Ye Lingyue thought about it, and she simply didn't hide it anymore.

She gave a rough idea of ​​how she was useful with the tripod seal, won the Jiuzhou tripod, and got acquainted with the tripod spirit.

"After I left my soul and became Ye Lingyue of the Light Leader, my physical body was seized by the Taiyin Saintess, and the cauldron spirit disappeared. It accompanied me through countless difficulties, and I had to find a way to revive it."

Ye Lingyue said not without guilt.

"Do you think that Jiuzhou Cauldron is related to Tianming Cauldron?"

After Changsun Gui heard this, he was also very surprised.

"Their names are the same. I thought that the Jiuzhou Ding should be refined from the Destiny Ding."

Ye Lingyue nodded.

The aura on the Jiuzhou cauldron was very similar to that of the Tianming cauldron.

Except for some differences in size, the above pictures and texts are almost the same.

"The Heavenly Fate Cauldron can indeed refine things, but there are very few people who can refine it. I am not good at refining cauldrons, so unless necessary, I will not use the nine-mouthed cauldron. Since you want to use it on the right path, you can borrow it. You use it."

On the one hand, Changsun Gui sympathized with what happened to the Cauldron Spirit, and on the other hand, he also wanted to see if Ye Lingyue could control the Destiny Cauldron.

Since ancient times, only the patriarch of destiny can control the nine cauldrons.

Although Ye Lingyue is not a regular descendant of the Destiny Clan, she is also Ah Yue's reincarnation.

Ah Yue got a lot of her own biography, if she can inherit the Destiny Cauldron, the Destiny Clan will have a day to clear up their grievances.

"Thank you."

Ye Lingyue couldn't help beaming with joy, she didn't expect Changsun Gui to agree so easily.

"The nine-mouth cauldron is just under the school grounds. You can dig it out with your mind power. I have no mind power now, and I can't help you much."

Changsun Gui smiled wryly.

His soul will be wiped out at any moment.

But Ye Lingyue was concentrating on searching for the whereabouts of Jiukou Ding.


She found the first tripod, followed by the second tripod, and the third tripod...

One after another, the tripods were excavated one after another.

A quarter of an hour later, the eight tripods were found.

Although a long time has passed, the tripods in front of me are not much different from the ones Ah Yue saw back then.

But just when Ye Lingyue thought that the matter of the cauldron spirit could finally be solved, she discovered that the ninth cauldron was missing.

Ye Lingyue searched the huge school grounds several times, but couldn't find the ninth cauldron.

"I can't see the Qingzhou cauldron? How is this possible?"

Changsun Gui was also a little stunned.

The Jiukou Cauldron has always been buried under the school field in the land of ancestral origin, and there will be no mistakes.

"Senior eldest grandson, did you personally bury this nine cauldron?"

Ye Lingyue asked.

"I buried them with my own hands... no, I remember, the last two tripods... I found something was wrong at the time, and I buried them before the queen summoned me, but when I buried the last two tripods, because the queen summoned me urgently, I Get someone to help and bury the last two."

Changsun Gui recalled.

At that time, the queen sent the God of the White Tiger Palace to summon him to the queen's palace.

He went to receive the White Tiger Palace God.

After receiving the White Tiger Palace God, he knew that something was wrong, so he took the land of ancestral origin into his soul.

All of this was completed within a short period of one or two quarters of an hour, the only thing he did not handle was the burial of the last two tripods.

He asked the elders to help bury it...Because it was too hasty, he never checked it when he received the land of ancestral origin.

"There is a high probability that Qingzhou Cauldron was taken away. Where is that elder?"

Ye Lingyue asked.

"The elder, who was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by me, escaped from the Kunlun Tianmai with five couples of men and women before the Destiny Clan was exterminated. You should have heard of that man, he is also the ancestor of the eldest grandson family. He is my best friend for many years, it seems that I am really old and dizzy."

Changsun Gui seemed to understand something, he smiled wryly and shook his head.

He not only misjudged his own daughter, but also misjudged the other party.

"If there is no accident, the Qingzhou cauldron should be in the opponent's hands."

Ye Lingyue analyzed.

"Qingzhou Cauldron is the smallest one, which is easy to carry. At the same time, it is also the most important one in the Destiny Cauldron. It seems that he has planned it long ago. I even suspect that he has colluded with the Baihu Palace God and others." , intentionally distracted me at that time."

Changsun Gui shook his head and smiled wryly.

"The grandson's ancestor is now at the grandson's house?"

The last sip of the tripod is very important, Ye Lingyue will naturally not miss this opportunity.

It seems that it is necessary for her to go to the eldest grandson's house.

"Are you going to the eldest grandson's house? You know, that's very dangerous. The eldest grandson's family hates you extremely."

Changsun Gui saw Ye Lingyue's plan.

The fall of the eldest grandson Xueying was undoubtedly a huge blow to the eldest grandson's family.

People from Hongyuetian, including Bing Xin, will definitely target Ye Lingyue and spread the word that Ah Yue will assassinate the Queen of Kunlun. Ye Lingyue is now showing up, so be careful, the less people know about it, the better.

"My enmity with eldest grandson Xueying was caused by Bing Xin. If I tell the truth, they may not take their anger on me."

Ye Lingyue thought for a while and said.

"You are so naive. Do you think that when Kunlun collapsed, they would not know what happened there? Why do you think that the eldest grandson Xueying was born in the eldest grandson's family instead of other families? If I guessed correctly, this has nothing to do with my It's about an old man."

Grandson Gui sighed.

Ye Lingyue was puzzled.

"My first wife, because of her birth, she is able to communicate with the undead. Back then, I sent her away for the reason of cultivating Xueying. It was also for this reason that she was able to escape the catastrophe of the Destiny Clan."

Changsun Gui told a little-known fact.

"Madame Changsun?"

In Ye Lingyue's mind, a sour face of a woman appeared.

When Ah Yue first came to Tianming Palace, Madam Changsun repeatedly made things difficult.

She hated Ye Su, and naturally she also hated Ye Su's "daughter" Ah Yue.

At that time, Changsun Gui had a big conflict with A Yue in order to adopt her.

In the end, he sent her away directly.

Ah Yue later got the news that the eldest grandson Gui wanted to reconcile with him, but the other party cried, made trouble and hanged himself, and refused to agree, even threatening his daughter, eldest grandson Xueying.

Although the eldest grandson Gui did not reconcile in the end, the couple never saw each other again.

Changsun Gui had a crush on Ye Su all his life, and it was obviously not out of true love for this lady.

Judging from his tone, he probably married the other party for some reasons.

Unexpectedly, this lady would have such supernatural powers.

"You should have heard of the Qingcang clan. She was originally the daughter of an elder of the Qingcang clan. The purebloods of that clan have been sharper than ordinary people since ancient times. It is said that they can communicate with the undead and connect to the creatures in the dark world. .”

Changsun Gui obviously didn't want to bring up his first wife, but today, it was about the whereabouts of Qingzhou Ding, so he had to bring up these old events.

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