"You said before that the ghost gentleman wants to capture the master on the jade list?"

Aside, Yun Ling suddenly spoke.

Ye Lingyue was refreshed.

Yun Ling's attitude was slightly better.

Ye Lingyue described the blood princess almost being captured, and the fact that the Qianlan Buddha was likely to have betrayed.

"Strange, why did the ghost city lord want to capture the masters on the jade list? The other tomb keepers want to kill us. "He's arresting people, is there any shameful purpose?"

Xiao Wuji wondered.

Xiao Wuji's thoughts are roughly the same as Ye Lingyue's.

"The power of that Ghost Lord is unfathomable. I thought that 'he' was the tomb keeper. Since he is not, then this person must be guarded against."

Ye Lingyue's eyes were deep.

If necessary, she plans to go meet Ghost-kun herself for a while.

"It seems that there is some truth to what you said, Cat Slave. Gu Qinglong is likely to fall into the hands of 'him'. It is very likely that my treasure was also taken away. It is unreasonable and must be taken back."

Yun Ling seems to have energy.

It also ignored Ye Lingyue's "offensive" to him earlier, and walked over gracefully.

"What treasure? It's very powerful, even more powerful than the Chaos Pearl?"

Xiao Wuji was full of curiosity.

"Shut up, adults speak, children don't interrupt."

Yun Ling swept Xiao Wuji, his eyes were full of contempt.

This guy, who got a Chaos Bead for no reason, is still there, annoyingly tight.

Get him out of here quickly, and he'll have a clearer ear.

"That thing is not a Chaos Orb. However, its power is much stronger than that of ordinary Chaos Orbs. If it really falls into the hands of the ghost king, the deity can probably guess why 'he' wants to catch you masters of the jade list."

Yun Ling pretends to be mysterious.

"Also ask Lord Tiandao to point out the maze."

Ye Lingyue saw Yun Ling's arrogant face and knew that she wanted to show off.

She secretly laughed in her heart, but she complimented Yun Ling on her lips. As she spoke, Ye Lingyue gave Xiao Wuji a look.

Yunling is really useful. As the way of heaven, it has been sought after by the tomb guards and those ancient beasts every day.

"That's right, Tiandao, please give pointers to the maze. We are all ears."

Xiao Wuji is also knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and hurriedly agrees.

"Boy, you said before that he was hunted down by a group of living people turned from stone carvings?"

Xiao Wuji nodded quickly.

"This is just one of them. In fact, I came here this time, and there is one more thing. Those stone carving people not only appeared in the Queen's Tomb, but some of them also left Tianzhe and entered the old mountain area. They obeyed a mysterious person. Patrols in the Laoshan area, there seems to be some conspiracy."

Ye Lingyue just remembered that she had forgotten the thing that Rumo mentioned.

"The stone carving in the tomb of the Queen came out? How is this possible..."

When Yun Ling heard this, the hair all over his body stood up.

"Ah, did Aunt Yun come out too?"

Xiao Wuji said eagerly.

He has always missed the good-looking Aunt Yun.

"She hasn't come out yet, but Uncle Mirror has come out. He's the man with my mother."

Ye Lingyue touched Xiao Wuji's head.

It can be seen that the mother and Xiao Wuji are very compatible.

"Cat slave, the situation is very urgent, you immediately leave the Yangquan Temple,

Go to Ghost Mountain City, be sure to find Gu Qinglong and get that treasure back. "

Yun Ling swept away the tone of the sell-off earlier and said decisively.

"Go to Ghost Mountain City? But..."

Ye Lingyue hesitated.

It's not that she doesn't dare to go, but at the moment, there are still many things waiting for her to investigate thoroughly.

The craftsman dwarf tribe and the six-tailed itachi have no place to live. After she left, she didn't know whether Gu Yinglong would attack again.

"You have to take a risk, otherwise once the Ghost Lord successfully revives an ancient god, you won't have any chance."

Yun Ling said in a low voice.

Ancient gods, resurrected?

Ye Lingyue's heart sank, and she immediately thought of the statues in the underwater temple.

"Yun Ling, make it clear, what is the relationship between the master of the jade list and the resurrection of the ancient gods?"

Ye Lingyue pinched a cold sweat.

She is not sure whether any masters of the jade list have fallen into the hands of the ghost king.

After all, the master of the jade list that Gu Yinglong said did not clearly say whether it was the top 30 or the top 100 on the jade list.

If it is the top 100, it will be closed in the Valley of the Queen. During the period when these people are imprisoned, the masters of the jade list in the ruins of the hundred cities are likely to have already...

When she and the blood princess and others came to Laoshan District, the number of people they called was very limited.

Earlier, the blood princess and others just thought that they were killed by pirates and tomb keepers.

But now it seems that it is not ruled out that part of it may be robbed by the ghost king.

"The specifics, the deity can't tell. After all, I don't know yet whether the ghost master has obtained the treasure."

Yun Ling said vaguely.

Ye Lingyue saw that Yun Ling was hiding something.

The treasure it asked itself to find, even if it wasn't a Chaos Bead, must be no less than a Chaos Bead.

The treasure that Tiandao protects with all its might, how can it be simple.

It didn't say it, probably because it didn't fully trust itself, and it was also worried that it coveted the baby.

"I'm going to find Gu Qinglong, but I'm not absolutely sure about Ghost Mountain City and his party. If I don't come back, then please help me tell my parents that I will always be their moon."

Ye Lingyue smiled bitterly. After speaking, she walked out without looking back.

"Hey. Wait for me."

Xiao Wuji was stunned for a moment, then quickly chased after him.

Yun Ling was silent.

"What a liar, where is the usual cleverness. She is not the opponent of that ghost gentleman at all. Unfortunately, my Yangquan Temple, I am afraid it will not last long."

The Palace Master Yangquan, who had been silent for a while, suddenly sighed.

"Old man, do you feel something?"

Yun Ling questioned.

"It's as if you can't feel it. Lord Tiandao, as the controller of the entire old Kunlun site, you are finding that you are gradually losing control, and the power of belief that originally belonged to you has slowly been transferred to other people. I don't know how you feel. how?"

Yangquan Palace Master sneered.

He also relies on faith to exist, although he is not as advanced as Yun Ling.

But he has already noticed that the entire old Kunlun site has changed.

Yun Ling did not make a sound.

How can it not feel.

Not long after the fall of Jiudangling Jueya, the entire old Kunlun site changed.

That ghost city is replacing the existence of Jiudang Ling Jueya.

As the Yangquan Palace Master said, it originally relied on its survival and its strong faith, but now it has gone to the ghost city in the Laoshan District. .

If it continues, once the resurrection of Ghost King succeeds, 'he' will replace Tiandao and become the new controller of the old Kunlun site.

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