Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

The fourth thousand four hundred and thirty-four chapters ghost gentleman, its people

In the sky, a shining North Star shone with cold light.

A man wearing a bamboo hat was walking among the mountain roads.

She pushed a wheelbarrow, the wheel of which rolled over the wet mountain road, leaving a deep mark.

In the horizon, there is a dragon roar that carries through the sky.

The voice came from the side of the ghost mountain city.

Ye Lingyue supported the brim of the bucket hat and looked up.

On the unicycle, a man bound by Wuhua opened his eyes, and she looked at the eyes under the hat.

"Tsk, Gu Yinglong is also in Ghost Mountain City."

Ye Lingyue, who has transformed into Feng Yujun, couldn't help sighing.

"We have to hurry up. We're going to be late. I'm afraid Cui Hong has no bones left."

Ye Lingyue was helpless and quickened her pace...

Inside the Ghost Mountain City, Cui Hong glared angrily at the few people in front of her.

The Qianlan Buddha was full of joy.

Gu Yinglong drooped his wounded wings and let out a breath of foul air from his nostrils.

"My lord, why let these nasty ants enter the ghost mountain city?"

Gu Yinglong got angry when he smelled the breath of Cui Hong and Qianlan Buddha.

These flea-like teachers are really annoying.

They invaded the old site of Kunlun and hunted ancient beasts, even one of its wings was injured by these nasty teachers.

If it weren't for the fact that the two people in front of them seemed to be on the jade list, Gu Yinglong would have swallowed them all in one bite.

"Gu Yinglong, it's not your turn to question me. You didn't complete the task."

The ghost gentleman stood abruptly not far away.

"He" is the same as Ye Lingyue, with the hat.

No one could see the face of "his" clearly, and even the voice of "his" was very neutral, unable to distinguish between men and women.

As for the figure of "his", he was wrapped in a wide cloak and robe, making him fat and thin.

Cui Hong was flushed with anger, but she couldn't move at all.

Just when Gu Yinglong grabbed her, the city gate that seemed to have been dusty for a long time opened.

Ghost-kun appeared like a ghost.

"My lord, this time it was an accident. I suspect that Tiandao guy didn't fall at all."

Gu Yinglong said angrily.

It was badly injured and had been unable to fly earlier.

After a day and night of healing and eating a few dwarves, he regained some strength, and then rushed over.

It originally thought that with its own strength, it was enough to crush those teachers, but it did not expect that it would kill a difficult one halfway.

Gu Yinglong couldn't help but shudder when he thought of that day, that thunderous kill.

That blow was very similar to the original Lord Tiandao.

This made Gu Yinglong doubt the identity of the other party.

Although, Ghost Lord has long said that the way of heaven has fallen, and the old Kunlun site has lost order.

But Tiandao has ruled Jiudangling Jueya for so long, and Yu Wei is still there.

Gu Yinglong had no choice but to find Ghost Lord.

"Shut up, I know better than you whether the Dao of Heaven has fallen. Even Jiudang Ling Jueya can't keep it, the fall of the Dao of Heaven is a fact."

Ghost-kun's voice changed.

Where is Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff, the central area of ​​the old Kunlun site, where Tian Dao's responsibility lies, but it left without authorization.

It is no wonder that it will be occupied by the Red Moon believers.

Since Heaven is not benevolent, it is also the general trend to replace it by yourself.

"But that person...is really amazing.

Like Tiandao, he is struck by a thunderbolt. "

Gu Yinglong moved his wings.

There are still obvious cracks on the right wing.

The wings of Gu Yinglong are much larger than those of Gu Qinglong, and when stretched out, they are dozens of meters wide.

But the opponent's blow almost cut off its wings by the roots.

Gu Yinglong shuddered when he thought of this.

"What is the identity of the other party, haven't we investigated yet?"

Under the hat, the ghost-lord's eyes glowed coldly.

"It's not a teacher. It's not an existence on the jade list."

Gu Yinglong said angrily.

After the other party injured himself, he disappeared.

But his plans were disrupted by him.

Otherwise, it would have already caught the third place on the jade list called the Blood Princess.

"On your side, do you know the news about that person?"

The ghost king changed his words and looked at the Qianlan Buddha.

"I have also inquired about that person. He is not ours. Nor is he from the major forces. If he is really on the list, he will not be lower than the blood princess."

Qianlan Buddha said hurriedly.

"This person must be eradicated, or I must ruin my big business."

Ghost King whispered.

"However, this person should have something to do with Yang Fei'er. I heard Cui Hong say that Yang Fei'er and Jiu Ming Buddha once mentioned him. As long as they catch Yang Fei'er, they should be able to find that person and even lure him out. people."

In order to express himself, Qianlan Buddha hurriedly said.

This is what she inquired from Cui Hong.

"Qianlan, you have to die."

Cui Hong angrily rebuked.

"Shut up, there's no room for you to talk too much here."

Qianlan Buddha said triumphantly.

"Yang Fei'er?"

Ghost-kun seems to be searching for news of this person in his mind.

"He" didn't have many opportunities to contact the masters of the old Kunlun site. As for this Yang Fei'er, he was just emerging, and his ranking was not very high. In comparison, he was much inferior to Princess Nine Lives Buddha Blood and others.

"Ghost-kun, I have already brought you here, I don't know my reward?"

Qianlan Buddha said cautiously.

This ghost king is unpredictable, even Gu Yinglong would not dare to provoke him easily.

"Reward? That's right. I promised you, and I will do it. However, the Cui Hong you caught can't be used as a patriarch's rune bone. If you can bring Yang Fei'er over, it will be another matter. "

The ghost gentleman smiled.

This Yang Fei'er attracted the interest of "her".

If I remember correctly, this person also left the Valley of the Queen alive.

That place is not something ordinary people can leave.


When the Qianlan Buddha heard this, he was a little embarrassed.

Yang Fei'er is not strong, but she is cunning. The methods used on Cui Hong will never work on her.

"You can choose an ordinary special rune bone first, which is enough for you to take down Concubine Yang. At that time, you can exchange her for a god's body and even a patriarch's rune bone."

The ghost gentleman is also a person who knows how to buy people's hearts. "He" has some ways to deal with people like Qianlan Buddha.

"My lord, my wings?"

Gu Yinglong on the side couldn't help itching when he heard it.

The special rune bones have an indescribable allure, both for ancient beasts and for reading masters.

"Most of your wings have been abolished, and it is impossible to restore them as before, unless you change your body."

The ghost gentleman just glanced at its wings, and said indifferently.

When Gu Yinglong heard this, he groaned angrily.

"Damn, I'm going to kill that damn alien."

Gu Yinglong coveted again and glanced at Ghost Master.

"My lord, my body is dead, can you give me one of the bodies of other gods?".

The body of an ancient beast is no longer rare, and the body of an ancient god is its goal.

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