It seems that this guy can only be brought to the Queen's Valley first.

Ye Lingyue took a deep breath.

It's just the rune bone that has to be solved.

The next day, Ye Lingyue and the Lady of Baihua City arrived at the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas.

"You're still alive? How did I hear that you were turned into scum by a thunderbolt when you were in Jiudang Ling Jueya."

The ninth prince saw Ye Lingyue standing at the gate of the city, his mouth was big enough to swallow an egg.

"Heh~ I'm not in the arena. There are always legends about my sister in the rivers and lakes. There are a lot of people who want me to die, but none of them get what they want."

Ye Lingyue didn't have to think about it, she knew the source of this rumor.

Qianlan Buddha and Blood Princess have left Jiudangling Jueya. I heard that Qianlan Buddha has a good inheritance, although it is not a destiny inheritance.

That woman, naturally, wished she was struck by thunder.

"I'm here today to relocate the Yangquan Temple. In addition, I want to see those dead Buddha statues in the city."

Ye Lingyue explained her purpose.

"My aunt has already told me about the temple. You like to move it quickly and put it in the ruined city of thousands of Buddhas. It's nondescript. It's the decapitated Buddha statues. What are you doing with them? It's almost repaired by you? You don't have to trouble yourself, those Buddha statues were moved into the Yangquan Temple by my aunt earlier, and you just took them away together."

The ninth prince waved his hand.

The existence of Yangquan Temple is a time bomb.

The Daomen have been eyeing them all the time.

If it weren't for the fact that the eldest grandson Xueying was seriously injured this time, Jiu Ming Buddha has been guarding the ruined city of Thousand Buddhas, I am afraid that the people of Taoism would have attacked the city long ago.

It was also thanks to the imminent opening of the Queen's Valley that the coveted gaze of the Daomen was diverted.

"The Buddha statues have entered the Yangquan Temple? What's the matter?"

Ye Lingyue was shocked.

The ninth prince coughed a few times, which explained the whole story.

It turned out that after Ye Lingyue repaired the Buddha statues with severed heads, Jiu Ming Buddha ordered people to take good care of those Buddha statues.

But for some unknown reason, although those Buddha statues were repaired, cracks appeared on the stone statues before long.

One day, Jiu Ming Buddha had a dream when he was enlightened in the North Buddha Grotto.

"My aunt dreamed that as long as the Buddha statue was placed in the shrine, the Buddha statue could be kept intact, and she sent someone to move the Buddha statue in. Don't tell me, after the Buddha statue was moved in, it really didn't crack anymore. All like new."

The ninth prince said.

Ye Lingyue listened without saying much, and walked straight to the Yangquan Temple.

Walking to the Yangquan Temple, Ye Lingyue saw the White Dragon King and the Black Dragon King entrenched on the left and right pillars in front of the temple.

When the two dragons saw Ye Lingyue, they were about to say hello. Who knew, they suddenly felt a sharp breath.

The two dragons both trembled and looked straight into Ye Lingyue's arms.

There was a look of shyness in his eyes.

Ye Lingyue noticed the different colors of the two dragons, and then looked at the initiator.

In Ye Lingyue's arms, the fat cat Yun Ling, who had eaten sixty rune bones in one day, opened his eyes.

It looked at the Eye Palace, and there was a flash of joy in the blue eyes.

"Meow~ cat slave, bring the deity in."

"This is a temple. After you have agreed to go in, don't mess around, or you will anger the temple god, and you are the unlucky one."

Ye Lingyue warned.

"Heh~ you think the deity is a fool. Blind people can see that this is an empty temple, and there is only a small guardian temple inside, and it is not the main god that is enshrined."

The fat cat Yun Ling said in disapproval.

This fat cat really has some eyesight.

Ye Lingyue frowned, calmly, and entered the Yangquan Temple.

As soon as you enter the temple, the temple is full of Buddha statues of different sizes.

The Buddha statues in the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas were all moved in.

"Bold, He Fangxiao, dare to enter the Yangquan Temple."

The stern voice of the Yangquan Hall Master came.

Yangquan Temple is a private realm. Even if Jiu Ming Buddha moved the Buddha statue in, he greeted the owner of Yangquan Temple and moved in after the owner of Yangquan Temple agreed.

As the inheritor, Ye Lingyue, although the owner of the temple, is still the master of Yangquan who can really control the temple.

Today, the Yangquan Palace Master smelled a strange breath, and thought that some ignorant junior broke in.

"Meow, this road is opened by this deity, this tree is planted by this deity, and this temple will belong to this deity from now on."

A fat cat swooped onto the god's case in the center of the Yangquan Temple with a swish sound.

Because of the renovation, in addition to those Buddha statues, there are also god cases and some fruit bowls in the current Yangquan Temple.

Yun Ling jumped to the desk, overturned all the fruit bowls, and occupied the position of the god's case.

"There's no reason..."

The palace master of Yangquan was about to get angry, but Ye Lingyue hurried forward.

"Don't get angry yet, Yangquan Hall Master, I brought this cat, don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face."

Ye Lingyue breathed a sigh of relief.

Yun Ling sticks to himself on weekdays, and it is very inconvenient for him to do so.

Finally, this guy is finally willing to move his nest, thank God.

"Your cat? Ye Lingyue, don't think that you are the inheritor, so you can act haphazardly. This is a shrine, and it is dedicated to gods. What do you mean by bringing this white-haired thing in? You don't plan on Yangquan in the future. Will the temple be renamed the Cat Temple?"

Yangquan Palace Master said angrily.

The Buddha statues in the temple are already annoying enough, and there is a fat cat, which is simply unreasonable.

"Palace Master Yangquan, it's not a cat, but what you see is a cat. It's called Yunling, and I brought it from Jiudangling Jueya."

Ye Lingyue explained.

But as soon as she explained it, she found that the more smeared it was, the darker it was.

Yunling is not a cat, what is it?


The Yangquan Palace Master was naturally confused.

"I don't care, I have to get this fat cat away anyway."

The Yangquan Palace Master was furious, and the entire temple trembled because of his anger.


Yun Ling was obviously dissatisfied with the ignorance of the Yangquan Palace Master.

It meowed angrily.

Suddenly, the cat's paw was raised, and a thunder flashed past.

I heard a shake from the top of the temple.

A beam and pillar fell from the top of the temple.

Ye Lingyue and Yangquan Hall Master were both surprised.

Especially the master of the Yangquan Palace, this fat cat, can actually demolish the temple!

Yangquan Temple, although it is a building, is by no means an ordinary building.

It is a shrine, a shrine that has survived since the Kunlun period.

It relies on the power of faith, and the power of faith is strong, and it becomes more magnificent and stronger.

Conversely, if the power of belief is weak, the temple will be increasingly broken.

That is to say, its beams and trees are not real beams, but are constructed with the power of faith.

If the faith is not destroyed, the Yangquan Temple will not be destroyed. Similarly, ordinary attacks cannot destroy the Yangquan Temple.

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