Four kinds of clouds, but unfortunately each one looks the same.

The best of them seems to be Tianyun.

Tianyun, who can obtain the inheritance of the Destiny Clan, is undoubtedly the favorite of every teacher who reaches the seventh floor.

Unfortunately, the number of sky clouds is very limited.

What Ye Lingyue has heard so far, there are not many inheritors of the destiny.

The eldest grandson Xueying seems to have received some kind of inheritance.

The blood princess looked arrogant, and she was extremely anxious to think about it.

As for Mother, Uncle Mirror, and the likes of the Nine Life Buddhas, Ye Lingyue can't say for sure.

Jiu Ming Buddha has never shown the inheritance of destiny, but she has entered Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff three times, and it seems that she has obtained the inheritance twice.

"Well, let's see how others choose."

Ye Lingyue secretly said.

"Situ, we have nothing to do with Daomen, why should we be afraid of them. Although I am not as powerful as Daomen, I am not afraid of any power. I have told you this many times."

Cui Hong frowned.

Situ is the second-in-command of the Demonic Sound Heavenly Domain. This person has some ambitions, and it is not the first time that he has contradicted himself.

But his cultivation base is not weak, ranking twenty-fifth on the jade list, and it is also his credit that Magic Sound Tianyu can support it to this day.

At this time, Gu Qinglong shouted at Gu Qingluan.

"Everyone, within a quarter of an hour, you must select the corresponding cloud."

Gu Qingluan opened his mouth.

Gu Qingluan has a good temper, but Gu Qinglong doesn't have such a good temper.

After earning rune bones, it has long wanted to leave.

But this group of reciters was there, preventing it from placing the Buddha Kian Lan, and it was very impatient.

"Cui Hong, you have experience, you come first."

One of the teachers suggested.

Cui Hong was the only one who had been to the seventh floor, and everyone else had reached the seventh floor for the first time.

"I may not be able to choose, so don't hold your hopes too high. According to my last experience, the faster the speed of the cloud, the greater the chance of inheriting the cloud. However, some clouds may not be able to catch up with the speed of Gu Qingluan. , so we have to rely on ourselves.”

Cui Hong said.

The crowd suddenly realized.

Each cloud looks alike.

But they all have different speeds.

Gu Qingluan is one of the ancient divine beasts with a good temper, but his speed is not very fast.

On the contrary, although Gu Qinglong has a bad temper, he can be very fast.

Having said that, the disciples couldn't help but envy the Qinglan Buddha on Gu Qinglong's back.

"That one seems to be from Buddhism."

"Wait a minute, that's not the Blood Princess, why is she even here? It doesn't mean that the top ten are no longer in the nine-dangling cliff."

"What's the matter? I heard that Sun Xueying, the head of the Taoist Sect, may have come in."

Only then did several other teachers discover that the blood princess was located on a cloud.

When Princess Blood heard that the eldest grandson Xueying might also come, she frowned.

Considering Gu Qingluan's speed, Cui Hong could only choose a relatively slow cloud.

She looked at it for a while, almost dazed.

"That's it."

Cui Hong selected a cloud.

It was a cloud not far from Ye Lingyue's side.

Gu Qingluan immediately fluttered its wings and flew away.

The cloud was neither in a hurry nor slow, moving with the cliff wind.

Gu Qingluan stopped at a distance of ten feet near the cloud.

Cui Hong jumped up, only to see her land on the cloud.

But suddenly, her complexion changed, and the cloud suddenly dispersed.

She fell straight down.

Gu Qingluan witnessed this scene, but was indifferent and did not mean to rescue.

The guardian beasts are not surprised by this.

If you choose the wrong cloud, you can only blame bad luck.

"It's Kuangyun."

There was a little more joy in Situ's words.

He had no intention of helping at all.

Below, that is the cliff wind that is sharper than the blade, and his cultivation base is weaker than Cui Hong. If he falls, he will be lucky if he falls to the sixth floor.

There is a greater chance that it will fall directly and be shattered.

If Cui Hong died, it would also be a good thing for him.

Say it's late, it's quick.

Seeing a figure flashing by quickly, Cui Hong's face was a little pale.

But he saw a hand catch him.

"Yang Fei'er?"

Cui Hong was very surprised. She didn't expect that the person who helped her would be Concubine Yang, who had only met once.

"Cui Nianshi, you seem to be out of luck. I'll send you to the sixth floor. I'll try again next time."

Ye Lingyue smiled.

She fluttered her wings and went to the sixth floor below.

"Isn't that a fool?"

Gu Qinglong rolled his eyes when he saw that Ye Lingyue still had time to save people at this time.

Not only poor, but also stupid.

Such people cannot survive in places like the old Kunlun site.

"It's a heartfelt one."

There was a hint of surprise in Gu Qingluan's eyes.

It has picked up so many people, except for one female nun, the others never cared about the lives of others.

That female teacher, later...

Ye Lingyue and Cui Hong temporarily disappeared into the clouds.

Seeing Cui Hong's failure, the other reading masters were a little frightened.

Several of the fellow students also had to make choices as time went by.

But their luck was not much better than Cui Hong.

The clouds they chose, without exception, were all Kuang Yun.

Several people in succession fell from the cloud, not knowing how to live or die.

Soon Gu Qingluan had only one Situ on his back.

Situ was very cautious. After Cui Hong fell, he kept an eye on the clouds moving around.

He found that it was cloudy and moving very fast.

However, the trajectory of its movement seems to be somewhat fixed.

When he discovered this, he was inexplicably surprised.

"Gu Qingluan, I choose that one."

Situ was excited and pointed to the cloud.

"Tsk, this kid has good eyesight."

The old god Gu Qinglong was fixed and watched from the sidelines.

Seeing that Situ had chosen that cloud, Gu Qinglong couldn't help but muttered.

"That cloud, is it Tianyun? Then what are you waiting for, send me there."

Upon hearing this, the Qianlan Buddha urged.

If it wasn't for Gu Qinglong's slowness, he would have already inherited it.

Qianlan Buddha couldn't help but glance at the cloud not far away.

The cloud chosen by the Holy Maiden of Taiyin earlier.

After the saintess of the yin landed on that cloud, the cloud layer flickered with light, and she was already haunted by a group of talismans. Obviously, there was a corresponding inheritance on that cloud.

"Send you there? If you want to die, Ben Long can send you a ride."

Gu Qinglong sneered.

The Qianlan Buddha was surprised.

What does Gu Qinglong mean?

At this time, Ye Lingyue just returned from the sixth floor.

It took a lot of energy to bring a person through the cliff wind.

The first time she turned back, she saw that Situ couldn't wait and jumped off Gu Qingluan's back.

He was about to land on a cloud.

But Yun was very smart, and just as Situ was about to fall, the cloud swooped away.

Situ did not panic. Behind him, a rune light flashed and flew up. This guy actually has a pair of flying rune bones on his body!

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