"So, you came to report after seeing Ah Yue and Bing Xin sneaking out with bad intentions, but got lost?"

After listening to Liuliu's words, the nurturing mother had doubts on her face.

"It's true, Mammy, I heard them go out as soon as I fell asleep at night. I thought Mammy, you said that we were not allowed to go out during the night shift, so I paid special attention to it. It seems that they have known each other for a long time. It’s no wonder that the bed during the day…”

Liu Liu's eyes were red.

She looked so pitiful that people couldn't help but trust her words a little.

After listening to the foster mother, she recalled for a while, and realized that Ah Yue and Bing Xin were indeed a little abnormal during the day.

Especially that Bing Xin, who doesn't sleep on a good bed, what kind of beam does she want to sleep on.

"It's really worrying, let's go and have a look."

The foster mother raised her face and asked a group of guards to search around, and at the same time led Liu Liu back to the wing.

"Oops, that Liuliu is very harmful."

Ah Yue watched Liu Liu being arrested, and felt a little gloating, but unexpectedly, Liu Liu bit back.

But thinking about it again, that's how she behaved during the day.

This man, young, has a very bad mind.

"Who asked you to come out?"

Bing Xin squinted at A Yue, with a bit of disgust in her eyes.

"If it wasn't for you, I would follow out?"

Ah Yue pursed her lips.

"Let's hurry up and turn back."

Ah Yue thought for a while, then signaled Bing Xin to put her down.

"Turn back?"

Bing Xin was a little surprised.

"There is a shortcut near here, which Xin Lin and I discovered during the day."

Ah Yue thought for a while, looked left and right, and started looking for the secret path.

In fact, Xin Lin told her the secret way, and I don't know where she found out about it.

Ah Yue narrowed her eyes and searched around.

At last she found a path through a field of lilacs.

She took Bing Xin's hand and was about to drill into the path.

"too slow."

Suddenly, Ah Yue felt that there was a strong hand on her wrist.

Bing Xin's hand was a little hot, she locked Ah Yue's wrist, and the next moment, Ah Yue felt a blur in front of her eyes, as if she was being picked up.

She blinked, and saw Bing Xin's eyes, shining red.

But she clearly remembered that Bing Xin had a pair of beautiful amber eyes.

Ah Yue felt a whistling in her ears.

When she came to her senses, Bing Xin had already stepped into the door.

Ah Yue was astonished.

The Datong shop was right in front of him, and Sun Yun was sleeping soundly, not realizing that there were a few people missing in the room at all.

It was only a few breaths, but they came back! !

If he took the shortcut, although he could still make it back, but because it was dark and the time was very urgent, he might not be able to avoid the foster mother.

"how did you do it?"

Ah Yue was dumbfounded.

Aunt Ye seems to have this ability, but Aunt Ye is so powerful, Bing Xin is just a little girl.


Bing Xin coolly dropped a sentence, turned on the beam.

Ah Yue pursed her lips, whispered stingyly, and turned on the bed.

Not long after, there were footsteps outside the door.

"Both of them haven't come back yet, Mammy, you must discipline them well."

Liu Liu's voice came from outside the door.

Liu Liu's lovely face was full of anticipation.

She couldn't wait to see the scene when Ah Yue and Bing Xin were caught.

Those who dare to oppose her will never end well.

Except for these two people, there are two fewer competitors.

The door of the room was opened, and the foster mother looked into the room angrily.

Wherever the light of the lantern flames reached, there were two people lying on the Datong bunk, and on the beam of the room, Bing Xin turned over and sat up.

Sleeping on the girder, she seemed more comfortable than sleeping on the bed.

After the Datong bunk was laid, Ah Yue and Sun Yun sat up.

Ah Yue rubbed her eyes, with a sleepy look on her face.

"It's so noisy, why don't you let people sleep?"

When she saw the foster mother, she spat out stones in fright, and called out to the mother in a low voice.

On the beam, Bing Xin just gave them a cold look.

The foster mother's expression changed drastically.

"Liu Liu, what's going on? That's what you said, they both sneaked out?"

Liu Liu's beautiful face was full of astonishment.

How is it possible, didn't they both go out?

"They must have found out that I was following and came back by taking a shortcut. Mammy, it's absolutely true. I saw them both with my own eyes, Bing Xin in front and Ah Yue in the rear, going out together."

Liu Liu hastily argued.

"What shortcut? Liuliu, we are all sleeping in the house, where can we go?"

Ah Yue was confused.

The pajamas on her body were still crumpled, and she really didn't look like she had returned from going out.

"Bing Xin, have you ever gone out?"

Ah Yue tilted her head and looked at the people on the beam.

The people on the beam shook their heads, really cherishing words like gold.

The ins and outs of the matter are already very clear.

These children have only been in the Queen's Palace for less than a day, and I'm afraid they haven't memorized the nearby roads clearly, so how could they know what is the shortcut.

Besides, there are guards patrolling the corridor along the way even in the direction of going to the toilet. It is impossible for the two girls to hide from the sky and turn back after going out.

There is only one possibility, and that is Liuliu, who lied.

"Liu Liu, come out."

The foster mother's face was ashen, Liuliu's face was full of unwillingness, she stared at Ayue.

After everyone dispersed, Ah Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

"What happened?"

Sun Yun also woke up, rubbed her eyes, and looked at Ah Yue wonderingly.

"It's nothing, Liuliu is going to be in trouble."

Ah Yue stuck out her tongue.

The revenge during the day can be regarded as revenge.

However, what exactly is Bing Xin going to do when she goes out?

As soon as Ah Yue looked up, the people on the beam had already fallen asleep.

The turmoil of the night quickly subsided.

After running around during the day, Ah Yue quickly put the confusion in her mind behind her.

As for Bing Xin's secrets, she has more opportunities to discover them.

Ah Yue fell asleep quickly, and Liu Liu didn't even come back that night.

But Bing Xin glanced at Ah Yue, her pupils flickered, and she closed her eyes.

All of this was seen by Ye Lingyue.

These three children... Ye Lingyue's eyes flashed with astonishment.

Especially Bing Xin.

Could this Bing Xin be the Bing Xin she knew?

If so, why is she in the form of a daughter?

But if not, why would there be a Bing Xin with the same name and surname, even the same appearance in the world.

Bing Xin is also the successor of the Queen?

Tonight, she had already shown her amazing talent.

Her castle is deep.

Maybe Ah Yue didn't notice it, but Ye Lingyue had already seen it clearly

All of this is by design.

Bing Xin went out unexpectedly, and led Ah Yue to follow her, followed by Liu Liu.

Its purpose is likely to kill two birds with one stone. .

In addition to hiding her shady purpose, Bing Xin can also use this opportunity to take revenge on Liu Liu directly.

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