This guy has always had a grudge against Ah Yue.

From the looks of it, she must have found out that Bing Xin buried his body here, so she came to attack secretly.

She hated Ah Yue so much, she would definitely destroy Ah Yue's body.

Changsun Xueying saw it and sneered in her heart.

For her, if Ah Yue simply died, she would be lucky.

She wished she could crush Ah Yue to ashes.

"You died, at the hands of your best friend. Ah Yue...will you regret it?"

Unexpectedly, after Liu Liu dug up her body, she did not destroy it.

She was talking to herself, as if she was chatting with Ah Yue.

After a while, she hugged Ah Yue.

"If you fall into their hands, you will not end well. You saved me, and I... will help you once, and repay your life-saving grace."

Her movements were very gentle, she carried Ah Yue on her back, and walked towards a bush beside her.


The eldest grandson Xueying was taken aback.

She didn't expect that Liuliu didn't come to destroy the body, but to bury Ah Yue?

And judging from her tone, Ah Yue saved her?

Changsun Xueying felt something was wrong.

Then look at Liuliu has disappeared.

She followed quickly.

Only then did I realize that there was an extra teleportation array behind that bush.

Bing Xin also revealed earlier that they would leave secret passages in the royal court leading to the outside of the palace.

However, why would Liu Liu know about this secret teleportation array?

The eldest grandson Xueying knew something was wrong about this matter.

But she couldn't find Bing Xin to ask for a while, so she was naturally unwilling to see Ah Yue to have a good burial place.

She snorted coldly and entered the teleportation array.

After walking out of the teleportation array, Changsun Xueying found that she was in a strange city.

This city is huge, but also desolate.

It seems that no one has been here for a long time.

The houses and roads in the city are empty.

"This is Wind and Rain City?"

Changsun Xueying looked around a few times, and from the sculptures and architectural styles on the houses on both sides, she realized that this was an ancient city.

This is called the Wind and Rain City.

For a long time, this place used to be the training ground of her father and grandson Gui.

Many gods of Kunlun Tianmai came here to practice.

It was only later that she learned that Fengyu City actually belonged to the Sun Clan.

Later, the Sun Clan became extinct for some reason, and the Wind and Rain City was abandoned.

But why did Liuliu suddenly come to this abandoned Wind and Rain City?

Changsun Xueying searched with her thoughts, and soon found Liuliu's aura in the northwest corner of Fengyu City.

In the northwest corner area, there is a towering tree.

That tree, upon closer inspection, was very similar to the bodhi tree in the royal court.

Liu Liu has already dug a hole.

"Everyone in the world only knows that the empress once planted a Bodhi tree in the royal court, but they don't know that what the empress planted is not just a tree. There is also a Bodhi tree in Fengyu City. People under the bodhi can have their souls Purification. You are so hated by everyone. It is impossible to become a Buddha. If you are lucky, you can still enter reincarnation. The dagger that Xin Lin assassinated you was contaminated with the power of the red moon curse. You can't even enter reincarnation. This bodhi tree can purify your curse power."

Liu Liu muttered.

Suddenly, the corners of his eyes became hot.

A tear fell down.

He wiped the corners of his eyes.

He knew everything about Bing Xin and Qin Eclipse's conspiracy, but he was powerless to stop it.

Just like Xin Lin couldn't stop Qin Xi.

They are all just pawns.

"Ah Yue, you are really stupid. You can't tell who is good to you and who is bad to you. The friend you thought was a good friend, but you were stabbed. The enemy you thought was an enemy, but you were sent off. In the next life... …we can do it……"

He picked Ah Yue up and carefully put her into the pit.

He still didn't say the last word.

After he buried Ah Yue, he left in a hurry.

After Liuliu left, eldest grandson Xueying came out.

"I didn't expect, Ah Yue, that you would end up betraying everyone."

Changsun Xueying looked at the buried soil and sneered.

She raised her slender palm, and saw a cloud of dust flying up, and the hole that Liu Liu had buried earlier was pushed away.

Ah Yue's body was exposed.

Her wounds had obviously been treated, except that her face was a little paler, she looked the same as before, and because she was motionless, there was a little more of a delicate beauty that she didn't usually have.

Changsun Xueying bit her lip and stared at Ah Yue.

"What a bitch, as mean as your mother."

She raised her hand, but saw her thought power condensed into a sharp thought power dagger in her hand.

"Then Liuliu said, let you re-enter reincarnation? I won't let you, I will also destroy your appearance and make you an ugly lonely ghost."

Changsun Xueying sneered.

She raised the dagger and dropped it.

But suddenly, she snorted.

The thought power dagger in his hand was unable to move.

She widened her eyes in surprise, but there was an extra person in front of her.

Her wrist was held.

"Bing Xin?"

The eldest grandson Xueying was overjoyed when she first saw Bing Xin.

But seeing Bing Xin's expression, her expression changed again.

"Who allowed you to touch her."

Bing Xin's face was so gloomy that it was almost terrifying.

The way he looked at Changsun Xueying seemed to kill her with a knife.

Changsun Xueying's lips trembled.

"I... I just am."

Changsun Xueying was frightened by Bing Xin's eyes.

"She is dead, and you still want to ruin her face? Changsun Xueying, you are really vicious."

"I just……"

The eldest grandson Xueying was speechless.

She was in so much pain, Bing Xin's strength was so amazing, she felt that her hand was about to break.

"I'm just complaining for my mother. She and Ye Su caused my mother to die of depression. Why did you stop me? Don't you love me? Don't you also hate Ah Yue?"

Grandson Xueying gritted her teeth and said.

"You deserve it too."

Bing Xin's eyes were full of sarcasm and disdain.

Changsun Xueying cried out in pain, her wrist was crushed by Bing Xin directly.

"Bing Xin, you."

She couldn't believe that Bing Xin would treat her like this.

"You and your mother are ordinary people. They are men. It is impossible for them to like you."

His eyes were cold, completely different from the gentle young man who saved him a few months ago.

He turned his head and looked at Ah Yue.

In that gaze, there was an emotion that the eldest grandson Xueying could not understand.

He knelt down and brushed the dust off Ah Yue's face.

His movements are very gentle, but his eyes are very sad.

Changsun Xueying finally understood that emotion.

At Ye Su's funeral, his father looked at her coffin with the same gaze.

Those are the eyes of a man who loves a woman deeply.

"You're lying to me? You've been lying to me!"

The eldest grandson Xueying screamed.

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