So this year is very important to everyone.

If you don't study hard and fail to enter the middle palace, it means that you will become a maid.

And those who enter the middle palace, even if they cannot become the successor of the empress in the end, they can also be female officials to assist the new empress in the future.

"Ah Yue, your status is not as good as others, it doesn't matter, if you hurry up and learn, you still have a chance to become a female officer."

The mother-in-law spoke earnestly.

Because the Ming clan had two candidates, rumors about the second candidate, Ah Yue, had already spread in the palace.

The outside world has been rumoring that Ah Yue is the illegitimate daughter of the Ming patriarch. As for her biological mother, it is said that she is a lowly slave girl and cannot be on the stage.

The patriarch, Sun Gui, was ordered to send this illegitimate daughter to the palace for the sake of her future.

In a place like the Kunlun Queen's Palace where all the maids come from good backgrounds, Ah Yue's background is naturally not popular.

No one would think that she is qualified to be the real successor, and becoming a female official is already Ah Yue's best destination.

"Thanks for the reminder, ma'am."

Ah Yue was expressionless.

Only by studying hard can I become a female officer, and lose my freedom, just like the nun in front of me, I will spend my whole life alone in the queen's palace.

Ah Yue didn't expect this at all.

If it wasn't for Ye Su's frequent visits to the Queen's Palace, Ah Yue would have been too lazy to come if she had the opportunity to meet Aunt Ye here.

She is already a teacher now, and she can't learn anything related to mind power in the Queen's Palace. Instead, she learns some red tape. She feels a headache when she thinks about it.

Xin Lin also thought the same way.

After the two girls met on the way, after some complaints, the tacit understanding doubled.

Seeing that there was no way to find out Xin Lin's residence from the serious foster mother, Ah Yue could only dawdle and start to pack her luggage.

Her luggage is simple, two change of clothes,

A comb, a pair of shoes.

In the wing room, there is no chest, so it can only be placed at the end of the bed.

Because it is a Datong shop, the beds are from the inside to the outside.

Ah Yue came early, she thought she was the first one, but when she looked inside, she found that a robe had already been placed in the two innermost places of Datong shop, it seemed that someone had already come.

Ah Yue thought for a while, and put the clothes in the next two outer places.

She turned and went to fetch water to wash.

Ye Lingyue watched Ah Yue go away, and then looked at the wing in front of her.

Everything here is extremely real, even Ye Lingyue can really feel it when she touches the tables, chairs and bedding in the wing room.

"Is this really an illusion?"

Ye Lingyue was confused.

Compared with the previous illusions, the illusion after the black mist was too real.

Ye Lingyue didn't know why she saw all this.

There was a sound of footsteps.

Ye Lingyue thought it was Ah Yue who came back, but unexpectedly a girl in green walked in.

She is wearing a double bun, and she looks very delicate, with a beauty that she shouldn't have at her age.

She has dark almond eyes, a pretty nose, and is shorter than Ah Yue at that time, with fair and pink skin.

She looked at Datong shop with some disgust.

"The conditions in the Queen's Palace are also too bad. How can I sleep on such a crumbling bed?"

She happily left her luggage aside.

After wandering around in the wing room, she sighed, apparently having to accept the fact that she was going to live here.

Judging by his age and appearance, he should also be one of the candidates for the queen's inheritance.

It was Ye Lingyue's first time seeing other candidates besides Changsun Xueying and Xin Lin.

I thought that apart from the three potential candidates for the queen's inheritance, there were no other outstanding characters, but now it seems that the girl in front of me is not bad.

After wandering around the room, the girl glanced at Datong Shop.

She knew that for the next year, she would have to live and eat here with the other three yellow-haired girls.

Her beautiful almond eyes rolled over.

"Only the worst position is left, and it's all the old guy's fault for slowing down and delaying my schedule."

Although it is a Datong shop, the location is still different.

The one next to the wall is undoubtedly the best position, and the outermost position is undoubtedly the worst, because if you enter from the door, any disturbance outside or even someone entering or leaving will affect the people on the outermost side.

The girl put her clothes inside.

Put the innermost Narao's robe on the outermost.

But later, she folded back again.

She glanced at Ah Yue's clothes, put Ah Yue's clothes on the innermost side, put her own clothes where Ah Yue used to be, and put the innermost clothes on the outermost.

After doing all this, the corners of her mouth raised, and she hummed softly, and walked out.

Ye Lingyue frowned.

That pretty girl is so scheming.

This change of position will definitely lead to many conflicts later.

After a while, Ah Yue walked in.

She put down the basin.

I was about to tidy up my clothes when I saw that my clothes had changed places.

Ah Yue was startled, and before she could say anything, she heard a sound coming from outside the door.

Several girls walked in.

One of them is the beautiful girl who left earlier.

There is another one with a handsome appearance and a medium height, who also looks like the oldest among them.

The last person, go last.

But when she saw her, Ye Lingyue couldn't help being surprised.

That kind of appearance... It is impossible to be a candidate for the successor of the empress with ordinary appearance and talent.

Ah Yue and the girl from earlier were both beautiful, but the girl who came in at the end was not inferior to the two of them.

She has skin like snow and is tall, more than half a head taller than everyone else.

A pair of phoenix eyes shone coldly, and her facial features were flawless.

It's just this appearance, who is it if it's not the emperor?

Or, she is the No. 1 Emperor!

Ye Lingyue once brought up the emperor, so she has seen the emperor's appearance before.

"Bing Xin, Liu Liu, come here quickly, there are four people in our room, this must be the newcomer."

It was the girl with a pretty face who spoke. She saw Ah Yue and showed a friendly smile.

Bing Xin!

Ye Lingyue's eyes were filled with shock.

This girl is actually Bing Xin?

"I know her. Her name is A Yue, and she is from the Ming clan."

That very pretty girl, that is, Liu Liu, gave a light snort.

She was clever, and when she left just now, she went to the nunnery's side to inquire about her and found out the names of her roommates.

In fact, she had already heard of Ah Yue's name when she first came here, after all, not many people would dare to beat the princess of the clan. ""

"My name is Sun Yun, and you are Ah Yue? From now on, we will be roommates, we must get along well."

After Sun Yun declared her family name, she pulled Ah Yue enthusiastically.

Ah Yue was about to agree when Liu Liu called out.

"Ah Yue, you are really cunning. You snatched the best seat before we arrived."

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