"Zangshan, what's going on? Why is there such a big movement?"

The other city masters were also very puzzled.

"You see what I do, it's not my hands and feet."

Zangshan Jun also looked inexplicable.

He also didn't know what happened.

He spent a small amount of ancient immortal power to move the landslide in this area.

Unfortunately, so far, the Queen's Tomb has not yet appeared.

He was also very annoyed.

"The direction is wrong, it seems to be coming from the entrance of the valley."

At this time, a city lord said.

The city masters looked at each other, and they glanced at each other.

"Why don't we go take a look?"

A mayor reminded.

"You go over here and leave it to me."

Zangshan Jun said.

Most of Zangshanwei's flying runes were scrapped, and even Steward Ji was not spared, and Zangshanjun, who only had a pair of flying runes, was not convenient to leave.

Who knows, the good intentions of Lord Cangshan have been misinterpreted by other city lords.

"No, you have to come with us."

Several city lords are not worried about Lord Cangshan.

Leaving him here alone, if he discovers the Queen's tomb at this time, wouldn't he let him take the lead.

Zangshan Jun was very speechless.

But he was invincible, and in desperation, he could only let Director Ji take the Zangshan Guards to guard the area.

The city lords also kept half of their troops in this area, and the others all volleyed up and flew towards the direction of the earthquake.

In the ground fissure, the Holy Maiden of Taiyin was already pale.

Her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Qiu Yu, you are so bold, how dare you attack me! I want to see Priest Liu, if Priest Liu knew that you were attacking me, he would never let you go!"

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin was searching for the whereabouts of the Queen's Tomb in the valley, and suddenly got an order from Liu Qibian to let her return to the vicinity of the entrance to the valley.

She thought she had the whereabouts of the Queen's Tomb, but she knew that as soon as she came back, she was captured by Qiu Yu, who was ambushed here.

After the Saintess of Taiyin lost the Jiuzhou Ding and the flesh one after another, her strength has long since changed.

After entering the ground fissure, she even discovered that she couldn't use her mind power.

"Saint of Taiyin, if you don't give up, let Priest Liu talk to you."    Qiu Yu watched from the sidelines.   "Saint of Taiyin, you should recognize the seal in front of you."    Qiu Yu's voice changed, turning into a cold male voice.   That is Liu Qibian's voice,

Like a venomous snake, a chilling voice.

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin shivered.

Confused, she looked at the ground not far away.

In the ground fissure, it is very dark.

The Holy Lady of Luna couldn't see clearly.

A mass of flames shot out of the sky, and the Doomsday Demon Sun hung in the air.

Under the firelight, the Holy Maiden of Taiyin saw the seal clearly.

Taiyin Divine Seal!

"How can there be a Taiyin Divine Seal here? You...what did you bring me here?"

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin became more and more uneasy.

"This divine seal was left by Ye Su, who is the mother of the earth and your ancestor."

Liu Qibian explained.

"What does this have to do with me? Priest Liu, didn't you say, take me to the Queen's Tomb and find Ye Su's immortal body, so that I can replace her and become the new Mother Earth?"

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin said anxiously.

"I'm afraid you can't wait for that day."

Liu Qi suddenly said something cold.

"Liu Priest, what do you mean by that?"

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin shrank, subconsciously, she glanced at the Taiyin Divine Seal again.

"I forgot to tell you. With your aptitude, even if you get the body of the Mother Earth, you can't control her body, but you can do me another favor."

What else did the Holy Lady of the Moon want to say?

Suddenly, she felt her scalp tighten.

Qiu Yu's hand was already clasped on her Tianling cover.

"Qiu Yu, you bitch, what are you going to do?"

The Virgin of Luna realized something, and she struggled frantically.

But Qiu Yu's seemingly slender hands, at this moment, seemed to contain infinite power, her body was firmly nailed to the ground, unable to move.

A powerful psychic power was injected into the Heavenly Spirit Cover of the Holy Lady of Taiyin.

She felt something in her body being pulled out little by little.

"Liu Qibian, you can't, you can't, my soul!"

The pupils of the saintess of the yin contracted, she realized something.

Liu Qibian wants to use her soul to open the Yin Divine Seal.

"Saint of Taiyin, if you are to blame, then blame Changsun Xueying. It is she who reminded us to use your soul to open the divine seal."

With Qiu Yu by his side, he said solemnly.

Liu Qibian raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Qiu Yu, you talk too much."

Qiu Yu did not make a sound.

The eldest grandson Xueying?

The eldest grandson Xueying!

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin looked at her body and slumped to the ground.


She hates.

She hates it so much.

Over the years, she has worked hard, not hesitate to betray her relatives and leave her family, so that one day she will be able to obtain an immortal body.

But the day is coming.

The slut, the eldest grandson Xueying, caused her to lose her soul.

She won't let the eldest grandson Xueying go, that bitch!

The Holy Maiden of Taiyin let out a miserable cry.

Her soul was completely pulled out.

Powerful resentment quickly gathered towards the soul of the Holy Maiden of Taiyin.

In the ground fissure, the gloomy wind blows.

It seems to feel the resentment outside the seal, and there is a sound below the Taiyin God Seal, making a hissing sound.

It was the voice of the resentful spirit of the underground Red Moon believers.

Liu Qi became overjoyed.

It seems that Changsun Xueying said it well.

"What a saint of Taiyin, I didn't expect her resentment to be so amazing."

Qiu Yu was also secretly surprised.

"Thanks to your words just now, her resentment is soaring."

Liu Qi changed happily.   "Chou Yu, use your blood to infuse it into the Yin Divine Seal."    Liu Qibian said, a blood hole was opened on Qiu Yu's wrist.   Qiu Yu's expression didn't change. She stared at that yin sign, her heart was burning, but she also knew that she couldn't stop what was about to happen.  When the blood is dyed red with the seal of the Taiyin God. The powerful resentment gathered by the soul of the Taiyin Saint was integrated into the Taiyin Divine Seal...   "It's right in front. It really is the ground crack."   Ye Lingyue, Zitang and others just fell from the sky .  "Feng Yujun?" Behind   , Zangshan Jun and several city lords have just arrived.   They also saw the ground fissure that kept shaking. "Mr. Cangshan, all the city lords, it's a long story. I think we have to go into the ground fissure. I went down to see it earlier. In the ground fissure, there is a divine seal of Taiyin. I am afraid that someone is destroying that divine seal. "   Ye Lingyue said.   "It's too late."    In Ye Lingyue's arms, the fat cat Yun Ling glanced at the ground and said lazily.   What should come is still here.  It's voice falls.  The ground shook violently.   A large amount of black gas gushed out from the ground fissure.   The Great Yin Seal has been opened!

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