Most of these living stone sculptures are cold, unsmiling, and a little stiff.

Only the stone sculpture, who looked better and talked a little bit more, had a much better impression on Si Qingwu.

"He probably won't come back."

Qin Qi said lightly.

That stone sculpture... Sure enough, there are some problems.

"But it doesn't matter. I will summon a new batch tonight. My strength is almost restored."

After Qin Chu finished speaking, he looked at the moonlight.

Tonight is the fifteenth, the night of the full moon, the power of that eyeball will be stronger.

He can use this to summon the remaining living fossil sculptures.

As soon as the stone carvings are collected, he can enter the Valley of the Queen.

It was getting late, and the surroundings were already gloomy.

Ye Lingyue waited for half an hour, and the sky was completely dark.

She looked at the sky, saw the sky, and a full moon rose.

"You can actually see the moon in the old mountain area."

Ye Lingyue couldn't see the moon very much in the Queen's Valley or in the ruins of a hundred cities.

The Laoshan area is open, and the moon can be seen clearly.

Yun Ling jumped back.

After a while, Xiao Wuji also came back.

"That kid is very alert and can't get close."

Yun Ling shook his head.

Qin Qi's vigilance was very high. After the stone carvings came back, they completely blocked the area.

"Hey, at the critical moment, you still have to rely on me."

A small yellow-green grasshopper jumped out.

Xiao Wuji said proudly.

"I heard it clearly, that guy wants to summon the stone sculptures tonight. But..."

Xiao Wuji glanced at Ye Lingyue.

"Speak up if you have something to say."

Ye Lingyue heard something wrong.

"Ji Rumo didn't come back. Qin Chu seems to have expected that he would not come back. He won't have an accident, right?"

Xiao Wuji just listened to it, Qin Chu didn't say much.

But listening to his tone, it was all arranged by him.

Xiao Wuji didn't like Ji Rumo, but he also didn't want that guy to have an accident.

Ye Lingyue's heart tightened.

Is Uncle Mirror hiding something?

"Calm down, this is the end of the matter, we can only solve the immediate troubles first. If the little guy is right, there is a full moon tonight, and we will have some troubles tonight."

Yun Ling listened, but there was a little more concern in her voice.

"What does the full moon have to do with our actions tonight?"

Ye Lingyue looked up, and the moon was moving towards the middle of the sky.

"The full moon,

The power of that eyeball will be stronger. "

Yun Ling rolled her eyes at Ye Lingyue.

Really ignorant and fearless.

"Those stone sculptures are surrounded, we may not be able to escape."

Yun Ling has counted it, and there are forty-eight stone sculptures in front of it.

Although these guys don't have souls, their bodies are the bodies of ancient gods, and it is difficult to deal with them.

"Don't we have one too, can't we control those stone sculptures?"

Xiao Wuji muttered.

"Do you think that the eyes of the Red Moon Queen are so easy to manipulate? Besides, you don't know how to manipulate them unless you understand the inheritance of the Red Moon Queen."

After Yun Ling finished speaking, he suddenly paused.

It glanced at Ye Lingyue, as if thinking about something.


Ye Lingyue was a little uncomfortable seeing Yun Ling.

"Why didn't I think it might be possible."

Yun Ling's breath trembled.

"You, you can try to fuse this eyeball."

Yun Ling said solemnly.

"How can this work, this can't be done."

Ye Lingyue quickly waved her hand.

That is the third eyeball of the Red Moon Queen. This thing, to put it bluntly, is the treasure of the Red Moon believers.

Ye Lingyue, as the "inheritance candidate" of the Queen of Kunlun, can be described as an instinctive rejection of her.

If it wasn't for Yun Ling's request to put it on Ye Lingyue, Ye Lingyue would not touch this thing.

In particular, Ye Lingyue has also experienced its evil power.

Ye Lingyue can suppress it with Chaos Bead for a while, but she is not sure if it will get out of hand once it enters her body.

"You don't need to talk about its color change, that thing, to put it bluntly, is no different from a special rune bone. You didn't fuse two clairvoyant rune bones, the fusion of this third eye will not affect their use. Even, It will only appear on the fifteenth day. If you don't use it, others will not find it. After integrating it, you can obtain the inheritance of the Red Moon Queen."

Yun Ling had a sparse and ordinary tone.

Ye Lingyue has Chaos Beads, the eyes of the Queen of the Red Moon will be controlled by others after fusion, but Ye Lingyue has the coercion of the Queen, so she will be fine.

"That eyeball has the inheritance of the Queen of the Red Moon? I always thought that there was only the inheritance of the Kunlun tribes in Jiudangling Jue Cliff."

Ye Lingyue was very surprised.

"Apart from it, there is only the inheritance of the Kunlun clans, most of them belong to the Destiny clan, and this eyeball is the last one I brought there."

Yun Ling shrugged.

At that time, it was isolated by those hateful traitors and had to enter the old Kunlun site to hide. Jiudangling Jueya was its shelter.

This eyeball, it has always wanted to destroy it, but it has never been able to destroy it.

Now that I think about it, it may be better to use it to deal with the Red Moon believers.

"There is no time to delay, you must merge immediately, Qin Chu's side, let the little guy stare. Your side, I'll help you watch."

Yun Ling pushed Ye Lingyue and motioned her to hurry up.

They don't have much time left. Once Qin eclipse really gathers people, I am afraid that he will also go to the tomb of the queen.

And once he gets the stone carvings together, it will be very difficult to deal with.

Ye Lingyue hesitated and could only agree.

In this way, Xiao Wuji, Ye Lingyue and Yun Ling divided the labor, and Ye Lingyue tried to start integrating the eyes of the Red Moon Queen.

The bright moon moved to the center of the sky.

Si Qingwu was half adoring and half proud, looking at Qin Chu not far away.

He sat cross-legged, the soft moonlight falling in front of him.

Around him, a cloud of gray power fluctuated, looming.

That is the mysterious power released by Qin Qi.

It is also this power that makes Yun Ling think that it is the third power besides the power of light and the power of darkness.

When the moonlight completely enveloped Qin Qi, the cloud of gray gas penetrated under Qin Qi's body.

The gray gas kept changing and became a summoning formation.

This summoning formation was the mysterious formation that summoned Ji Rumo from the Sky Crack earlier, and it was also the summoning formation Yun Sheng knew.

Qin Chu's right eye changed slightly.

The color of the pupils, which originally looked brown, gradually changed.

The pupil gradually turned from brown to blood red.

As his pupils changed, the orange-yellow moon in the sky also changed.

The color of the moon gradually turned to red.

At this time, in the valley of the Queen, among the ground cracks, Liu Qibian's soul moved.

"I feel the power of the Queen's inheritance?"

When he felt it, Liu Qibian was very excited.

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