The secret room is very large and can accommodate hundreds of people.

Here, in addition to Li Gang from the Demonic Sound Domain, there are also the corpses of other teachers.

Every corpse was incomplete, as if it had been chopped into pieces, and there were fragments everywhere.

Next to the corpse are some strange stone carvings.

There were forty or fifty people in total, and each of them was similar to Li Gang just now.

Cui Hong felt a chill jump up from the soles of her feet.

This secret room is like a large slaughterhouse.

And the ghost gentleman is the butcher without blood.

"Do you think that what you see is your kind? Tsk tsk, seeing is false."

The ghost gentleman smiled, his voice was low, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.


A faint voice came from the side.

Cui Hong was shocked.

"Li Gang?"

Cui Hong couldn't believe it.

The voice came from behind, but her neck couldn't turn freely at all.

Cui Hong blushed, only to hear a rattling sound, which was actually twisting a red thread of psychic power.

"Hey, as expected of the top 30 on the jade list, he is much more capable than other teachers."

Ghost-kun touched his chin.

"He" arrested a lot of people before, but unfortunately, they were all useless.

Each time, "his" experiment failed.

"He" thinks that it is because the strength of the teacher is not strong enough, so "he" issued a new task to Gu Yinglong, so that he can catch those stronger teachers.

It's just that most of the top 30 of the jade list have been damaged in the Queen's Valley, and the few that come out are not easy to catch.

Cui Hong is the first real top 30 on the jade list, and she is also the first one who can break her own soul-fixing silk, although it is only one.

Cui Hong turned his head and saw the scene behind him.

Behind her is the pile of stone sculptures.

In the stone carving, there was a faint voice.

One of the stone sculptures lying on the ground made a faint sound.

It looked at Cui Hong with a sad look.

"Li Gang? Is that you?"

Cui Hong could hardly believe his eyes.

That stone sculpture is Li Gang, and that person just now?

"Don't be surprised, it's your companion's body, and his soul is in the stone carving. It shouldn't be very comfortable to watch 'self' being killed. But who made him useless, even his own body The right to use it cannot be recovered.”

Ghost-kun regretted.

"You... what did you do with our flesh?"

Cui Hong came back to his senses.

She looked at the stone sculptures lying on the ground.

There are also those bodies that have no life.

It seems that the truth of Ghost Lord's capture of the masters coming over seems to have been presented in front of him.

Cui Hong felt that it was difficult to breathe, and it seemed that a hand was holding her throat.

"Why look at me like this. I'm not hurting you, I'm transforming you. With your current strength, you can't compete with those people outside. Unfortunately, none of your companions have stood the test. After all, those gods are far more powerful than you."

Ghost-kun regretted.

"What's in Li Gang's body?"

Cui Hong stared at the broken flesh.

"God, the god whom you people of the thirty-three days have always respected,

To be more careful, there may be your ancestors from the Demonic Heaven Domain. "

The ghost gentleman smiled and said nonchalantly.

Souls of ancient gods?

Cui Hong's eyes widened, almost unable to believe what she heard.

"You swap our bodies?"

Cui Hong said with difficulty a complete body.

"You're not stupid. Compared with those teachers, you are much smarter and stronger. I am looking forward to you."

The ghost gentleman laughed.

"He" had a hunch that maybe "his" experiment was finally going to be successful.

"Those stone sculptures are all ancient gods? Didn't they fall long ago?"

Cui Hong found that every word she heard was subverting her existing cognition.

"They were just cursed, but they didn't fall. Of course, there were very few people who knew all of this, so many of them became burial objects. Some of them were sunk into the ethereal sea, um, it was The sea you passed through when you came."

Ghost-kun said slowly.

"He" did not shy away from telling Cui Hong about this.

Because...she couldn't have said it.

If the experiment fails, her soul will be completely petrified in the stone sculpture.

But if it succeeds, she will use it for herself too.

For the dying person or people, the Ghost King is always extra magnanimous.

"Why do those gods rob us of our flesh? Because they are cursed?"

Cui Hong also realized that he was afraid that he would not be able to leave the Ghost Mountain City today.

Since it was death, she also wanted to understand it better.

"Yes, because they are cursed, they have no way to leave the old Kunlun site. When they leave, they will be cleaned up by the rules here. If they want to leave, they can only rely on their physical bodies. Actually, I really envy you for the physical bodies of you outsiders. You can disobey the rules here."

The ghost gentleman speaks with envy.

"But you don't have a physical body, so you're not afraid of the rules?"

Cui Hong noticed this.

Ghost-kun seems to be a very special existence.

"I am no exception, including the way of heaven you know. We are special spiritual bodies, but once the rules are activated, we will be wiped out. However, if we find a physical body, it will be different. I also need Flesh, so I let them experiment first to find the best one."

Ghost-kun regretted.

"You have also seen that ordinary flesh can't even bear the souls of these ordinary gods, let alone mine."

Cui Hong opened his mouth.

"You should have finished asking. If that's the case, let's start the experiment. Since your physical body is relatively strong and your mind power is also strong, I will choose a stronger stone carving god for you. If you are strong enough, you can make a stone carving Survive in this, until the day when the curse is broken, you can still live, and your body can obtain ancient immortal power. For you, this is not entirely a bad thing. "

Ghost-kun seems to be comforting Cui Hong.

"Heh~ Then I should really thank you."

Cui Hong said stiffly.

"Then let's get started..."

Ghost-kun was full of excitement.

As soon as he raised his hand, a thread of thought power pierced through Cui Hong's eyebrows.

Cui Hong only felt that his whole body was cold.

Everything in front of him became illusory.

She saw a scene, so real, but so strange.

Looking at her soul, she was pulled out of her body little by little.

Then, as soon as the ghostly gentleman raised his hand, a silk thread protruded from "his"'s wide sleeve and got into a stone sculpture. .

The next moment, a cloud of light mist escaped from the stone sculpture.

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