When Yun Sheng and Ye Beiming heard this, they immediately needed to deploy their staff.

"Leave this matter to me, and you guys try to get in touch with other people."

Ji Rumo took a step forward and volunteered.

Yun Sheng nodded.

Right now the city has limited manpower, and the Nianshi and the ancient tribes from outside still need to respond. Ji Rumo acted cautiously, and Yun Sheng was very relieved, so he agreed to let him inspect the water system in the city.

In the abandoned city of Thousand Buddhas, there are no underground rivers, and the main water supply in the city is just a few wells, so it is more convenient to monitor.

"Is there any news from Jiudangling Cliff?"

After allocating a few people for defense, Yun Sheng took another look, and found that Xiao Wuji and Gu Qinglong still hadn't come back.

"No news yet, and I don't know how the boss is doing."

Xiao Zhi was a little anxious, he had a bad premonition.

But in front of Yun Sheng and his wife, he couldn't say much.

"Yue'er will not let us down. What we can do right now is to defend the city of Thousand Buddhas."

Yun Sheng gritted her teeth, Tiandao didn't explain how long the selection of the new Tiandao would take.

It's okay if it's just a day or two, but if it takes a long time, it's hard for them to persist.

But for the current plan, they have no choice but to wait.

Minutes and seconds passed.

The situation in the ruins of Baicheng became more and more tense.

Inside Jiudangling Cliff, the ninth floor.

Zitang meditated for a while, he raised his eyes, and saw Ye Lingyue staring at a tombstone.

A long time has passed.

That crack in the sky... Zitang raised his eyes.

"Look, something has changed."

During the waiting process, Si Qingwu was extremely bored.

Until she saw that there was a slight change in the sky crack.

I also don't know what Changsun Xueying was doing after entering Skycrack.

In the past more than a stick of incense time, the sky crack in the sky of Jiudangling Jueya has not changed at all.

This made Si Qingwu start to sweat for Zhang Sun Xueying.

Could it be that Sun Xueying's Chaos Orb was not strong enough to repair that crack in the sky?

Fortunately, after waiting for a while, there was finally movement.

"The speed of repair is not slow."

The Kunpeng Palace God couldn't hold back, and wanted to change his form several times to get closer to Tian Lie to have a look, but when he met Changsun Gui's eyes, he faltered.

"It seems that the little princess Changsun's Chaos Orb is of high grade. Congratulations to the patriarch of the eldest grandson."

Kunpeng Palace God flattered him without hesitation.

Changsun Gui looked indifferent.

Kunpeng Temple God sprayed ashes on his nose, and said to King Jin Qilin in an awkward manner.

"Qilin, Changsun Gui, why is that old guy so yin and yang, isn't that his own daughter? Why is he so lukewarm? Could it be that the eldest grandson princess is not his own? Otherwise, he wouldn't have recommended the wolf girl back then." Yue is the successor of the Empress. From the looks of it, the wolf girl Ah Yue may really be his and Ye Su's illegitimate daughter."

"Take care of your beak, and be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth."

The Golden Qilin King said in a bad mood.

At what time has this Kunpeng dared to gossip about old rotten millet?

"If you don't say it, don't say it. You are so fierce. I will settle accounts with you later."

Kunpeng said dissatisfied.

"The sky crack has been repaired in half. Changsun Gui, if your daughter really becomes the new Heavenly Dao, will you assist her, or will you set up another sect?"

Yunling ignored the noise of the two temple gods beside him, stretched lazily, and looked at Changsun Gui.

Under Changsun Gui's bamboo hat,

Two rays of light shot at Yunling.

"You are more advanced than before. Why do you think, after being slandered for thousands of years, I still want to be loyal to the new Heavenly Dao. Even if the other party is my daughter."

Changsun Gui sneered.

After being a tomb keeper for thousands of years, his blood is already cold.

Right now, he is assisting Xin Tiandao just because the other party can help them leave the old site of Kunlun.

I don't know how to assist the eldest grandson Xueying, and the same eldest grandson Xueying will not recognize him as his father.

This point, when Changsun Xueying's memory recovered, Changsun Gui had already realized it.

"The sky crack will soon be repaired."

Si Qingwu said happily.

The time of two and a half incense sticks has passed, and the crack in the sky has been repaired by 80% or 90%.

Only the last 10% or so of the sky crack has not been repaired.

There is still half a stick of incense time, it seems that the eldest Sun Xueying has the chance to win.

After Si Qingwu finished speaking, she glanced at Ye Lingyue.

But some people don't have the slightest awareness.

Ye Lingyue didn't seem to notice the changes in the sky crack at all.

In the time of two and a half incense sticks, she can be regarded as having read all the tombstones, which means that Ye Lingyue has roughly explored the rune bones under those tombstones.

"It's almost time."

Ye Lingyue let out a long breath as if waking up from a dream.

At this time, a change occurred in the sky crack, and the figure of Changsun Xueying suddenly appeared from the sky crack.

She was unstable and almost fell from the sky.

Kunpeng Palace God hurried forward and caught Changsun Xueying.

"It's a pity, it's only a little short of the last point, but it's already very good, unless the other party repairs it in less than half a stick of incense, otherwise, you still..."

Kunpeng Temple God looked at the sky crack, and if it was less than 10%, the sky crack would be repaired soon.

Even if Ye Lingyue makes a move, only 10% of the sky is cracked.

The balance of victory has obviously tilted towards Changsun Xueying.

"No, the sky crack has expanded again."

The Golden Qilin King exclaimed.

The sky, that crack in the sky, after most of it was repaired, just after Changsun Xueying left the crack in the sky, it cracked again.

When Changsun Xueying heard this, her figure also trembled slightly.

She couldn't believe it, and looked at Tian Lie.

Sure enough, in the sky, Tian Lie, who quickly returned to his original shape, looked at Changsun Xueying with a sneer like a man the size of his mouth.

Changsun Xueying bit her lip.

"I forgot to mention that unless the sky crack is completely repaired, the sky crack will return to its original state, which is why it has always existed all these years."

Yun Ling also tried to repair it several times, but all failed.

Several times, like Changsun Xueying, it has been repaired eighty to ninety percent.

Changsun Xueying did not speak, and fell back to the ground with Kunpeng Palace God.

"It's your turn. I want to see what step you can do."

Changsun Xueying looked at Ye Lingyue provocatively.

Although it fell short, Changsun Xueying didn't think that Ye Lingyue could do better than her.

This crack in the sky requires the fusion of mind power and the power of the Chaos Orb to repair it.

Her mental power is much stronger than Ye Lingyue's.

Unless Ye Lingyue's Chaos Orb is much stronger than hers, otherwise, it is impossible to surpass her.

What's more, Ye Lingyue's Chaos Orb is just...

Changsun Xueying sneered from the bottom of her heart.

This repair of the sky crack is really worth it.

She unexpectedly got a very useful news.

This news alone was enough to make Ye Lingyue suffer a crushing defeat. .

But at the moment, Changsun Xueying doesn't plan to speak out.

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