Seeing that Ye Lingyue's idea had been decided, Cui Hong couldn't stop her any longer.

"Then you must be careful. The ground fissure is unfathomable, and the person who falls does not know whether it is dead or alive."

Cui Hong warned.

"You stay and pay attention to the situation around you. Unless the Nine Lives Buddha and the others come back, you must not act rashly."

Ye Lingyue is very cautious.

Although most of the teachers have gone to the depths of the valley, she has a bad feeling.

The sky crack and the earth crack appeared at the same time, which made her feel frightened.

She didn't know if Mother and Uncle Mirror were also in the valley and encountered a similar situation.

But right now, she must rescue Xiaoyu first.

"Also, don't use flying rune bones until you have to."

Ye Lingyue said again.


Cui Hong was a little puzzled.

"No one knows that you have a flying rune on your body, you will find out later."

Ye Lingyue looked around.

Those who guarded the tombs and Buddhist sects have almost all gone.

The Holy Lady of Taiyin has also disappeared.

The rune bones on their bodies were all provided by the eldest grandson Xueying.

Those flying runes... Ye Lingyue sneered in her heart.

Although Cui Hong was puzzled, he still nodded.

The flying rune bone was given to her by Yang Fei'er, so she didn't need it for the time being. There was always Ye Lingyue's own reason.

After Ye Lingyue finished speaking, she saw her figure flashed and jumped into the dim ground fissure.

Soon, there was only the whirring of the wind in my ears.

The ground fissure looks very narrow, but it does not narrow as it falls.

Ye Lingyue was able to control the speed at first, but as she went down, she felt like her body was being dragged by an invisible force and continued to fall.

She pondered a little.


In the skull, on the rune bone of Qianli Yizhang Liu, the rune flashed.

A number of tough willow branches drilled into the stone wall beside it.

This rock wall was originally just the rocks and sand in the valley, but because of the landslide a few months ago, the rocks and sand were piled up in layers and pressed together, making them very strong.

Fortunately, the willow of a thousand miles is also drilled when it sees a crack.

They are deeply rooted in the stone wall, like the roots of an old tree, very firm.

Ye Lingyue's uncontrollable falling speed was also controlled.

Ye Lingyue tried to control the growth rate of the thousand-mile-long willow, and she found that as she fell, her mind power was indeed weakened a lot.

It seems that there is a mysterious power that suppresses his thoughts.

Fortunately, the power of thought was only weakened by most of it, but it did not disappear completely.

"This distance is at least a few hundred meters away, and this ground fissure has yet to end."

Ye Lingyue stopped the growth of a thousand-mile-long willow, and she looked down.

What made her speechless was that, except for the damp wind blowing from the depths of the ground fissure, she used the clairvoyant rune bones, but she couldn't see anything.

This means that the ground fissure has not bottomed out yet.

If it keeps falling, I am afraid that the last thought power will also disappear.

"At that time, I won't be able to control even a thousand miles and one zhang willow, and it is very likely that I will fall directly to death."

Ye Lingyue thought secretly.

"Earth, please tell me, what is the deepest part of the earth?"

Ye Lingyue thought of the power of the earth.

Since there is no way to use the power of mind, as a part of the earth, the power of the earth should be able to be used.

Soon, the earth gave back to Ye Lingyue.

It seemed that he heard a warm, kind voice like an old mother.

"The ground is cracked, and the depths are death and vitality."

The sound was quickly dissipated by the underground wind.


Ye Lingyue's pupils flashed slightly.

The length of a thousand li and one zhang willow, I am afraid that there is no way to reach that depth.

"Earth, you are as kind as a mother, please give your people the protection of the earth."

Ye Lingyue thought silently in her heart.

For Xiaoyu, she also had to fight.

Worst of all, he still has flying rune bones.

She was worried that Xiaoyu would encounter an accident in the ground fissure, and her heart swayed, and she put away the willow that is a thousand miles away.

Her body fell rapidly...

Below, it was endless darkness, which swallowed Ye Lingyue in an instant.

Deep in the ground fissure, Qiu Yu clings to the stone wall.

Upon closer inspection, her body was as light as a shadow.

The depth of the ground fissure was beyond Qiu Yu's imagination.

But with Liu Qibian around, she didn't show any panic.

Because Qiu Yu got along with Liu Qibian in the days, he understood Liu Qibian's temper.

He likes subordinates who are calm, like the saintess of Taiyin. He doesn't appreciate them, and even hates them a little.

He seemed to trust himself, but in fact, he still had doubts.

Her bloodline and her identity are the reasons for Liu Qibian's suspicion.

If she wants to become a true Red Moon believer and gain Liu Qibian's trust, she must be more excellent.

So when Liu Qibian proposed to let her enter the ground crack, she didn't even ask, and jumped down without hesitation.

In addition to her resolute and resolute character, she dares to dance, there is another reason, because she has a flying rune bone.

Qiu Yu knew that as long as he showed a little hesitation, Liu Qi's moody temper would explode.

But she didn't expect that her body would be out of control when she fell for more than 100 hours.

Psychic power is greatly reduced.

By the time she descended more than a thousand feet, her mind power had almost disappeared.

The speed of her fall continued to accelerate.

She used the flying rune bone quickly, but when the flying rune bone was unfolded, it was like a flash in the pan.

On the flying rune bones, those runes were like oil lamps blown out by the wind.

The rune suddenly dimmed.

Her flying rune bones made two crisp sounds.

Flying rune bones, broken.

Only then did Qiu Yu realize that she was in big trouble.

Without the flying rune bone, she is no different from those who accidentally fell into the ground fissure earlier.

Waiting for her, it is likely to be dead.


Liu Qibian snorted.

At this time, Qiu Yu felt that his body was light.

She was like a leaf, fluttering lightly on the stone wall.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

The body quickly lost control.

Liu Qi changed his hand.

Qiu Yu tried his best to remain calm.

She knew that Master was among those people.

Liu Qibian probably didn't realize this.

She promised Liu Qibian to enter the ground fissure, in addition to proving her loyalty, but also to keep Liu Qibian away from her master.

As long as she stayed in the ground fissure long enough, Master should enter the Queen's Valley with the people from the Buddhist sect to find the Queen's tomb.

However, Qiu Yu was also very curious.

Liu Qibian entered the ground fissure, what was it for?

Wasn't the goal of his coming to the valley always been the Queen's Tomb?

Thinking of Xueying, the eldest grandson of Taoism, and looking at the cracks, Qiu Yu's heart sank.

Changsun Xueying and Liu Qibian seem to have reached some kind of agreement. One of them entered the valley and the other entered the ground fissure, clearly acting separately!

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