly surprised.

this sound?

It is clearly the saint of lunar yin.

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin, actually appeared at that time?

Also, how many years did she live?

Ye Lingyue always thought that the Taiyin Saint was selected by the Taiyin clan later, but now that she thinks about it, she should have ruled the Taiyin clan for many years.

In Ye Lingyue's complicated thoughts, she vaguely noticed that something was wrong.

In the temple, in addition to the goddess of the Mother Earth, there is actually a lack of the goddess of the saintess of the yin. In the temple, there are only the gods of the elders and goddesses.

"Saint, you are indeed elected by the patriarch, and your power is also conferred by the patriarch. According to the rules of the clan, the saint is qualified to exercise power when the patriarch falls. Now that the patriarch is still alive, you naturally cannot surpass it."

The older elder had a strict attitude, and his eyes were quite majestic.

"Elder Taiyi is right."

The other goddesses and elders also followed suit.

Damn old thing!

A ruthless look flashed in the eyes of the Holy Lady of Taiyin.

"Are we just sitting here waiting to die? The Crimson Moon believers are going to attack."

She was unwilling.

Blind people can see that Queen Kunlun is not a match for the Queen of the Red Moon at all.

The Kunlun Army has already begun to rout.

The speed of the red moon moving eastward is getting faster and faster. Once it is enveloped by the red moon, it is said that it will be crazy.

She had just become a saint, and she didn't want to die here.

"Taiyin blood seal, defense. We must wait until the patriarch returns."

Elder Taiyi didn't show any signs of flinching in his eyes.

To evacuate the clan, that is the patriarch in order to take care of the overall situation and preserve the blood of the Taiyin clan.

But this does not mean that they are afraid of those Red Moon believers.

They are Taiyin clan, one of the strongest clan god clan under the queen.

"If we use blood marks? Then our cultivation will be greatly reduced."

The Holy Lady of Taiyin had a reluctant expression on her face.

"Holy maiden, you are still young. The day you practice, you will grow in the future. We old bones don't have any worries, why don't you still fear it?"

Elder Taiyi's words were full of dissatisfaction.

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin muttered and swallowed all her dissatisfaction.

"Report to a few elders and saintess, I have found it. The patriarch once opened the Kunlun Road, and I think he went to the female palace."

A goddess entered and reported.

"The Queen's Palace? But Her Royal Highness has already led the troops out. What is the patriarch going to do at the Queen's Palace at this time?"

Elder Taiyi said in surprise.

"It goes without saying that he must have gone to save that Ayue. In the Queen's Palace, I heard that there were Crimson Moon believers mixed in. The patriarch has always loved Ayue the most, so he must have gone to save her. Elder, how can the patriarch be so capricious? , When is it, she is still doing reckless actions for a lowly illegitimate daughter, making us so many people, and waiting for her here at risk."

When the Holy Maiden of Taiyin heard this, she became more and more dissatisfied.

She had long heard that the patriarch was favoritism.

If it wasn't for that Ayue who was accidentally selected by the Queen's Palace and sent to the Queen's Palace, I'm afraid that her position as a saint would also fall into the hands of that Ayue.

When Elder Taiyi heard this, he slapped him.

On the face of the Holy Lady of Taiyin, she was slapped firmly in the face.

"Shut up. Who would allow you to talk nonsense. Ayue and the patriarch are not related by blood, it's just rumors spread by outsiders who hate the patriarch. As a saint of the Taiyin clan, you not only don't stop it, but also spread the rumors. What is your intention!"

Elder Taiyi hates that iron cannot become steel.

Now that the Kunlun Tianmai is in danger, the most taboo is this kind of disturbing rumors, but the Holy Maiden is still a bad person.

If it wasn't for the absence of the patriarch, Elder Taiyi really wanted to convene the council of elders immediately and deprive the saint of her position.

"But that Ayue, it is said that he has the blood of the Taiyin clan, and the people outside..."

The daughter of Taiyin was still a little unwilling.

The patriarch went to save her illegitimate daughter, but they faced the powerful Red Moon believers here. The more she thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved.

But seeing the cold eyes of Taiyi Elder, she could only shrink back her words.

"It seems that the Red Moon believers must have known that our family has Kunlun Road. We must guard Kunlun Road."

Elder Taiyi pondered for a moment and said solemnly.

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