Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Four thousand three hundred and ninety-nine chapters rare treasure

The Chaos Orb has finally appeared!

Ye Lingyue was overjoyed.

However, Ye Lingyue soon felt that there was a breath next to the Chaos Pearl.

It is the eldest grandson Xueying.

Changsun Xueying's breath was very close to the Chaos Pearl.

Ye Lingyue walked out of the Yangquan Temple.

The mask covered her face, she took out a set of clothes from the storage bag and put it on.

In front of him, the gossip thousand array is still radiating light, blocking outsiders from advancing.

Ye Lingyue raised her lips and smiled slightly.

But when she saw her figure, her mind power was like a tiger going down the mountain, rushing towards the gossip array.

The second entry in the middle palace, in the imperial study.

Changsun Xueying was distraught and dropped the two hundred and thirty-seventh jade plate.

No, not yet.

That treasure is not among them.

But her mind power has already consumed 30%.

If this goes on, all these jade plates have been searched, and her willpower is running out.

Thinking of Ye Lingyue, who was staring at the gossip, the eldest Sun Xueying was upset for a while.

Where is the treasure hidden?

Changsun Xueying was impatient, and her eyes fell on those jade plates again.

At this time, she thought of something.

"How could I forget, I have the rune bone of Changsun Converted."

Her mind power can only check the jade plate piece by piece.

But Changsun Convert's rune bones are different.

In her eyes, the light changed.

As the patriarch of the Destiny Clan,

There is no doubt about the strength of Changsun Convert's mind power.

This rune bone, although it has been away from its owner for many years, still has a strong mental power.

That is the mind power belonging to the level of Tian Nian Shi.

That thought force, like strands of silk thread, quickly entangled those jade plates.

The eldest grandson Xueying quickly looked at the jade plates.

One piece, two pieces.

Dozens of pieces, nearly a hundred pieces of jade saucers were quickly eliminated.

Until the 500th jade plate, just as Changsun Xueying was about to continue the search, one of the jade plates moved suddenly.

It seemed a little panicked, avoiding the inspection of Changsun Xueying's psychic power.

"That's it!"

The eldest grandson Xueying was overjoyed. Of course, the jade plate will not react on its own.

Obviously, this jade plate is a little different.

Changsun Xueying stepped forward quickly and wanted to take down the jade plate.

The jade plate made a swooshing sound and ran towards the third.

"See where you're going."

The eldest grandson Xueying was overjoyed.

Although it took a lot of effort, this jade plate is still in hand.

Perhaps because the victory was in hand, the eldest grandson Xueying was much more relaxed than before.

She glanced away and looked outside.

Since about a quarter of an hour ago, the Eight Trigrams Thousand Arrays have stopped moving.

Obviously, Ye Lingyue has no way to break through the gossip array.


There was no one in front of the Gossip Thousand Formation, and Changsun Xueying breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that Ye Lingyue had returned home without a feather.

In this case, the treasure is none other than her.

Changsun Xueying stepped quickly and swept toward the third.

At this time, when the third person entered, the jade plate was like a rabbit, jumping from place to place.

It also seemed to be in a panic, worried that Changsun Xueying had caught up with him.

It wanted to dodge, and suddenly, it turned into a cup.

But after a while, it seemed that the cup was not suitable, and it became a pillow again.

After a while, it became a potted plant again.

But these are not safe.

"Don't waste your time."

The eldest grandson Xueying had already paced in.

She saw the anxious look of the jade plate, and there was a bit of playfulness in her eyes.

"What kind of baby are you, you still know how to change shape?"

The jade plate was forced into the corner by Changsun Xueying.

The strength of the woman in front of her is very strong. Since the Queen's Palace was closed, no one has ever thought that her strength has been so strong.

It stands to reason that the queen left it here, as long as the strong person can have it.

But after thousands of years, the treasure in front of him obviously has wisdom.

It seems that it is not very satisfied with the eldest grandson Xueying.

In other words, the person it is waiting for is not the eldest grandson Xueying.

"You'd better follow me obediently. In this way, I won't hurt you."

The eldest grandson Xueying pressed closer.

Actually that piece of jade plate is only half a step away.

The power of thought, like a net, was bound layer by layer, trapping the jade plate in it.

"It still doesn't show its original shape?"

The eldest grandson Xueying sneered.


The jade plate finally exploded without being too heavy under the restraint of powerful thoughts.

In front of him, the jade plate disappeared.

Instead, it was a bead with a pale yellow light.

That bead, but the size of a thumb.

But the beauty of the beads is almost suffocating.

The eldest grandson Xueying came from a famous family and was the first disciple of Taoism. She had seen countless treasures, but she had never seen such beautiful beads before.

As long as it is a woman, seeing such beads, I am afraid that my heart will be shaken.

"Unfortunately, there is only one bead, if there are more, it can be made into a chain."

Changsun Xueying said with emotion.

But even a single bead is priceless.

The eldest grandson Xueying raised his hand and wanted to take the bead.

But at this moment, she frowned.


The eldest grandson Xueying's happy face quickly turned red.

Just now, the eldest Sun Xueying sensed that the gossip array outside encountered a violent impact.

Someone is trying to break the gossip.

Hasn't Ye Lingyue already left?

Could it be that besides Ye Lingyue, there are other people who entered the middle palace?

Impossible, the East and West Palace, only she, Ye Lingyue and Princess Qingcang can enter.

No, that power is much stronger than Ye Lingyue's earlier power.

That's not Ye Lingyue!

That is comparable to the mind power of the Destiny Master.

Could it be, is it her?

The eldest grandson Xueying thought of Princess Qingcang.

That woman, Ye Lingyue's good friend, was also his nemesis in his previous life.

The memory of the eldest grandson Xueying is not complete.

However, the memory of the eldest grandson Xueying is still quite deep for this Queen Qingcang.

Because that woman is just as annoying as Ye Lingyue.

If it weren't for her, the wolf girl Ayue would never have been able to live in the West Palace.

However, the previous self couldn't help her, because that woman, like herself, had a noble bloodline, amazing talent, and was also appreciated by the queen and the gods of the halls.

Before the rise of the wolf girl Ayue, she, like herself, was called the most likely heir to the queen.

That woman is still alive?

But she obviously didn't have a good death and became an evil ghost.

When the eldest grandson Xueying lost his mind, the bead jumped to the side with a swish sound.

The other party's mind power is comparable to the rune bone of the eldest grandson that he owns.

She should break in soon.

Changsun Xueying bit her lip.

Her eyes flashed and she looked at the bead.

She quickly chased after him.

We had to catch the treasure before Princess Qingcang came in.

Changsun Xueying's eyes were deep, but she saw her breathing and breathing, and the thought power of her whole body was released.

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