Yun Ling, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, now has a ghostly expression on his face.

"you you you!"

All the hair on its body exploded, and its eyes widened, staring at Xin Lin.

As soon as Xin Lin saw Yun Ling, his eyes went straight.


She was pale a moment earlier, but now she jumped up.

Like a flea, it landed on Yun Ling's back.

"Damn it, you're still alive."

When Yun Ling saw Xin Lin pounce on him, she was frightened and panicked, and wanted to throw Xin Lin away.

But what kind of temper does Xin Lin have? If he has set his sights on the target, he will never let go.

She grabbed Yun Ling's hair like she was driving a horse. No matter how Yun Ling jumped up and down, she couldn't get rid of Xin Lin.

"You crazy woman, let go quickly, the hair of this deity will be wiped out by you."

Yun Ling was so angry that all the hair on his body exploded.

"I like cats the most, especially if a cat like you is so arrogant and arrogant. It's very kind when I see it. There isn't a single cat in Jiuyou Hell, it really itches me."

Xin Lin's eyes lit up.

In fact, she saw this cat, especially its blue eyes, and that stinky expression, how she looked like the witch god.

On weekdays, she has no chance to directly abuse the witch god, and it is rare to encounter a cat with a similar temperament to the witch god, so she naturally refuses to let it go.

"Xiao Lin, it is Yun Ling, and the cat is not its real body."

Ye Lingyue was also surprised.

Xiaolin and Yunling seem to be on good terms.

Yun Ling is very arrogant, and usually does not let people get close to him. In the eyes of people, there is always only a look of contempt.

This was the first time she saw a panicked look in Yun Ling's eyes.

"It's just a cat, and it has a half copper coin relationship with Yun?"

Xin Lin looked at Yun Ling.

The uncomfortable feeling caused by the pool of blood earlier has been swept away.

Xin Lin didn't forget to tug at Yun Ling's tail.

Yun Lingqi wanted to kill her directly.

"Xiao Lin, it's my friend, don't be too ruthless."

Ye Lingyue held her forehead.

Yun Ling and Xin Lin seem to be at odds with each other, and they are on the verge of breaking out.

Xin Lin wanted to say something, but a blue light flashed on the statue.

"Tsk, that guy urged me. In addition, in the West Palace, the witch god can't stay, you have to rely on yourself."

Xin Lin pouted impatiently.

A quarter of an hour is really short.

She still has a lot of words to say to Ling Yue.

"You don't have a body, it's inconvenient for your soul to stay here for a long time. You go back first, I will definitely go to Wuwang Xinghai as soon as possible."

Ye Lingyue promised.

As long as the Witch God's wish is fulfilled, Xin Lin can be resurrected.

When Ye Lingyue said "Wuwang Xinghai", a trace of surprise flashed in Yun Ling's eyes.

"The middle palace is in front. I can feel that the power there is getting stronger and stronger. You must be careful with that bad woman, Changsun Xueying."

Xin Lin nodded.

After a moment, the statue was motionless.

Yun Ling took the opportunity to throw the statue to the ground.

Ye Lingyue smiled bitterly and picked up the statue.

The witch god did not appear.

Obviously, Nishinomiya's ban is still effective for people other than himself and Xin Lin.

But... Ye Lingyue looked at Yun Ling again.

Yun Ling doesn't seem to be affected by the ban.

At this time, Yun Ling was also looking at Ye Lingyue.

Its neat snow-white hair has become messy after being ravaged by Xin Lin.

"Empress Qingcang, is she not dead?"

Yun Ling said alertly.

"You know Xiaolin?"

Ye Lingyue was a little surprised.

But she thought again, other than Xin Lin and herself, no one else could come in.

But listening to Yun Ling's tone, it seems that it really recognizes Xiao Lin?

"Stay away from her, if you don't want to die again."

Yun Ling warned.

"What do you mean by that?"

Ye Lingyue frowned in displeasure.

Xin Lin is her good friend from birth to death.

She doesn't like others pointing fingers at her friends.

"I thought you've been reincarnated for several lifetimes, so you should be smarter. You're still as stupid as before, you can't even distinguish between good and bad people."

Yun Ling said contemptuously.

"Yunling, make it clear. Xiaolin is my friend. If you hurt someone again, don't blame me for turning your back."

Ye Lingyue's face became ugly.

"Don't you think this place looks familiar. And that pool of blood, you really don't see anything tricky?"

Yun Ling snorted coldly.

For Xin Lin, it is very annoying.

Because, she caused the collapse of Kunlun.

She is the real sinner of Kunlun.

But unfortunately, this stupid cat slave in front of her still recognizes her as her own sister.

"That blood is the blood of the wolf girl A Yue."

Ye Lingyue glanced at the dried blood.

She didn't touch the blood again.

Because she realized that Xiaolin didn't like to touch it by herself.

"Yes, that's your blood, or in other words, you died here in your previous life. If you don't believe it, you can try the pool of blood. The blood of the Taiyin clan, even if it dries up, has a kind of power. , can let you get a part of the memory. You can just see the true face of your so-called good sister. "

Yun Ling sneered, and then glanced at the statue in Ye Lingyue's hand.

And the statue, which looks full of evil spirits, is not a good thing.

Ye Lingyue's eyes turned to the pool of blood.

"Yunling, thank you for your advice, but I choose to trust Xiaolin."

Ye Lingyue said solemnly.

When Yun Ling heard this, the hair all over his body exploded again.

"You stupid woman, you will regret it. Queen Qingcang is a liar, she killed the Queen, Ye Su killed the entire Kunlun Tianmai people, she sinned so badly that she was declared betrayed as Bai Shi. Evil ghosts will never end in a happy life."

"Xiao Lin is not that kind of person."

Ye Lingyue shook her head.

"Don't believe it, you will regret it."

Yun Ling was not in a good mood.

"Where is the eldest grandson Xueying?"

Ye Lingyue bypassed the pool of blood.

She just wanted to find that thing in the middle palace.

"She has the rune bone of Changsun Chong on her body, and she should have entered the middle palace by now. But you, you look like you, I'm afraid you won't be able to enter the middle palace. There is an enchantment there, the wrath of the queen."

Yun Ling glanced at the pool of blood and shook his head.

Ye Lingyue nodded and swept away in the direction of the Zhonggong.

Yun Ling followed and followed Ye Lingyue.

Where one person and one cat disappeared, the pool of blood that had dried up for many years suddenly and strangely flickered.

The bloodstain dries up quickly.

After a while, the bloodstain disappeared.

At this time, the eldest grandson Xueying had already entered the middle palace.

Her face was full of joy.

"Sure enough, I am the real Queen's heir."

She moved her eyes and looked at the middle palace.

The Middle Palace is much larger than the West Palace and the East Palace.

There are three in total.

The first entry is the council hall, the second entry is the queen's political hall, and the third entry is the queen's bedroom.

That powerful force came from the third entry, the Queen's bedroom.

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