Back in the cave, Qin Chu and the others never appeared.

Ye Lingyue looked at the pulse for Yun Sheng and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The kid is gone, and the little guy's breath has disappeared. 80% of them have gone away."

Yun Ling also ran back.

It listened to Ye Lingyue's words and looked around, Qin Chu was gone, but Xiao Wuji was also gone.

Just now, Ye Lingyue failed at the last moment of fusion.

When she arrived, it was too late.

It is conceivable that Xiao Wuji must have led Qin Chu away.

Ye Lingyue was in a complicated mood at this time.

"My mother is fine, but Xiao Wuji... blame me."

Ye Lingyue was a little annoyed.

"It's not entirely your fault. You have Chaos Orbs in your body. It's one thing to refuse to accept the eyeball of the Queen of the Red Moon. Besides, your bloodline..."

Yun Ling was watching Ye Lingyue's fusion.

The key to Ye Lingyue's fusion failure, in addition to the rejection of Chaos Beads, is more important because of the blood of the lunar yin in her body.

The blood of Taiyin, exorcism and warding off evil spirits, is the most repelled thing.

The failure of the fusion means that Ye Lingyue has no way to resolve the curse of the red moon.

"I'm going to find Xiao Wuji."

Ye Lingyue was sure that Yun Sheng was okay, and wanted to find Xiao Wuji.

"It's too late, let's talk about it, you're just going to be one more hostage. That little guy has a Chaos Orb in his body. Although it's not powerful, it's still a Chaos Orb. That male teacher won't kill him. You might as well find out first. What's wrong with her?"

Yun Ling did not agree with Ye Lingyue's approach.

Ye Lingyue also felt reasonable after analyzing it like this.

At least temporarily, Xiao Wuji is safe.

just mother...

"Her Crimson Curse is not resolved, but it is not petrified. This is really strange."

Yun Ling turned around beside Yun Sheng, her face full of curiosity.

It had never seen anyone who could escape the curse of the red moon.

"Could it be because of the Doomsday Demon Sun? Before, it appeared. Judging from its appearance, it should be trying to take my mother away."

Ye Lingyue recalled.

"In addition, although my mother's body is fine, her body temperature is very high, as if she has a fever."

Ye Lingyue wondered.

"Does she have a special rune bone in her body?"

At this time, Yun Ling sniffed beside Yun Sheng and let out a light sigh.

Ye Lingyue was a little surprised, she checked Yun Sheng's body again, but found nothing.

However, Yun Sheng has been at the old Kunlun site for so long, it is not surprising that there are any special rune bones.

As for what rune bones are, I am afraid that only Yun Sheng will know.

At this time, Yun Sheng moved slightly and made a slight noise.

Ye Lingyue hurriedly helped her up, she found some water and fed Yun Sheng to drink it.

Yun Sheng felt a splitting headache, and there seemed to be a flame in his body, trying to rush out of his chest.

In a daze, she seemed to hear someone calling out to herself.


It was the voice of her daughter Ye Lingyue.

Consciousness, suddenly returned to the cage.

Yun Sheng tried her best to open her eyes.

"Mother, you are awake!"

Ye Lingyue was overjoyed.

It was an unfamiliar face.

But there was joy and concern in the eyes of the other party.

That voice was clearly the moon.

"Yue'er? Is my mother hallucinating? How could..."

Yun Sheng murmured.

"Mother, you're right, it's me, me, I'm Yue'er."

Ye Lingyue hugged Yun Sheng, her voice trembling.

She described herself as the bright leader Ye Lingyue and explained it in detail.

In his arms, Yun Sheng's body remained motionless.

Ye Lingyue hesitated and let go.

"Mother... Do you not believe in Yue'er? Although, I also think this is very bizarre."

Ye Lingyue whispered.

"Silly child. You are Yue'er. Even if you don't explain it, mother knows that you are Yue'er."

There was a soft light in Yun Sheng's eyes.

She hugged her daughter tightly.

Although it is different from the previous month.

But this look, this smile, this voice, is Yue'er.

She doesn't care about Ye Lingyue in the bright collar, and she doesn't care about any soul-changing.

She only knew that her month was coming.

The mother and daughter were very excited, an indescribable joy, lingering in the small cave.

Yun Ling, who was on the side, was a little uncomfortable when he saw it.

This kind of scene, it looks so dazzling.

It made a "meow" and interrupted the two babbling daughters impatiently.

Ye Lingyue came back to her senses and wiped her wet eyes.

"Mother, Xiao Wuji... He was taken away by Qin Chu in order to save you."

"Little Promise? You mean that child?"

Yun Sheng had already been petrified at that time, but when she lost consciousness, she also saw a shadow and jumped up.

Then, the man who used the power of the curse also left.

"That boy, why is he so stupid, we have to save him."

Yun Sheng's reaction was exactly the same as Ye Lingyue's.

"Mother, we are afraid that it is not Qin Chu's opponent. That person has unfathomable strength. And he can control the curse of the red moon. The petrification curse on you has not been lifted, but it has been temporarily suppressed. This is also what I find strange, Why, can you suppress the red moon curse?"

Ye Lingyue looked at Yun Sheng.

Yun Sheng was sleepy in the sky for several months, her skin was snowy, and she had a morbid pallor before.

But at this time, her face was ruddy, and the breath in her body was also very thick.

The curse of the red moon did not work on her.

But as Yun Ling said, the curse of the red moon still exists, it was just suppressed.

There was something in Yun Sheng's body that suppressed the power of the Red Moon's curse.

It was most likely a rune bone.

"I just found out about this. Before, Xiao Wuji helped me lead the male teacher away. Later, because I was cursed, I was almost turned into a stone sculpture. After that, I heard a voice, it seemed to want to Take me. It unleashes a power of light, and then that power seems to stimulate the candle bone in my body, my petrification state, that's when it dissolves."

Yun Sheng still remembered the scene at that time.

"The power of light?"

Yun Ling, who was on the side, jumped slightly and jumped onto Yun Sheng's lap.

It looked at Yun Sheng carefully.

It was found that her eyes were very clear, and it was holding Yun Sheng's palm with its cat's paw.

"Mother, this is Yun Ling, it's my friend. It's not malicious, it just wants to see what's going on with the rune bones in your body."

Ye Lingyue helped explain.

Yun Sheng nodded.

She is a summoner, and can communicate well with ordinary ancient beasts and even birds.

However, the Yun Ling in front of him looked like a cat, but Yun Sheng looked at it and felt that it was not just a cat.

Fortunately, Yun Ling's attitude towards Yun Sheng is still friendly.

After a while, Yun Ling figured out all that, and then paced away in a hurry.

The confusion in its eyes has disappeared, replaced by a clear picture.

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