The competition between the inheritors of destiny eventually became a competition of Chaos Orbs.

"Because the competition of Chaos Orbs will have strong fluctuations in power, if other people are present, they may be accidentally injured. Therefore, I suggest that the final competition be held in an undisclosed manner. Witness together."

Yunling's proposal was unanimously approved.

It has also selected the final place for the Chaos Orb competition.

"Jiudangling cliff?"

Ye Lingyue was a little surprised when she learned about the venue of the competition.

Jiudangling Cliff, which was once occupied by the pirates led by Liu Qibian, was chosen by Yunling as the final competition place between her and eldest grandson Xueying.

After Liu Qibian and others watched around the reef for a while, they saw several Nianzhou boats floating on the sea.

Those pirate psychic masters, including Qiu Yu, boarded the psychic boat and sailed towards the depths of Misty Sea.

No one stopped them, and no one had the intention to stop them.

Everyone knows that the base camp of the Red Moon believers has now moved from Jiudangling Cliff to Misty Sea.

Needless to say, Liu Qibian must have been connected to the source of resentment at the bottom of the sea.

Instead of blocking Liu Qibian and others and attracting revenge from the other party, it is better to let Liu Qibian and others leave.

After all, the current Liu Qibian without the eyes of the red moon is like a lion without minions. For a while, there will be no big movements.

Because of Ye Lingyue's purification of the devil's algae, the two camps split by the devil's algae are still facing each other at sea.

The Nian Shi, tomb guards, and ancient clansmen who stayed in the ruins of Baicheng also breathed a sigh of relief.

Under the order of Tiandao Yunling, they temporarily returned to their respective abandoned cities. The situation in Misty Sea is temporarily stable, but no one knows what other changes will happen.

Before the new inheritor of destiny is selected, the only thing everyone can do is to wait patiently.

"Yue'er, you must be careful, no matter what the result is, you are a good daughter of your parents."

Yun Sheng and Ye Beiming also had to temporarily return to the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas.

Jiu Ming Buddha and others went to Beiyi Abandoned City together with the craftsmen and dwarves.

"Mother, I will leave Xiao Wuji and Xiao Zhi to you for now, don't let them cause any trouble."

Ye Lingyue looked calm.

She didn't have much expectations for the Chaos Orb competition.

This competition seems to be a matter of course.

Although she couldn't remember why the three successors of destiny were all abandoned thousands of years ago, Ye Lingyue knew that this competition would be different from what it was thousands of years ago.

This time, between her and the eldest grandson Xueying, there must be one who will win.

And for the one who failed, the result is not just as simple as admitting defeat.

"Be careful yourself. I always feel that the origin of Changsun Xueying's Chaos Orb is a bit weird. If Changsun Xueying bullies you, we will not let her go."

There was a little worry in Yun Sheng's eyes.

"If you have something to do, tell the Golden Qilin King that it has promised me that it will take care of you. Remember, don't be stubborn in everything, your parents will always be your backing. Like"

Ye Beiming's words were much less than Yun Sheng's.

He has always been very reassuring about his beloved daughter.

The group broke up and went to Jiudangling Cliff.

"Yunling, that chaotic bead of Changsun Xueying seems a bit weird, I can't sense it."

In mid-air, Ye Lingyue hugged Yun Ling, and the flying talisman bones behind her opened like a big bird.

"It is indeed a bit weird. However, that one is indeed a Chaos Orb.

Cat slave, are you afraid that you will lose to her? "

Yun Ling glanced at Ye Lingyue.

Ye Lingyue smiled.

"Honestly, I don't think it's worth celebrating to be the inheritor of destiny. Besides, why can the three of them walk with us?"

Ye Lingyue and Yun Ling are very clear that becoming the inheritor of the destiny now does not only mean solving the current predicament of the old Kunlun site, but a bigger possibility is that even after leaving the old Kunlun site, they have to call on the other thirty-three The immortal emperors of the sky condemned the followers of the Red Moon together.

This is also the unfulfilled will of Queen Kunlun thousands of years ago.

As for the two people Ye Lingyue mentioned, they were Qin Eclipse and Si Qingwu.

Yun Ling disagreed with other people accompanying them to Jiudangling Cliff, but did not refuse Changsun Xueying's request to bring Qin Eclipse and Si Qingwu along.

As for the other person, Zitang, he was asked by Changsun Gui to take him with him.

Ye Lingyue did not object to Zitang.

But for Qin Eclipse, Ye Lingyue really couldn't like it.

Strictly speaking, the other party is not a person from the former Kunlun site.

However, both Yun Ling and Changsun Gui had very ambiguous attitudes towards Qin Xi.

They didn't regard Qin Xi as an enemy, but they also didn't think that the other party was their own.

The other party obviously hated her too, especially Si Qingwu. Along the way, she stared at Ye Lingyue's back from time to time. Ye Lingyue didn't need to turn her head, she could feel the hairs on her spine.

"Maybe it's because that man, like me, is destined for heaven."

Yun Ling hesitated.

It doesn't necessarily like Qin Eclipse.

This man is unpredictable.

But his aura was exactly the same as Yunling's.

"Destiny? You said he also has destiny in him?"

Ye Lingyue was startled.

Queen Kunlun's destiny was not partly given to Old Bodhi and partly to Yun Ling, so how could part of it appear on Qin Xi's body.

"This destiny is not the destiny of the other. His destiny is not the destiny of Kunlun Tianmai, and it is different from the queen's destiny. It may be other destiny. I just said that our two natures are the same. In this way, you You should understand. That is, he may be the destiny bearer of another Kunlun Tianmai."

Yun Ling tried to explain.

Although, even Yunling himself felt that his explanation was far-fetched.

But Ye Lingyue understood.

In short, Qin Eclipse is also a bearer of destiny.

Is he the same as Yun Ling or the former Queen of Kunlun?

"I took him with me because I don't know what the purpose of his coming here is. Is it an enemy or a friend? Before we know the nature of the other party, it's better to keep a close watch. As for that purple hall... Well, since you also know about Old Bodhi, let me say frankly that he should have a certain connection with Old Bodhi. If I really fail, and the new inheritor of the Mandate of Heaven is not qualified enough, he will be needed to help. "

Yun Ling is very clear that her destiny is only part of it.

This part of destiny, in the future, will be difficult to completely confront the Red Moon believers. .

It prepared for the worst, and Zitang was left by it to give Ye Lingyue or Changsun Xueying a boost.

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