The way Qin Eclipse stared at Ye Lingyue sent a chill down Ye Lingyue's spine.

"Brother Qin, what are you doing talking so much to her?"

Si Qingwu pouted and grabbed Qin Xi's clothes.

She looked at Ye Lingyue with eyes full of vigilance and embankment.

"You do it yourself."

Qin Xi said meaningfully, turned his eyes to soften, and gently rubbed Si Qingwu's head.

"Xiao Wu, this place is very dark, just follow me, don't get lost."

Qin Eclipse was always gentle and considerate towards Si Qingwu, and Si Qingwu really swept away the unhappiness earlier and revealed a joyful expression.

Heh~ This man really has top-notch acting skills.

The corner of Ye Lingyue's mouth curled into a sarcasm.

It seemed tender, but his eyes seemed to be condensed with ice for thousands of years, making it impossible to see through.

What is the relationship between Qin Eclipse and Xiao Lin?

It's a pity that Xiaolin doesn't remember the past.

Perhaps, it is a good thing not to remember, but after thinking about it, Ye Lingyue's heart of protecting the calf suddenly arose.

Among the evil spirits of all ages, Xiaolin's fate was inherently difficult. She sincerely hoped that after she arrived in Wuwang Xinghai, the witch god would keep his promise and return Xiaolin to her.

But right now, it's better to be cautious.

Ye Lingyue's eyes turned.

At this time, everyone was shuttling between the cliffs of Jiudangling.

After Tiandao left, Jiudangling Cliff also removed the veil of mystery from the past.

When Ye Lingyue came, Jiudangling Cliff was a tall mountain, covered by layers of clouds and mists, and the nine floors were isolated, so they needed to be led by ancient gods and beasts.

After Tiandao left, this place was occupied by Liu Qibian's people.

The cloud and mist disappeared.

A lengthy winding mountain step winds upwards like a crouching dragon.

The mountain steps are very long, according to Yunling's intention, from the first floor to the eighth floor, just climb along the mountain steps.

When you reach the ninth floor, you need a ladder.

Along the way, broken stone carvings can be seen from time to time.

Most of the stone carvings were fragmented, with the head and body separated. Ye Lingyue frowned when she saw it.

"Why did Liu Qibian smash these stone sculptures? Is it because of lack of strength? Or is there another reason? If he is still staying at the old site of Kunlun, even if he is evacuating, it should be safer to leave with these stone sculptures. After all, these are military forces. Could it be because he lost the eye of the red moon and couldn't control these stone carvings?"

Under Ye Lingyue's feet, she stepped on a fragment of a stone carving, and she picked it up casually.

The stone carvings were completely damaged, as if they had been blasted from the inside.

Ye Lingyue's heart skipped a beat, and she looked up at the road ahead.

Everyone was on their way, she was in the rear, and no one noticed her actions.

Ye Lingyue slowly released the power of the Red Moon Eye.

When she searched, her pupils shrank slightly, and the fragments in her hands couldn't help but clenched a little.

The power of the curse in the stone sculpture disappeared.

The stone sculptures in this play were all cursed by the Palace of the Queen of the Red Moon and turned into stone sculptures.

Regarding this matter, Ye Lingyue has always had unsolved doubts in her heart.

These stone carvings and even the temple gods were all stone carvings of the city cursed by the Queen of the Red Moon after the fall of the Queen of Kunlun. They stayed in the old site of Kunlun together with Yun Ling, those ancient tribes, and the remnants of the Red Moon including Liu Qibian .

This has been the case for thousands of years.

However, it is recorded in the history books or, according to Yun Ling and others, that the Queen of the Red Moon had already fallen by the queen before the fall of the Queen of Kunlun.

Then why, these stone sculptures and the temple gods are still cursed?

In other words, among the Red Moon followers including Liu Qibian,

There is also an existence comparable to the Red Moon Queen. "It" activated the power of the curse after the fall of the Red Moon Queen, and turned everyone into petrification?

If there is such a person, why didn't Yunling and Changsun Gui and others mention it?

She felt that Changsun Gui and Yun Ling seemed to be hiding something.

"I said girl, I'm missing you, what are you doing?"

The Golden Qilin King rushed to Ye Lingyue's body in three steps and two steps, urging him.

"The ladder is here."

Ye Lingyue raised her head, only to realize that she had unknowingly reached the eighth floor of Jiudangling Cliff.

The eighth floor of Jiudangling Cliff is already a precipice with no way out.

Yun Ling had disappeared, and at the end of the cliff, there was a cotton-white cloud.

Only then did Ye Lingyue recall that the first time Yun Ling met her, she existed in the form of a ladder.

Everyone was already standing on the ladder, waiting for him.

Ye Lingyue stepped forward, and then looked at the stone sculptures all over the ground behind her eyes.

The ladder moves, moving towards Gao Yue.

"Senior eldest grandson, how many people were there in the Queen's funeral team back then?"

Ye Lingyue thought about it and asked.

"What are you asking this for?"

Changsun Gui was a little puzzled.

He thought that what Ye Lingyue was most worried about right now was the result of the Chaos Orb competition.

At least Changsun Xueying put her whole heart into it.

During the journey, she adjusted her breath several times, apparently looking inside at the Chaos Orb in her body.

"I see that there are more than 500 stone carvings along the way. Liu Qibian smashed all of them when he left."

Ye Lingyue pondered.

"There should be more than 1,500 people in the funeral procession. There are more than 500 people in the ghost mountain city. You should also know their whereabouts. They were in that sky crack. That day The crack was originally a secret passage between the Queen's Tomb and the Queen's Palace, and it existed in a special space situation. Those were ambushes, set up to prevent the Queen's Tomb from being discovered. However, these are just funeral processions in the former Kunlun site."

The ladder was moving, and the Jiudangling cliff was clearly visible to everyone.

Changsun Gui recalled, and said, there was some dissatisfaction in his words.

There are several Queen's Tombs.

Changsun Gui also vaguely knew this point.

However, back then, he didn't know.

All members of the guard of honor thought that they were the unique burial persons of the Queen's tomb.

If they knew that the queen's real body was not buried there, they would not rest in peace even if they died.

Similarly, the eldest grandson Gui, who was the guardian of the tomb, was also indignant about this.

"Are those stone carvings hiding the same soul as the elder grandson?"

Ye Lingyue glanced at Changsun Gui.

"You suspect that Liu Qibian took away the souls of those ancient immortals?"

Changsun Gui raised his eyebrows.

He didn't notice it.

Like eldest grandson Xueying, his attention is all on the successor of destiny.

"I found that the power of the curse in the stone sculpture has disappeared. Liu Qibian probably controlled those souls. He went to Misty Sea at this time... I am worried that there is a change. I thought that those who stayed behind should be warned. Nian masters in the former site of Kunlun."

Ye Lingyue was thinking all the way, why Liu Qibian destroyed these stone sculptures that could be used as combat power, just now, she thought of it. .

Of course Liu Qibian couldn't bear to part with these formidable combat powers with ancient immortal powers. He did this in order to retreat.

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