Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Four thousand three hundred and ninety-two dead wood does not meet the spring

Liu Qi changes!

Yun Ling was so angry.

But at the moment, it is already incapable of being cloned.

It suddenly had a foreboding.

Could it be that Liu Qibian did it on purpose.

The swaying of those tomb guards, forcing it to come out of the mountain, and the last test at Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff were all Liu Qibian's conspiracy.

He just wanted to force himself to leave Jiudang Ling Jueya, taking advantage of his absence to attack Jiudang Ling Jueya.

The breach of Jiudang Ling Jueya is nothing, but the inheritance there!

The inheritance including the Destiny Clan, and that one, the inheritance of the terrifying curse that existed in the ancient times, are still on the Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff.

It cannot be lost, those inheritances must not be lost.

At that time, it was the last treasure reserved for Kunlun and Her Royal Highness.

In the blink of an eye, Yun Ling had already made a decision.

It grabbed the dead branch with one claw and bit it in its mouth, almost not biting it off.

"Listen, let all the ancient beasts give up their resistance and retreat between the seventh and eighth floors, that is, near the cloud ladder."

Gu Qinglong obviously did not understand what Lord Baidao meant.

"Sir, do you want us to concentrate our forces on the seventh floor?"

"Keep it? It's up to you, keep a scumbag."

The fat cat rolled his eyes in anger.

There is no wise man beside it.

The only smart people are the cat slaves and the annoying one called Zitang.

Gu Qinglong was dumbfounded.

"Go to that area, look for a dead branch, and find a little soil to go there. The dead branch concept masters have an arm as thick as two fingers. After they are found, they will plant it in the soil, and it will open a way for you to escape. Also, before leaving,

You personally go to the ninth floor of Jiudang Ling Jueya and bring out a box inside. Don't open that box, and don't lose it, otherwise, the deity will cut off your head. "

After some vicious exhortations, Gu Qinglong did not dare to make a sound, and immediately took the order.

Gu Qinglong immediately ordered the ancient beasts to retreat to the seventh floor.

On the seventh floor, Gu Qinglong really found a dead branch.

I don't know who or when, who stayed here.

Soil was also found.

But when Gu Qinglong inserted the dead branch into the soil, the dead branch did not move at all.

"Lord Tiandao, the branches are not moving. The temple gods have already attacked the fourth floor."

Gu Qinglong said anxiously.

The massive evacuation of the ancient beasts made Jiudangling Jueya's defense even weaker.

The temple gods controlled by Liu Qibian were even more powerful.

Yun Ling was a little irritable. On the one hand, it was annoyed that he had been fooled by Liu Qibian.

"This broken branch has been withered for so many years, can it really still germinate?"

Although Yun Ling witnessed the sprouting of the previous branch, he was not sure whether the one on its mouth and the one on Jiudangling Jueya would work.

Or, that kid in Zitang moved his hands and feet.

If you don't keep the promise, the dead branch of Jiudang Ling Jueya will not be able to germinate?

"Try it and you'll know, the place where the purple-leaf Bodhi King tree withered."

Yun Ling thought about it for a while and felt that it was really possible.

Right now, just give it a try.

It is familiar with the Kunlun Middle Palace, just like it is familiar with its own back garden.

It ran forward like a gust of wind.

But at this time, it saw a figure.

The eldest grandson Xueying!

After seeing the person coming, Yun Ling became alert.

It saw Changsun Xueying walking over from the corridor of the East Palace and was walking towards the Middle Palace.

Apparently, she lost some time on the way, but she came anyway.

After Changsun Xueying entered the East Palace, he wandered in the East Palace for some time.

Every scene there is very familiar to her.

She felt her memory revive further.

She recalled a lot of the past.

Some of them were about that pesky wolf girl, Ayue.

That woman has the exact same name as Ye Lingyue.

She was also her biggest enemy at the time.

But Changsun Xueying still remembered that besides Ye Lingyue, there was another girl who was as annoying as Ye Lingyue.

Qing Cang Empress Xin Lin.

As soon as she appeared, the princess who was as noble as her and appreciated by the queen.

She is also the protector of the wolf girl Ayue.

When the wolf girl Ayue was discriminated against by people from other tribes, and she was excluded from the circle of heirs of the Queen's Palace, it was the annoying Princess Qingcang who helped Ayue.

She even taught Ah Yue to learn the Queen's inheritance and successfully entered the Queen's eyes.

When Changsun Xueying gritted her teeth, she also remembered another thing that made her feel relieved.

The West Palace, the one connected to the corridor leading to the Middle Palace like the East Palace, belonged to Princess Qingcang.

The princess did not appear at the old Kunlun site.

This means that even if Ye Lingyue has a part of the memory, she will not be able to enter the Kunlun Middle Palace if she finds the West Palace.

"Chaos Pearl, it's mine."

The eldest grandson Xueying raised her eyebrows.

She stepped up a few steps, not even noticing the white shadow that flashed by.

"The woman went to the Central Palace, she must have discovered it."

Yun Ling shook his tail irritably.

It had to stop Changsun Xueying, but it couldn't attack Changsun Xueying.

There is also the crisis of Jiudang Ling Jueya.

"Forget it, she didn't find the Chaos Orb so quickly, so she planted dead branches first."

Yun Ling thought about it for a while, then his figure flashed and headed towards Wang Ting.

The Royal Court is a courtyard of the Kunlun Middle Palace.

It is not large in scale. Compared with other sizable courtyards in the Kunlun Women's Palace, this inner courtyard actually has only one tree.

That tree withered after the Queen's fall.

When Yun Ling arrived, there was only an empty flower bed left.

The black-brown soil was bare there.

Around, no grass grows.

There is something magical about this land.

Except for that one purple-leaf bodhi tree, no crops can grow.

Yun Ling landed in front of the pile of soil and inserted the dead branch.

The dead branches sank into the soil, and there was no movement.

"Sprouting, if you sprout, even if the deity is in trouble with that kid. Jiudang Ling Jueya will be saved."

Yun Ling stared at the dead branch in the soil and babbled.

But at this moment, a bang came.


Yun Ling was shocked by this thunder-like sound.

The voice seemed to come from the direction of Nishinomiya.



Yun Ling looked at the darkness, like a muddy night.

The cat slave said that at night, she would come to meet her.

Could it be that she really entered the West Palace?

But this movement doesn't sound like the sound of the ban being opened.

Yun Ling was confused.

Immediately afterwards, there was a more violent crash.

In this posture, it is clear that someone is kicking the door of the West Palace.

That cat slave, wouldn't it be violent to enter the West Palace?

Yun Ling cursed in his heart.

One by one is not worrying!

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