Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

The fourth thousand six hundred and forty-five chapters who dominate the ups and downs (8)

"Xueying. You've already remembered."

The boy raised his hand.

His fingers are long and thin with calluses.

The eldest grandson Xueying was stunned.

She raised her hand subconsciously, trying to grab that hand... But at this moment, the boy's eyebrows moved slightly, his hand was retracted, and his eyes flicked behind him.

The corner of his mouth was pressed down, as if he saw something.

"You should go back, someone is coming."

Not far away, a girl was walking over.

She has a person on her back.

When he saw that person, the boy's expression changed.

She actually saved Liu...

If he had known this earlier, he should have killed Liu...

The gentle aura on his body was swept away.

"Bing Xin."

The voice of Changsun Xueying was still echoing behind her.

"I will contact you when I return to the Queen's Palace."

Bing Xin was impatient and didn't even look back. He swept his figure and headed towards the area where a group of ferocious beasts gathered.

He had to keep that stupid girl away from Liu.

The boy's figure disappeared.

The eldest grandson Xueying came back to her senses.

She couldn't believe it, she looked at the person behind Changsun Gui.

His eyebrows are still as clear and gentle as they were many years ago.

He stared at her, and those dusty memories of the past, the dusty memories, were revealed little by little as if blown by a breeze.

The eldest grandson Xueying stared at Bing Xin.

Her heartbeat, at that moment, completely stopped.

Eyes facing each other,

Changsun Xueying remembered many things.

Red Moon spy.

The queen...yes...the Destiny Clan didn't betray the queen, she was the one who betrayed the queen.

After that, she, Bing Xin, Ah Yue and Xin Lin lived in the East and West Palaces respectively.

Being able to live with Bing Xin was the result of her hard work.

Originally, she thought that in this way, she and Bing Xin would have more time to spend together.

Unexpectedly, for some reason, Bing Xin and herself were left out in the cold because of this matter.

After moving into the East Palace, he never shared a room with him, and even Liang Shang was unwilling to live in the same room.

He said that there is a difference between men and women.

On the one hand, she was disappointed, and on the other hand, she was also happy in her heart.

In Bing Xin's heart, she and him are different between men and women.

At the same time, she also pays attention to Bing Xin's relationship with other people.

Except for the particularly bad relationship with Ah Yue, Bing Xin treats everyone else indifferently.

Only Ah Yue, Bing Xin always overwhelmed her in every way.

On the day of returning to the palace, when she learned that Bing Xin had actually won the first place in the assessment, Ah Yue even sprayed him face to face.

The two disagreed and had a fight.

Thinking of the claw marks all over Bing Xin's face that A Yue grabbed, and thinking of Bing Xin's respect and courtesy to herself, Changsun Xueying's mood became more subtle.

Not long after, she discovered that Bing Xin hadn't lied to herself.

Maybe it was because of that defeat, or maybe it was because of other things, the Queen had some criticisms about the Destiny Clan.

Daddy was directly removed from the position of the first coach, Ye Su returned to the battle, and other temple gods also replaced Daddy's other positions one after another.

In the name of recuperating from injuries, the empress asked her eldest grandson Gui to rest in the clan temporarily.

But apart from Ye Su, they were defeated several times in a row.

The situation of Kunlun Tianmai has become more delicate.

By chance, the eldest grandson Xueying was serving outside the Queen's Palace, and she heard the White Tiger Palace God and Pixiu Palace God coming out.

"Why don't you open which pot and mention which pot? You clearly know that the empress doesn't like to mention Diyang, but she still wants to mention it."

"Pixiu, I have to mention this. Don't you think that Red Moon's tactics have changed recently. They use soldiers like gods, and they have the style of Diyang back then. Yang is dead, I really thought the other party was Di Yang reborn."

The words of the White Tiger Palace God were impartial, and were heard by Changsun Xueying.

"Shut up, Di Yang died a long time ago, and you offended the Queen and Ye Su by mentioning Di Yang. You didn't see, Ye Su left."

Pixiu Temple God is not in a good mood.

On the night when she heard that conversation, Changsun Xueying suffered from insomnia.

She went to look for Bing Xin.

But Bing Xin was not in the East Palace.

She searched hard, only to find that Bing Xin was sleeping on the beam of his original wing.

"Bing Xin, what should I do? I don't want to be disliked by the empress, and I don't want the Destiny Clan to become a rebel clan and fall to the same fate as the Sun Clan."

The eldest grandson Xueying trembled and spoke her own words.

The young man on the beam raised the corner of his mouth and just said a word.

"Welcome to Red Moon."

Afterwards, she began to disclose information about the Queen one after another.

She slowly discovered that the queen was indeed getting weaker day by day, and she began to disclose the news of the queen and the actions of Kunlun that she had overheard to Bing Xin.

Bing Xin spread it out of the palace...

The eyes of Changsun Xueying kept flickering.

The memory beads in the body glow slightly.

She remembered.


She is a traitor.

Bing Xin is also a traitor.

Ah Yue is also a traitor.

It turned out that she, like them all, was a traitor.

Changsun Xueying's mood at this time was completely turned upside down.

Ah Yue assassinated the queen.

The Red Moon Army poured into the Queen's Palace.

After that, he died.

Why did I die?

The memory seems to be here, suddenly interrupted.

Can't think of anything.

The boy was still standing there.

He looked at himself, those eyes could still reach people's hearts.

"Xueying, it's good if you come. We are all deceived. The real traitor is him. Do you still remember him? You have the Chaos Orb in your body, so you should not be deceived by it. He is Bing Xin, who infiltrated the Queen's Palace spy. We have all forgotten him."

Seeing the change in Changsun Xueying's expression, Changsun Gui heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that Xueying also remembered.

"You are the source of resentment at the bottom of the sea."

Changsun Xueying took a step forward.

She was terrified.

She didn't know how much Bing Xin remembered.

He then told his eldest grandson how much he had converted.

If he tells everything, he will bear the name of Kunlun traitor.

Her Heavenly Dao status will be stripped away.

There will be no difference between her and Ye Lingyue.

Bing Xin never spoke.

He just stared at Changsun Xueying calmly.

He is waiting.

He knew that the moment he had been waiting for was coming.

After thousands of years, the opportunity finally came.

The prey has stepped into the abyss of the trap step by step.

One more step forward, waiting for the eldest grandson Xueying, will be beyond redemption.

"Xueying, don't get close to him. He is the first leader of the Red Moon believers after the fall of the Red Moon Queen. The curse at the former site of Kunlun, the curse on all of us, is likely to be imposed by him."

Changsun Gui saw Changsun Xueying approaching Bing Xin step by step, worried.

If everything Changsun Xueying mentioned in the letter is true, then she probably loves Bing Xin.

But how could Bing Xin, a devil in a handsome skin, treat someone sincerely.

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