She finally met Ye Lingyue.

The Ye Lingyue she wanted to be.

Beautiful, intelligent, and courageous.

She and her are in the same body. Although she can't speak and is a waste in the eyes of some people, she is lucky enough to see everything the other party does.

Ye Lingyue has done too many things that she wanted to do but couldn't.

She is not even afraid of death.

Therefore, I can safely hand over "it" to her.

"You've been there?"

Ye Lingyue was even more surprised.

"Sorry, then I have been occupying your physical body."

Ye Lingyue was a little ashamed.

This is the dove occupying the magpie's nest, but I don't know it all the time.

Maybe it's because his own soul is too strong and the opponent's soul is too weak.

"However, you have the body of a heavenly infant. Logically speaking, your soul should not be weak."

Thinking of this, Ye Lingyue was very puzzled.

"It's me who gave up. I don't want to live like that. So, I gave up. I'm happy to watch you live the way I want to live." The girl smiled shyly.

When she learned that she was about to regret her marriage, she committed suicide.

She has been living humblely, relying on that bit of love, but when the so-called marriage contract is over, she can't live anymore.

However, the fate of the Ye family is in her hands.

She still has to live well.

She is very hard.

Fortunately, Ye Lingyue appeared at that time.

"My soul has never left, and I want to meet you."

The girl blinked at Ye Lingyue.

"Meeting in this way,

It's really unique. "

Ye Lingyue smiled wryly.

This silly girl, if she hadn't died, wouldn't she have to wait forever.

This boundless darkness is oppressive even for a determined person like Ye Lingyue, let alone Ye Lingyue of the Light Leader.

"I know that you will definitely come, because this is our destiny. I have been thinking, why should I live, I am such a useless person, why the family sacrificed so much, and let me live alone."

The girl's voice was much weaker.

She remembered a lot.

I remembered the fall of the Bright Territory and the sacrifices of my family members.

Why, only she survived.

She had thought about this question for a hundred years.

Until Ye Lingyue appeared.

It dawned on her.

The girl's hand was held.

"Ling Yue, everyone has the value of living. I'm sorry I didn't meet you sooner. But I believe that in Patriarch Ye's mind, you are unique."

Ye Lingyue said softly.

"No, you are the only one. I survived because of you. I am useless, but I have one of the most precious things, and I protect it very well. Now, I will give it to you , after you have it, you can go back, go back to where you came from, and protect what I cannot protect."

Ye Lingyue from Guangming Ling smiled.

The birthmark on her face disappeared quickly.

At the same time, her body is constantly shrinking.

"Ling Yue?"

Ye Lingyue was startled.

Ye Lingyue from the Bright Leader disappeared, and a baby appeared.

It's small and looks like it's just been born.

Its body emitted a soft light.

"Is that Tianying?"

Ye Lingyue was startled.

Ye Lingyue of the Bright Leader is Tianying.

The body of a heavenly baby that is unique in the world.

It's just that Ye Lingyue didn't expect that Tianying would appear in the form of a soul.

Tianying let out a wow and began to cry.

Ye Lingyue had no choice but to hug Tianying.

As soon as he touched the baby, a warm current rushed into his fingertips.

The next moment, she felt that the power of her soul in her body was constantly increasing.

The baby that day was actually fused with her soul spontaneously.

The whole process, but in the blink of an eye.

After the fusion, Ye Lingyue felt that her soul was much stronger.

The surrounding, bone-chilling icy feeling disappeared.

The Red Moon Eye and Chaos Orb in her body also quickly calmed down.

"Tianying, was absorbed by me?"

Ye Lingyue was astonished.

"It is you, and you are it. Goodbye, Ye Lingyue."

The voice of Ye Lingyue from the Bright Territory disappeared.

Ye Lingyue was startled.

The surrounding darkness gradually dissipated.

The aura of Ye Lingyue from the Bright Territory disappeared.

She was waiting for herself, was she going to hand over Tianying to her?

Ye Lingyue suddenly realized, but at the same time, she was moved in her heart.

"Thank you, I will live well."

Seeing that her soul was much stronger, Ye Lingyue understood the other party's intentions.

She used her own sacrifices in exchange for her own strength.

The Ye family... Guangming led the Ye family, perhaps, they were also a branch of the Kunlun Tianmai a long time ago.

The darkness was no longer cold, Ye Lingyue walked forward.

I don't know where the other side of death is.

But she knew that she was no longer walking alone on this road.

After walking through countless darkness, Ye Lingyue finally saw a ray of light.

That is the export?

Ye Lingyue knew that in different heavens, such as the thirty-three days and the ninety-nine lands, the other side of death is different.

It's like being in the ninety-nine place, the place of death is guarded by the god of the underworld.

But in the thirty-three days, it is not.

Most of the souls of death are under the jurisdiction of the Nine Serenities Hell.

The Nine Nether Hells are divided into multiple levels, but the witch god is located in the darkest and boundless area.

If he was unlucky, he should have gone to the bottom of the Nine Nether Hell.

But then, he could see Xin Lin.

She has a lot to say and wants to tell Xiao Lin.

Thinking of this, Ye Lingyue felt better.

She walked towards the light source.

But it was about to walk into the light source.

At this moment, Ye Lingyue was caught by a sudden force.

Startled, she looked down.

But I saw under my feet, I don't know when there was an extra teleportation array.

The next moment, her soul was sent away by the teleportation array in an instant.


A red moon is in the sky.

A look of anger pervaded the young man's handsome face that was not like a mortal.

"The first priest? Has anyone found it?"

The white-haired Murong old Fangxian waited cautiously by the side.

The moment the boy opened his eyes, he felt the violent breath released from the other party.

Even Murong old Fangxian, who was used to seeing all kinds of strong winds and waves, couldn't help but break out in cold sweat on his forehead.

"Being one step ahead."

The boy squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth.

Damn Changsun Gui, that old fellow, is not dead yet.

"Ye Lingyue escaped again? However, she only has a wisp of soul left. Her soul has gone through several reincarnations and is already very fragile. It is difficult to survive without a physical body..."

Old Murong Fangxian was still twitching the word "live" when he was choked by the young man's cold gaze, and obediently retracted his words.

Old Murong Fangxian thought to himself, so, does the first priest really want to kill Ye Lingyue or...

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