Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Four thousand three hundred and nineteenth chapter eighth floor

Mao Du Yunshen was completely destroyed.

The eldest grandson Xueying fled, and this scene made the rest of the seventh floor tremble with fear.

"How domineering Tianlei can't even stop the inheritance of destiny?"

The blood princess was speechless.

Seamless is a kind of intermediate destiny inheritance, its power should not be underestimated.

The two thunderbolts were obviously a punishment for the eldest grandson Xueying.

At the same time, it also showed Tiandao Tianlei's attitude towards the betrayer Mao Du.

"However, that Yang Fei'er can actually withstand a thunderbolt, her strength..."

The blood princess frowned.

The Qianlan Buddha on the side also played Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

"The Buddha seal on Yang Fei'er's body..."

Different from others, others didn't see how Ye Lingyue could withstand that thunder, but Qianlan Buddha could see clearly the Buddha seal on Ye Lingyue's hand.

There are quite a few of those Buddhist seals.

Qianlan Buddha remembered that there were a large number of dead Buddha statues in the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas.

How could the marks on the foreheads of those Buddha statues fall into Ye Lingyue's hands?

Qianlan Buddha had doubts in his heart, but he did not show it.

It seemed that she still had to visit Thousand Buddhas to Philadelphia to figure out the ins and outs of the matter. If she could also get the corresponding Buddha seal, it would not be difficult to enter the eighth floor.

As for the blood princess, Qianlan Buddha still refused in his heart.

If it wasn't for Zitang's ruthlessness, she wouldn't have been reduced to being in the company of the Blood Princess.

"Master Liu, didn't you mean... didn't you mean that the way of heaven at the old Kunlun site has begun to decline?"

Also frightened is the Holy Maiden of Taiyin.

She remembered clearly that Liu Qibian said that the ancient divine power in the old Kunlun site was constantly weakening.

Those two heavenly thunders killed Mao Du and slapped the eldest grandson Xueying in the face, but they also warned Liu Qibian and the Holy Maiden of Taiyin.

The saint girl of Taiyin was afraid that the thunderbolt would fall on her heavenly spirit at any time.

"It seems that I underestimated. However, this is also good news, at least it proves that the eighth and ninth floors of Jiudang Ling Jueya indeed store very powerful inheritance. Perhaps, it is not only The supreme inheritance of the Destiny Clan..."

Liu Qibian pondered.

"Master Liu, what do you say?"

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin was surprised.

"I'm just guessing. I have to go to the next floor to find out. It's a pity that Ye Lingyue was the first to get there."

Liu Qibian said with some regret.

This time, he was not well-prepared, and next time, he must not come back empty-handed.

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin was a little jealous, and looked at the clouds high in the sky.

Ye Lingyue, Ye Lingyue has taken up all the good things!

Of course, this idea is only for others to think about.

Ye Lingyue at this moment doesn't think so.

After jumping on the cloud ladder, Ye Lingyue used the Buddha seal to survive the thunder of heaven and earth.

The cloud ladder saw that she was steadily sent up.

In the ear, is the constant whistling of the wind.

All around, it was gray.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Lingyue seemed to hear two thunder explosions.

At that time, Ye Lingyue didn't know that Mao Du was killed and the eldest grandson Xueying was punished.

When she heard Tianlei, her first reaction was to be on guard.

The ladder under his feet no longer moves.

Only then did Ye Lingyue realize that she was at the foot of a mountain.

The ladder is gone.

Behind him is a vast sea of ​​clouds.

In front of him is an endless mountain step.

"This is the eighth floor of Jiudang Ling Jueya?"

Ye Lingyue looked up.

Unfortunately, no one answered her.

The eighth floor seems to be a silent world.

Even the wind and thunder disappeared.

Quiet, some bordering on scary.

At first glance, the mountain steps seem to have endless steps.

The surroundings were very quiet, since there was no retreat, Ye Lingyue could only walk forward.

The touch under your feet is very real, and this mountain step seems to be a real stone step.

Step by step.

But except for the mountain steps, the surrounding scenery is very illusory.

There are no trees, grass and insects, and there is no sound. This lonely mountain step is like a long snake, winding forward.

Where it leads, no one knows.

Ye Lingyue also walked aimlessly.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Lingyue felt a little tired.

But the mountain steps in front of her were still endless. When she looked back, the mountain steps behind her had disappeared.

Ye Lingyue frowned.

If I go on like this, I don't know when Ma Yue will end.

She thought about it for a while, activated her mind power, and the flying rune behind her turned into a pair of wings.

Ye Lingyue flew up. Fortunately, the flying rune bones did not seem to affect the use here.

She flew quickly along the mountain steps.

It seemed that after flying for a while, Ye Lingyue finally saw some different scenery at the other end of the mountain steps.

First a tree appeared, a huge stone in its natural form.

It was a pine tree. It grew out of the stone. It was not as straight as an ordinary pine and cypress. This tree in the stone was very unique.

Its branches stretched out on one side, reaching out like a human, as if to welcome Ye Lingyue, the guest who came from afar.

Its other side branches grow towards the ground, forming a natural barrier that seems to shield the guests from the wind and rain.

The trees are shady, look under the trees.

Ye Lingyue only felt a flower in front of her eyes.

Suddenly a low stone table and several stone piers appeared.

On the low stone table, there are two chess baskets, with a square chessboard in the middle.

This is a place to play chess.

At this moment, Ye Lingyue's ears moved slightly.

There were footsteps.

Ye Lingyue couldn't help but be overjoyed.


There are people in this damn place.

A hazy figure came from the other end of the mountain steps.

But soon, Ye Lingyue realized something.

Where does this place come from?

This is the eighth floor of Jiudangling Jueya.

Or is this scene in front of you all fake?

Ye Lingyue thought that she had seen an illusion when she was in Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff earlier. To be precise, what she saw was not an illusion, but some people and things in the ancient Kunlun period.

Could it be that the scene in front of you is the same?

Ye Lingyue's heart moved, and her eyes turned to the mountain steps without realizing it.

Will the comer be Ye Su again?

What caught my eye was a familiar face.

Ye Lingyue couldn't help but rejoice.

"Aunt Ye."

The person who came was Ye Su, the mother of the earth.

But Ye Lingyue shouted, Ye Su did not respond.

She didn't even notice that there was one more person above the mountain steps.

Ye Lingyue couldn't help but be disappointed.

It seemed that she had seen some old things about Kunlun just like before, but she couldn't communicate with Ye Su.

Ye Su came to the stone table and sat down.

She looked at the decorations on the stone table and smiled.

"Since you're here, don't hide."

But I saw a person walking out from the other end of the mountain steps, but it was a girl of eight or nine years old.

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