Not getting a response, Changsun Xueying looked at Changsun Gui again.

"Father! I got more Sea Soul Orbs, and within six hours, I am only one step away from the Master of Destiny. I am more qualified than her."

"As far as the number of sea soul beads is concerned, the ones in the purified devil algae should also be counted. We have not stipulated that the sea soul beads must be counted if the sea beasts have been killed."

Changsun Gui opened his mouth and said.

Her words made Changsun Xueying's face change.

She could hardly believe her ears.

Daddy, actually helping Ye Lingyue speak?

Suddenly, in her mind, something flashed like lightning and thunder.

Some missing fragments, at this moment, drilled into her mind along with Changsun Gui's words.

In front of him, a scene appeared.

Inside the magnificent Queen's Palace.

The eldest grandson Xueying had a look of joy.

She had just subdued most of the nine gods to support her.

On the way, she got the news that her father and grandson Gui had come to the Empress Palace to meet Her Majesty the Empress.

"Daddy must have come to help me speak."

The eldest grandson Xueying couldn't wait and went to the Queen's Palace.

She signaled the female officers on the side to back down.

Most people in the Queen's palace now know that her eldest grandson Xueying is the most likely person to become the successor of the Queen.

Changsun Xueying herself thought so too.

So when she quietly came outside the Zhonggong gate, her face was still filled with joy.

But just as she was about to go in, she heard a familiar voice.

"Changsun Aiqing, the successor's choice, do you really think so?"

It was the Queen's voice.

The eldest grandson Xueying's heart skipped a beat, her father was really trying to persuade the queen.

She never mentioned the matter of inheritors with her father, because she also considered that her father was a close minister of the empress, if her father favored her, it would be unavoidable, and it was not in line with her daily behavior.

Unexpectedly, this time, Dad would make an exception for himself and not avoid relatives.

The eldest grandson Xueying was secretly happy.

I just don't know, what does the queen think?

In my impression, although Empress Kunlun thinks highly of herself, among the three, she seems to prefer Qingcang Empress Xin Lin the most.

Xin Lin was as noble and talented as himself.

Hmph... It's a pity, Xin Lin and Ah Yue are inseparable, they always get into trouble, and have been reprimanded many times by the female officer in charge. The Nine Palace Gods have a very bad impression of them.

Changsun Xueying couldn't help but stop.

"I have already considered it. Among the three successor candidates, she is the most suitable. Queen Qingcang acts extreme, and likes to take the edge of the sword. Once she becomes the queen, it will inevitably lead to wars and people will suffer. As for Xueying...she Although the talent is good, she is still a bit self-willed, and she is easy to listen to slander, and it is difficult to take on great responsibilities. On the other hand, Ah Yue, although she is a bit wild, has the most calm temperament, and she is quite talented and has potential. Therefore, the minister I think Ah Yue is the most suitable candidate."

On Changsun Xueying's face, the smile disappeared without a trace like the spring snow.

She stared round.

Changsun Gui's words seemed to be in his ears.

How could it be possible that daddy actually said that she... said that she could not take on important responsibilities.

In Dad's mind, the most suitable candidate is Ah Yue.

Ah Yue?

How could it be her?

Changsun Xueying only felt that her mind was blank.


Changsun Xueying was shocked.

A wave is unbiased,

It landed at her feet.

The sea water splashed her clothes, and the sea breeze messed up Changsun Xueying's hair.

Her moving face was distorted due to anger.

The words of Changsun Gui and Yun Ling made everyone stunned.

The meaning of these two is that they agree with Ye Lingyue to be the new successor?

Even Yun Sheng and his wife were a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Changsun Gui would actually abandon his daughter.

Zitang on the side looked indifferent, as if he had already expected this result.

"Brother Qin?"

Si Qingwu was also very surprised, she didn't expect that the elder Sun Xueying, who was sure to win, was turned over by someone.

Didn't Brother Qin say that the eldest grandson Xueying would definitely win?

Qin Xi remained calm, but stared at Ye Lingyue with the one eye that was still intact.

There was a hint of irony in his eyes.

History is surprisingly similar.

However, it was precisely because of the similarity that Ye Lingyue ended up with the same fate in the end.

"I remember...hehe...Changsun recommended Ah Yue to be the successor back then!"

Changsun Xueying said with a miserable smile.

"Xue Ying."

Changsun Gui helplessly called out to his daughter.

Sure enough, she still remembered.

After so many years, her daughter's temper has not changed.

After he woke up, he didn't look for his eldest grandson Xueying, but it didn't mean that he didn't know his daughter well.

He can clearly see everything about Changsun Xueying after she came to the former site of Kunlun.

Thousands of years have passed, even if the eldest grandson Xueying was reincarnated, unexpectedly, her personality is still similar to that of back then.

Such a self-willed temper may not be a good thing for eldest grandson Xueying.

It's not that he doesn't love his daughter, but in the face of the big situation, he still chose Ye Lingyue.

Compared with the eldest grandson Xueying, the reincarnation of the wolf girl Ah Yue is undoubtedly more successful.

She knows how to weigh the pros and cons better than before, and knows how to make the right move at the right time.

This is the conclusion that Changsun Gui came to after meeting Ye Lingyue again and getting to know her better.

"You have no right to call me. You didn't regard me as a daughter at all. At the beginning, you drove away my mother because of Ye Su, and let my mother die in depression. We, mother and daughter, didn't even see each other for the last time. Later , you ran against my successor qualification again for Ah Yue. In your mind, Ah Yue is your daughter. But she is not your daughter at all. She is Ye Su's bastard with some wild man! I I have never seen a man who is so happy to be a cheap father."

Elder Sun Xueying's eyes were full of hatred.

She attacked Changsun Gui with the most vicious words.

"Shut up! You are not allowed to slander Ye Su. Ah Yue, she is not a bastard either!"

Changsun Gui roared angrily.

He did owe his elder grandson Xueying.

But this doesn't mean that eldest grandson Xueying can do whatever she wants.

"I can't keep my mouth open. Don't you want her to be the successor? Let me tell you, she is not qualified at all. The queen has already selected me as the successor. I have already been recognized by the queen. I have a Chaos Orb. Based on this, I am qualified to be an inheritor."

The eldest grandson Xueying laughed loudly.

After all, she stimulated the thought power in her body.

A bead, flashing fluorescent light, emerged from her palm. .

That one was exactly the one that Changsun Xueying got from the whirlpool in the sea.

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