Sleepless all night, early the next morning, Ye Lingyue, the six-tailed god Weasel, Pang Gu and others had already passed the secret passage to the outskirts of the craftsman dwarf tribe, a small wood about a mile away from the tribe.

The trees in the grove are relatively dense, and there are various strange rocks around. Unless you look down from a high place, it is difficult to find people hiding inside.

"Gu Yinglong also has seven or eight ancient beasts under his command. They all inhabit the tribe. They are also very ferocious and have already eaten many dwarves."

Speaking of which, Pang Gu was filled with righteous indignation.

"After Jiudang Ling Jueya fell, the Tao of Heaven has not appeared. This is also a strange thing. Could it be that the truth is rumored from the outside world, and the Tao of Heaven has become so weak that it is difficult to control the old Kunlun site?"

The Six-Tailed God Itachi was also surprised.

Ye Lingyue thought of Yun Ling in Yangquan Temple.

Yun Ling's situation in the past few days, I don't know whether it is good or bad.

Most of the time, it is lethargic.

It seemed that helping her to fuse the Chaos Orb last time consumed a lot.

If it is really the way of heaven... Judging from its situation, I am afraid it is not optimistic.

On the other hand, Xiao Wuji, the effect of fusing the "Emperor Pearl" in the body these days has been remarkable.

He can gradually change back to his own appearance, but it is not stable.

It will probably take two or three days before he can stabilize his appearance and leave the Yangquan Temple.

"The existence of the Dao of Heaven also has a deterrent effect on the Laoshan District?"

Ye Lingyue asked one person and one mouse.

"Most of the time, the Tao of Heaven does not govern the old mountain area. But if we enter the area of ​​the ruins of the hundred cities, we have to abide by the rules there."

Pong Gu recalled.

However, their patriarchs all have clan training in front of them, saying that they cannot conflict with the Tao of Heaven.

"But he is indeed weak, as you can see from the group of tomb guards. The reason why I agreed to cooperate with you is also considering that the group of tomb guards are becoming more and more lawless."

The Six-Tailed God Itachi sighed endlessly.

Those tomb guards are still driving away the masters, but they will likely enter Laoshan to separate and rule them soon.

The interior of the Laoshan District is not very peaceful now, which makes the six-tailed god Itachi worried.

Whoosh whoosh, a faint sound of footsteps.

Ye Lingyue was shocked.

I saw a small dwarf sticking out his head from the low bushes.

"Lord Panggu, another letter has arrived. The man hasn't left yet, saying he wants to see the patriarch."

Ye Lingyue was shocked and stepped forward quickly.

"It's a letter from Uncle Mirror. I'll go with him. You all stay here and pay attention to the movements on Gu Yinglong's side. Don't act rashly without my instructions."

After Ye Lingyue finished speaking, she walked quickly in the opposite direction of the grove.

She walked a little hasty.

how many years.

From that time, after she met Uncle Mirror, a hundred years had passed by with a snap of her fingers.

She had never seen Ji Rumo before.

Among the uneven trees, Ye Lingyue saw a tall and thin back.

Ji Rumo's face was a little pale, it's been a day, and the man still hasn't used the summoning array.

If he doesn't draw a summoning formation for a day, Yun Sheng can't leave Tiancha for a day.

He was really worried, Yun Sheng stayed there alone.

Behind him, there were some rapid footsteps.

That voice was not a craftsman dwarf.

Ji Rumo from the worried mood,

Immediately recovered.


A sullen look appeared on Ji Rumo Junyi's face.

Behind him, the grass moved, and a woman came out.

The woman's clothes were a little messy, she looked anxious and forgot to come.

The moment she saw Ji Rumo, her expression froze.

Ji Rumo frowned slightly, not knowing whether the visitor was a friend or an enemy.

"Uncle Mirror."

The woman floated into her ears with a somewhat choked voice.

Ji Rumo's body trembled, and his pupils could not help shrinking.

He couldn't believe it and looked at the woman.

From heaven to earth, there are people who call him Rumo, and there are people who call him Lord Buddha, but there is only one who calls him Uncle Mirror.


In Ji Rumo's eyes, the color of vigilance quickly melted away, and instead a layer of gentle ripples appeared.

There was no question as to why the woman's appearance had changed.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ji Rumo hugged Ye Lingyue with deep love in her voice.

"Yue'er, it's really Yue'er. Uncle is not dreaming, why are you here? Why did you come in? You shouldn't be here."

In Ji Rumo's eyes, his Yue'er will always be the little girl who is just a toddler, and learns to write and draw with him step by step.

"Uncle Mirror, I've come in a long time ago. I learned that my mother and you were here, so I came in. Xiao Wuji told me that you and my mother were both in the sky, and I was thinking about you, but there was nothing I could do."

Ye Lingyue choked.

After entering the old Kunlun site for so long, the bad news of her mother and Uncle Mirror has been weighing on her heart.

It wasn't until the moment she saw Uncle Mirror that she truly breathed a sigh of relief.

Only in front of Ji Rumo, who watched her grow up, would she show the emotional side of a child.

She turned herself into the "Ye Lingyue" of the Bright Collar, and she came back to life. She explained it concisely and concisely. As for the Chaos Pearl, she didn't have time to go into details, but she only said that she had entered the palace of the Queen and gained something.

"Silly boy, you shouldn't have come. Your mother and I are fine. Xiao that the bear boy?

Ji Rumo was both emotional and helpless.

Yun Sheng and Ye Lingyue's mother and daughter have the same temperament, once a decision is made, no one else can control it.

"Then you shouldn't come to Laoshan, this area has changed."

When it comes to Laoshan District, Ji Rumo's face is even more ugly.

"But the ruins of the hundred cities have long since changed. Jiudangling Jueya was captured by the Red Moon believers. The tomb guards headed by Zangshan Jun began to be their own kings, and now they are driving away the teachers."

Ye Lingyue smiled bitterly.

Ji Rumo stayed in the Sky Crack for too long and didn't know anything about the ruins of the Hundred Cities.

Ji Rumo was stunned when she heard this.

It was just a few months of effort, and this field was actually in the ruins of a hundred cities.

"Heavenly Dao's arrogance is about to run out... Now it's going to be troublesome. In the old mountain area, the sky is going to change. You know, a mysterious mountain city has appeared in the central area of ​​the old mountain area."

Ji Rumo smiled bitterly.

In the past day and two nights, Ji Rumo and those who were summoned out of the stone sculptures were patrolling the surrounding area.

They couldn't leave Laoshan, but they were able to enter deeper areas of Laoshan.

Among them, there is the central area of ​​the old mountain area mentioned by the six-tailed god Itachi and the artisan dwarves before.

"Have you ever set foot in that area?"

Ye Lingyue swept away the sentimental feelings earlier.

"I was only in the periphery, and there were two living stone carvings in, but they never came out."

Ji Rumo said solemnly.

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