It was at that time that the Doomsday Yaoyang was frightened by Yun Sheng's candle bone and had to flee, and returned to the Queen's Valley.

The Doomsday Yaoyang was taken away from nearly half of his source power, and he was already panicking at this time.

It is not Yun Ling, and it can be seen that Yun Sheng has the candle bones of the Sun Clan in his body.

It only thought that the terrifying power of the female reading teacher had taken away its original power.

Because of the lack of the power of the source, when it returned to the ground fissure, the light was already dimmed a lot.

"Lord Liu, hurry up and save the little one."

Doomsday Yaoyang's breath was weak and pitiful, and appeared in front of Liu Qibian.

Liu Qibian also noticed that after the Doomsday Demon Yang returned, his power was greatly reduced.

"What's the matter, I didn't ask you to inquire about the news, why did you lose so much power?"

Liu Qibian and Doomsday Yaoyang were both existences who had experienced the Kunlun Tianmai period, and were most sensitive to the power of the source.

There are only a handful of people or forces that can directly seize the power of the source in the old Kunlun site.

It is also because of this that Liu Qibian will attract the Doomsday Demon Sun earlier.

"Sir... I followed your order to find out about the red moon, and found a very powerful stone sculpture. The moonlight of the red moon shines on the stone sculpture. I thought that the appearance of the red moon must have something to do with her. I just want to bring her back."

Doomsday Yaoyang snotted and shed tears, and when he talked about his sadness, he didn't forget to let out a few dry howls.

Liu Qibian was shocked and confused.

"You mean that woman? Is it different from the seabed stone sculpture?"

"It's really different. She is much more delicate than the seabed stone carving, and she is just petrified. It has not been completely completed. I am sure that she has a little consciousness. I also took it lightly, so I fell for her and was taken away by her Power."

Doomsday Yaoyang has no regrets.

After Kunlun was lost, the power of the source became more and more precious.

It originally planned to get some from Zhuzhao, but Zhuzhao gave all of his source power to Xiao Wuji.

This time, it lost a part of its original power, and it was already vomiting blood.

"That woman is from the Sun Clan? There's no reason, how could she have the Queen of the Red Moon at the same time..."

Listening to Liu Qibian, he also thought it was strange.

Like Yun Ling, Liu Qibian was one of the few who knew that the Red Moon Queen symbolized the power of darkness.

The Sun Clan is also one of the several ancient clans. Di Yang, the ancestor of the Sun Clan, was the second existence with the strongest sun power after the Empress.

It is impossible for such a group to have anything to do with the Red Moon Queen.

"Sir, you must do justice for the little one and regain the power of the source."

Doomsday Yaoyang pleaded with a wailing voice.

But before Liu Qibian could speak, suddenly, Liu Qibian became alert.

"Someone broke into the Queen's Valley, who did you bring in?"

Liu Qi became dissatisfied.

Because most of the stone statues are guarded on the Jiudangling cliff, the defense in the valley is not enough.

Therefore, Liu Qibian had no choice but to turn all the resentful spirits in the ground fissure into resentment.

The resentment in the Queen's Valley is the best defense. Most of the time, others cannot enter.

But because the Doomsday Yaoyang carries a part of the source power, when it enters, the resentment will naturally become weaker.

"My lord is wronged. How could Xiao Xiao bring someone in? When Xiao Xiao came back, there was only Xiao Xiao alone."

Doomsday Yaoyang said aggrieved.

"Not just one person, but a group of people."

Liu Qibian felt it, and then there were three consecutive breath fluctuations into the Queen's Valley.

Qiu Yu was not there, and the Queen's Palace was also under blockade. At this time, a group of people entered the Queen's Valley. It is conceivable that they must have come to the Queen's Tomb.

At the moment, Liu Qichang is just a shadow, without a body to depend on, and cannot exert his true strength at all.

This is also the reason why it clearly felt the power of that eyeball earlier, but resisted not going there in person.

"Wouldn't it be the other party who killed him?"

Doomsday Yaoyang still has some lingering fears.

"To shut up."

Liu Qi became impatient.

This doomsday demon Yang is really haunted.

"Wait and watch."

Liu Qibian thought for a while, and quickly calmed down.

The visitor is not good. If it really came to the Queen's Tomb, it would be fine. It has been guarding the Queen's Valley for so long, and has never found the whereabouts of the Queen's Tomb.

The other party came prepared and probably knew the whereabouts of the Queen's Tomb. Maybe, it could take this opportunity to enter the Queen's Tomb.

In the sky, the full moon was still hanging high.

"My last word of warning...Brother Qin...I won't let you go."

Si Qingwu was strangled by Xiao Wuji, just like a chicken.

She was still weak, and after entering the Queen's Valley, she only felt that it was cold and dull, the surroundings were covered with gray, and there was a strange howl in her ears.

She was having trouble breathing and was in excruciating pain.

She had a hunch that if it continued like this, she would most likely die here.

She panicked suddenly, trying her best to look at the boundless haze.

She hoped to see Qin Chu's familiar figure.

But time and time again, she didn't see Qin Chu.

She was worried, and finally, that arrogance was replaced by fear.

Her voice became weaker and weaker, and the words in her mouth began to stutter.

In comparison, Xiao Wuji is much better.

He is of the bloodline of the Sun Clan, a pure bloodline, plus his physique is of the Orc Clan, he is more than a little bit better than a weak chicken like Si Qingwu.

The resentment didn't affect him very much either.

It's a pity that Xiao Wuji's mind power cultivation is very general, and because he wants to maintain Ji Rumo's appearance, his mind power consumes a lot.

His pace is getting slower and slower.

"Let me go...I'll let Qin...let you go."

Si Qingwu was panting, her breath was dying.

"Why does this woman look like she's going to die?"

Xiao Wuji also looked puzzled.

He held Si Qingwu hostage, but he just wanted to take her as a hostage, she couldn't die for the time being.

But looking at her appearance, I'm afraid it won't last long.

Xiao Wuji was a little depressed.

What made him even more depressed was still behind him. Behind him, there were faint footsteps.

A group of people are chasing.

Xiao Wuji scolded.

He knew that Qin Chu must be chasing after those stone sculptures.

Earlier, Qin Chu had just entered the Valley of the Queen, and because of the haze, he was unfamiliar with the terrain, and his tracking pace was much slower.

However, as the entry time lengthened, Qin Qi's superior adaptability was revealed.

Those stone sculptures also came to reinforce, and he quickly locked the direction of Xiao Wuji.

"Little dance."

His slightly anxious voice echoed in the haze.


As soon as Si Qingwu heard Qin Chu's voice, she was overjoyed and was about to respond.

But at this time, his hands tightened around her neck.

"If you don't want to die, don't make a sound."

Xiao Wuji listened to the footsteps getting closer and closer, and felt a little more anxious in his heart.

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