The city owner of Sifang City, whose name, age and identity are unknown.

This is lying in Ye Lingyue's Qiankun bag, all the records about the Sifang City Lord in the investigation materials of the ghost gate.

The ghost gate has developed to this day, and it has become an existence second only to the underground Yandian.

The information that the ghost gate can't investigate, I am afraid that only the super giants like the underground Yandian and the three sects can know the details.

But after last night, Ye Lingyue probably guessed that the existence of the Sifang City Lord was inseparable from the three sects, and he was probably a member of the three sects.

Earlier, Ye Lingyue only saw the back of the Sifang City Lord when she was at the Gate of Demon Awakening, but today, it was the first time she saw this old man with her own eyes.

He looked a little older than his grandfather Ye Gu, with a long beard reaching his waist, his face as heavy as a jujube, and his face was not angry and powerful.

After Long Sixuan arrived, almost all the last contestants had arrived.

There was still some noise in the original scene, but because of the appearance of the Sifang City Lord, it suddenly became quiet.

The tower of Sifang City is about ten meters high, and the Lord of Sifang City is condescending, like a goshawk, overlooking the players under the city gate.

Behind him, there are three people, looking at the clothes, they should be the same as the envoy from the south, who Ye Lingyue had a relationship with earlier, and the other three envoys from east, west and north in Sifang City.

"Reporting to the city lord, all the players are already here. This time, there are more than 700 groups of players who entered Shahe to participate in the trial. The more than 50 groups who quit the competition in the middle of the competition, more than 300 people died and 230 were seriously injured. People, who finally arrived at the Sifang City Gate, there are also 109 groups of players, all of whom have gathered at the foot of the city according to your order." Beside the Sifang City Lord, a beautiful woman came out.

Her voice was clear and sweet, and it sounded very pleasant. It was the messenger who announced the Sifang List in the past five days. She was also the only female messenger under the Sifang City Lord, the Western messenger.

The Sifang City Lord nodded, his eyes swept away, and he looked down at the city.

He has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

I really want to finally make it clear that King Xiyan is probably on someone present.

When the eyes of the Sifang City Lord fell on the positions of Ye Lingyue and Feng Xin, his eyes paused.

eyes like a knife,

It fell on Ye Lingyue and Feng Xin without any hesitation.

It's them? !

The young man and woman who appeared in the desert garden.

Sifang City Lord's eyes became much darker, as if he could see through them both at a glance.

But the pair of young men and women, whether it was the delicate and agile girl or the unparalleled handsome boy, were very calm and open-minded when they faced his almost stern gaze.

It's him!

Just as the Sifang City Lord stared at her and Feng Xin, Ye Lingyue felt a sense of familiarity in her heart.

She recognized almost immediately that the Sifang City Lord was the owner of the prying eyes she encountered in the desert garden earlier.

In the desert garden, the mist formation that suddenly emerged was created by the elder standing on the tall building.

Ye Lingyue's intuition is not wrong.

Even if he didn't see the face of the prying person, his spiritual power was unique.

Just when Ye Lingyue recognized the identity of the Sifang City Lord, she felt a cold feeling that quickly penetrated.

Soul search?

This is the trick again.

Earlier, when Ye Lingyue met Chen Hongru, Chen Hongru used a soul search on her. At that time, Ye Lingyue's cultivation was not good enough, and Chen Hongru almost succeeded.

But it's just different from the past, Ye Lingyue rushed through the two layers of heaven and earth, and practiced star power, how could he just sit and wait like he did in the past.

The corner of her mouth raised slightly, evoking a charming smile, and she looked up at the Sifang City Lord confidently.

The city master of Sifang wanted to use the soul search to find out who Ye Lingyue and Feng Xin got the King Xiyan.

But at this moment, a chill ran down his spine.

His old face stiffened, and he actually felt a vigorous spiritual force rushing towards him.

good guy!

This girl actually dared to search for his soul, it was a rebellion.

His Sifang City Lord, who lived on the mainland for an unknown number of years, was actually searched by a little girl for his soul.

The old face of the Sifang City Lord was a little unbearable, he snorted, and withdrew the mental power that he originally planned to test Feng Xin, and it was directly glued with Ye Lingyue's mental power.

Under the city gate, the contestants who had been waiting for the Quartet City Lord to announce the results of the competition, suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Sifang City Lord stood on the city tower, motionless, not speaking, he just stared somewhere under the city gate.

The envoys beside the Sifang City Lord were also puzzled and did not dare to ask aloud. For a while, the gate of the city was quiet, and only the night wind whistled past.

The spiritual power of the two is like a tug-of-war. You refuse to withdraw, and I refuse to take it back.

An invisible wave confronted in mid-air.

I don't believe it. A little girl who has only lived for more than ten years can really search for the soul of this old man. The Sifang City Lord is confident.

It's only a little bit, and today, I have to find out the origin of the city masters from the four directions.

Ye Lingyue is also full of strength, she put her five fingers together, her nails sank into the right palm, and the dry cauldron in the palm spun.

The mental power in Ye Lingyue's body suddenly became tyrannical.

She only felt that her pupils tightened, and the face of the Sifang City Lord above the tower suddenly blurred, as if something was about to be revealed from his body.

After a full quarter of an hour, the city lord of Sifang suddenly felt a shock, and a strange feeling came to his heart.

Too bad, that little girl actually spied into the deepest part of his soul.

The Sifang City Lord turned pale in shock, and quickly recovered his mental power, but it was too late. He had clearly seen Ye Lingyue's eyes, a look of shock crossed his eyes, and his eyes became weird. up.

Sifang City Lord and Ye Lingyue withdrew their mental power at the same time.

The old face of the Sifang City Lord was a little red, and he glared at Ye Lingyue angrily. Today, the boat was really capsized in the gutter, and it was actually planted in the hands of a little girl.

The latter stuck out her tongue. She didn't expect that after breaking through the second heaven and earth calamity, she was so powerful that she even saw through the true body of the Sifang City Lord.

"City Lord, it's getting late, it's almost midnight." Behind him, Dongfang Envoy couldn't help reminding Sifang City Lord.

Sifang City Lord coughed lowly, and then looked at Feng Xin behind Ye Lingyue.

Ye Lingyue had seen through his real body. Naturally, he was embarrassed to try to see if there was King Xiyan on Feng Xin's body. He could only wave his hand angrily.

"Order all players to turn in the Quartet Order and announce the final result."

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