Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

The 4414th chapter of the tomb of the Queen of Promise (1)

That night, Ye Lingyue stayed up all night.

Early the next morning, she found Diyang Qingfeng, the Ninth Prince and others.

"I have decided to withdraw to the Laoshan District. There will be someone there to meet us. Please inform the people of the Thousand Buddhas Abandoned City. As for the people in the Blazing God Prison, you can also evacuate with us if you wish."

Lord Cangshan is aggressive, and he is bound to devour the surrounding abandoned cities.

Rather than confrontation, it is better to retain strength and retreat into the old mountainous area.

Ye Lingyue made this arrangement, on the one hand, to avoid disaster, on the other hand, it was to let Zangshan Jun and Liu Qibian fight for life and death.

Right now, the strength of the pirates and the strength of Lord Zangshan are undoubtedly the strongest.

Neither side will give up the special area of ​​the ruins of the hundred cities and the Queen's Valley, because the whereabouts of the Queen's Tomb is still a mystery.

"I'll let you know."

The Ninth Prince thought for a while, without the Nine Life Buddha as his backing, he would not dare to confront Zangshan Jun head-on.

Although the old mountain area is dangerous, since Ye Lingyue is confident and has the support of the artisan dwarf tribe, he is willing to go.

"But that boy Di Xin, you really don't want to think about it..."

The ninth prince hesitated.

I thought that Ye Lingyue would be very anxious, but she didn't seem to be too anxious. What about Di Xin's double cultivation partner?

"I believe he can handle it himself, even if the three Immortal Sovereigns come in person."

Daomen Bingxin, that is not an ordinary character.

Ye Lingyue smiled bitterly.

She was a little worried about the situation of her twin brothers and Ye Nansi, they were all with Daomen Bingxin.

Since the Queen's Palace, Ye Lingyue has been unable to contact the witch god, which means that she has lost the way to communicate with the outside world.

For today's plan, we can only enter the old mountainous area first.

Until Yunling wakes up,

After she completed Yun Ling's task, she thought of a way to contact her for thirty-three days.

Under the negotiation of the Ninth Prince and others, the next day, including Princess Blood, Cui Hong, Chen Xiangzi and others, all rushed over.

The Qianlan Buddha also came with a group of Buddhist teachers.

Seeing Ye Lingyue, Qianlan Buddha's face was not very friendly.

"City Lord Diyang, this time I have to work for you."

The blood princess is still polite.

The city owner of Beiyi Abandoned City is still Diyang Qingfeng.

Ye Lingyue also handed over the leadership of the evacuation plan to Diyang Qingfeng.

Diyang Qingfeng was flattered.

"Everyone, I will be ordered to lead you to Laoshan District. Our stronghold in Laoshan District was originally a tribe of Craftsman Dwarves..."

Diyang Qingfeng explained the general situation of Laoshan District.

"So, the artisan dwarf tribe has also been attacked by unknown people recently. We have no stronghold, so how can we establish a foothold in the old mountainous area?"

After listening to the Buddha, Qian Lan's tone was a little unkind.

She was reluctant to enter Laoshan District, especially with Yang Fei'er.

But the blood princess insisted that she had to rely on the other party, so she came together.

"The roots of the artisan dwarf tribe are deep, but there have been some temporary disturbances. We can help them retake the tribe, so that we can gain a foothold in the old mountainous area."

Di Yang Qingfeng said.

"Heh~ It sounds good, but it's clear that we use our manpower to help the artisan dwarf tribe. Using our manpower to give you favors, your wishful thinking is too shrewd."

The Qianlan Buddha was dissatisfied with Taoism.

"Qianlan Buddha, if you don't want to, no one will force you."

Cui Hong said coldly.

This pious blue Buddha, thanks to the fact that he is a Buddhist, has no compassion at all.

"It's not that I don't want to, I just feel that some people are taking advantage of us to benefit the public. In my opinion, this evacuation operation should be led by the most powerful person. Among us, the most powerful one is undoubtedly the Blood Princess. "

Qianlan Buddha pushed the blood princess out.

"No, the leader must be someone from our Diyang family."

Di Yang Qinglu was not happy anymore.

The Diyang family will never show weakness to others.

"Everyone, don't quarrel anymore. If you don't want to act together, you can do things separately. But I'm going to say that the old mountain area is steep, and people who don't recognize the way are easy to get lost. It's like some people, earlier Don't you get lost in the Valley of the Queen and almost lost your life. Isn't that right, you two?"

Ye Lingyue meant something, and looked at the blue Buddha and the blood princess with a smile.

Ye Lingyue is indeed determined to use the masters of other forces to recapture the artisan dwarf tribe.

She also has the heart to let Diyang Qingfeng take care of himself.

This time, it was the perfect opportunity to exercise.

As for the two hard bones of the Qianlan Buddha and the Blood Princess, Ye Lingyue also has her own way to make them soft.

As soon as Ye Lingyue said this, the expressions of the two of them changed.

"Ye Lingyue, who do you think almost lost his life!"

Qianlan Buddha widened his eyes and scolded angrily.

"Little Lan, don't be rude."

The Blood Princess is much calmer than Kianlan Buddha.

She thought for a while, made a gesture of invitation, and motioned Ye Lingyue to discuss with her.

"Miss Yang, did you know something?"

The blood princess smiled and said.

"It's nothing, but it's just some news about the floating ice loose people. After all, you are an allied army. I think the floating ice loose people died in the Queen's Valley, and there are no bones left. I think about this, Cangshan Jun. And the pirates must be very interested. If the news gets out, they will definitely come to ask the blood princess."

Ye Lingyue smiled.

The smile on the blood princess' face froze.

The ice floes formed an alliance with her and entered the Queen's tomb by themselves. It was a secret and no one knew about it.

Unexpectedly, Yang Fei'er actually knew.

"We are also very saddened by the unforeseen circumstances of the floating ice loose people. We can just follow the arrangements of the Diyang City Lord for the matter in the Laoshan District."

The blood princess looked cooperative.

"Then thank the princess."

Ye Lingyue looked grateful.

Blood Princess and Qianlan Buddha whispered a few words, Qianlan Buddha turned pale, glared at Ye Lingyue angrily, bit his lip, stepped aside, and stopped speaking.

"Since everything has been negotiated, we will leave tomorrow."

Di Yang Qingfeng was in high spirits. It was the first time he had commanded so many teachers, and among these people, many of them were stronger than him.

If they can really recapture the artisan dwarf tribe, they will become famous in the first battle in the old Kunlun site.

Just when Ye Lingyue and others retreated to the old mountain area, in Wuji days, it was also a scene of arrows being drawn.

The Queen's Tomb appeared in Wujitian. The news was like a thunderbolt, which exploded for the entire thirty-three days.

The major heavens either sent princes or officials, and some other worlds also sent the powerful people to find the whereabouts of the queen's tomb.

Strange to say, not long after the news of the Queen's Tomb spread, a mysterious map appeared.

That map is where the Queen's Tomb is.

But when everyone arrived at the tomb of the Queen, they found that someone had taken the lead.

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