It looks a bit dazzling, what does that mean?

The cloud ladder was stared at by Ye Lingyue.

"That is, can you change your appearance?"

Ye Lingyue gestured.

This made the ladder stumped.

It has existed for so long and never had a concrete form.

Ye Lingyue was speechless when she saw Yun Lai's "dumb head".

"Gu Qinglong, you know? It's a form. Of course, it doesn't make you a dragon. The appearance of a dragon is also very eye-catching. In short, you become your favorite item, and that's it."

Ye Lingyue thought about it for a long time and could only say so.

"Gu Qinglong..."

Yun Ladder thought about it for a while, and finally understood.

The ladder disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a snow-white, chubby, chubby cat with eyes like blue gems

Looking at its shape, it is really similar to the Persian cat, but compared to ordinary cats, this guy's eyes are much sharper.

Ye Lingyue stared at the cat in front of her and laughed dryly.

"I can't see, you actually like cats? Speaking of which, there are cats in the old Kunlun site?"

Ye Lingyue recalled that among ancient beasts, let alone cats, tigers and leopards of the cat family were not common.

The cat yawned and seemed to be too lazy to pay attention to Ye Lingyue, with that look in his eyes, he said how arrogant he was.

Ye Lingyue took a few steps, but the cat squatted on the spot, motionless.

"You won't let me hold you, will you?"

Ye Lingyue was speechless.

The cat was too lazy to meow, and continued to give Ye Lingyue a lazy look.

Ye Lingyue rolled her eyes, turned around and left, she is not a cat slave and has no interest in such arrogant cats.


But Ye Lingyue only took a few steps.

The cat screamed, Ye Lingyue felt her scalp go numb, and her hands were heavy.

Looking at it again, that guy is actually immortal, relying on his own hands.

"I said, I have very important things, and it is inconvenient to take you on the road."

Ye Lingyue was speechless.

The fat cat glanced at it.

Of course, our powerful Lord Tiandao knows what Ye Lingyue is going to do.

Not to mention Ye Lingyue, most of the powerful people in the entire Kunlun site have only one goal at this moment, and that is to go to the Queen's Valley.

The number of people who can enter the Queen's Valley is very limited, but those who can't enter, you can watch, maybe you are lucky, and you can get some Kunlun treasures or something.

Ye Lingyue stared at the fat cat.

The fat cat stared at her.

"Take this deity to the Queen's Valley, and the deity will let go of the past. You offended the deity."

There seems to be some kind of magic in the cat's blue eyes.

"Who the hell offended who? If you don't go away, be careful I will throw you back to Jiudang Ling Jueya."

Ye Lingyue threatened.

"You seem to be able to get in."

The fat cat yawned again, very tired.

It has not been transformed for a long time, and it has always existed in Jiudangling Jue Cliff. After transforming, it is really tired.

Its eyelids drooped down.

Ye Lingyue looked at the Kunlun Fortress again, the gate of the fortress was closed.

Only at the end of this month, the jade list is refreshed again, and the fortress will be opened again.

Ye Lingyue stared at the purring fat cat, flicked her hand, and threw it out.

But just when she was about to go on the road, her arms sank again, and when she looked again, she found that the fat cat was hanging in her arms again like a koala.

snoring snoring—

The cat slept soundly.

"This cloud spirit is poisonous!"

Ye Lingyue stared at the fat cat like a ghost.

"Give up, you have already left the deity's imprint on your body, don't try to get rid of the deity wherever you go, unless the deity wants to leave. I advise you to serve the deity well all the way. The eighth floor, and then comprehend some good things. In addition, don't make any bad ideas, branded on you, the first block of the deity is injured, and you will be unlucky."

The fat cat was purring, but its voice got into Ye Lingyue's ears.


What the hell is that.

When did you get hit with this Yun Ling's brand?

Ye Lingyue looked down.

Only then did she realize that there was a cloud-shaped sign on the back of her hand.

The location of this sign is the location where one of the Buddha's seals was missing earlier.

And unlike the Buddha's seal, which is usually not revealed, this cloud pattern is conspicuously branded on his hand.

Ye Lingyue tried to wipe it with her hands and found that this thing could not be erased at all. It seemed that she used a special method to leave it behind.

"Tsk, isn't that the price of controlling the spirit?"

Ye Lingyue couldn't help but smile.

She didn't expect that because she learned to control the spirit, she was curious and chatted up with Yun Ling.

Looking at the fat cat on her body, Ye Lingyue was speechless.

"Forget it, I'll take you with me for the time being. If there is any danger, I'm not responsible."

Ye Lingyue sighed.

Let's endure it for a month.

When she enters Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff next time, she will find Gu Qinglong and ask, what is going on with this Yun Ling.

Ye Lingyue was helpless and could only take Yun Ling on the road.

But soon, she discovered that it was not that simple to take this guy on the road.

Although it is Yun Ling, after this guy turned into a cat, his habits are no different from those of cats.

In order to get to the Queen's Valley as soon as possible, Ye Lingyue first went back to Beiyi Abandoned City.

In Beiyi Abandoned City, everything is peaceful.

"Perhaps because of the Kunlun magic bamboo guards, the pirates did not invade our two abandoned cities, but the few abandoned cities next to us suffered."

Back in the city, Di Yang Qinglu told Ye Lingyue the general situation.

In addition, there is news from Laoshan District.

"The craftsman dwarf female chief and Pang Gu have secretly returned to the old mountain area. With the help of the six-tailed god king, they took back the dominance of the craftsman dwarf tribe. All this is hidden from the Taoist. The eldest grandson Xueying recently , and didn't have time to pay attention to the situation in Laoshan District. It is said that she was seriously injured after returning from Jiudang Lingjueya. Before the injury was healed, the pirates took the opportunity to sneak attack again, and the two sides were very stiff. On the Buddhist side, there was no What's the news? But the Nine-Life Buddha has already sent someone to the Queen's Valley. I heard that a group of unknown people went to the Queen's Valley."

Diyang Qinglu has no news about Diyang Qingfeng yet. In order to prevent her from worrying too much, Ye Lingyue can only say that she let Diyang Qingfeng be the vanguard and went to the Queen's Valley.

A yawning sound.

The fat cat lying in Ye Lingyue's arms opened his eyes.

After sleeping for a day and a night, this guy can be considered energetic.

It opened its eyes, found itself in an unfamiliar environment, narrowed its eyes, and looked around.

"Lingyue, I just wanted to ask you, where did you catch this cat, it looks so cute."

Diyang Qinglu likes cute things, and when she sees the fat cat, she looks envious.

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