Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner

Chapter 1101: Penglai's Change

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"Nine Luan tribe! Di tribe! Good, very good, you dare to disobey me again and again. If I can also gain the power of the beast god's belief, would you dare to fight against me," the third priest resented.

But the third ritual curse returned to the curse, and only looked at the green and purple Yang away.

He stared unwillingly at the direction of Dutian Blood Realm.

Under the effect of the new Dutian Blood Seal, the enchantment of the Dutian Blood Realm has been restored to stability. The blood realm of the original red light was enveloped by a piece of bright light like the sun.

The third priest knew that even today the high priest may not be able to directly break the new enchantment of the blood realm.

But the third sacrifice has not yet given up.

"Human race, don't think you have won, huh, wait, wait until the high priest gains the power of the great beast god, you will fall into the infernal hell," the third priest's face revealed a meaningful bit of viciousness With a smile, his figure flashed and disappeared into the endless chaotic zone.

The matter of blood world came to an end temporarily because of the sacrifice of Gu Feng and Ji Rumo.

After separating from the sisters and brothers of the Yuan family, Yun Sheng immediately rushed to Penglai.

There are two purposes for Yun Sheng to go to Penglai. One is to return the broken Destiny Mirror to Chang Siming. The other purpose is to ask Chang Siming about the whereabouts of the ghost ghost key.

After arriving in Penglai, Yunsheng first went to the seabed of Penglai and learned about the Venerable Lava Fire.

Venerable Lava told Yunsheng that the volcanic seal has temporarily stabilized after the death of the first master of the Fa Temple. In a few years, he can ensure that the volcanic seal will not have any problems.

"Sovereign Huo, Penglai will be put under your protection for the time being. Ji Rumo's death, more or less, has something to do with me, I owe it to Penglai. In the future, if there is any movement of the Eight Wild Orcs , And immediately notified me, "Although the first call has been eliminated, Yun Sheng always feels that the Eight Waste Tribes, the Beast Temple, will never give up invading the Promise Continent.

Yun Sheng told Venerable Lava Fire a few words, then went to Penglai Island.

In the port of Penglai Island, Yun Sheng accidentally encountered Chang Wei, a Warcraft merchant she met on the way to Penglai.

Chang Wei was dragging his family to take the mouth, renting a sea boat, and preparing to move his family away from Penglai. Since Yunsheng had surrendered to the abyss tentacles, Penglai's waters had settled a lot.

It has become more convenient for fishermen to go to sea and travel by merchant ships.

"It's not Lord Regent, it's a coincidence, Chang Mou is planning to find you," In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Yun Sheng has restored his men's clothing before he arrived in Penglai.

Chang Wei saw Yun Sheng and hurried forward, flattering.

The fall of both the Red Emperor Zhao and Penglai Wang Ji Rumo had a great impact on Penglai.

Zhaoting has been dissolved.

Many Penglai people also moved out of Penglai and moved to other places. The originally prosperous Penglai suddenly seemed depressed and lonely.

The purpose of Chang Wei's search for Yun Sheng was to seek a recommendation letter and move to Yujing in Dazhou.

"Uncle Chang, why do you want the laborers to move the crowd to Dazhou? As far as I know, the closest to Penglai is the post-Qin," writing a recommendation letter for Yunsheng is actually a handy effort, but Yunsheng doesn't understand why Changwei To move closer and farther, move to the big week.

"Oh, Regent, you have something to know. After the blood of the world, Hou Qin's Du Gu Emperor also disappeared. There are rumors outside that he colluded with the Black Qilin Clan of the Eight Wild Beasts. Hou Qin is also in turmoil now. As for In several other countries, Xianju is a country of elves, and Prince Tang Yuan is incompetent, but Da Zhou is more reliable. Not only me, most of the wealthy households in Penglai and some summoners now want to go to Da Zhou," Chang Wei also Tell Yunsheng that a recommendation letter from Da Zhou has risen to as much as 10,000 purple gold coins on the market, and there is no market price.

Yun Sheng took a look and looked at each other with gold coins.

The decline of Penglai and Hou Qin was a great opportunity for Da Zhou.

It is better to take advantage of this opportunity to encircle the talents of Penglai and Houqin, which is also a big help for Dazhou.

"Uncle Chang is assured, this is my warrant, you can call some Penglai businessmen and summoners, and go to Da Zhou together, then someone will write a recommendation letter for you," Yunsheng took this opportunity to send Penglai A large number of merchants and summoners have introduced Dazhou.

This also laid a solid foundation for the Great Week and then a few hundred years of prosperity, and the East Emperor Dynasty became the most powerful country on the Promise Continent.

After arranging Chang Wei's affairs, Yun Sheng also heard that Chang Siming was in Zhaoting.

Chang Siming also disclosed to the public that he had been a brother in the red clothes to the emperor. After the dissolution of the court, in order to avoid turmoil, Chang Siming has also put some people into the temple.

After the death of the emperor in red clothes, Long Siming lost his loved one. The death of the two was more or less related to Yunsheng, so when he saw Long Siming, Yunsheng was still anxious and afraid of the other. So angry at her.

When Chang Siming saw Yunsheng, his face was very calm. Chang Siming had passed on most of his magical power to Gu Feng. He now looks like an old man.

He gave most of the affairs of the Fa Temple to Ji Rumo's brother, Ru Yi, who would spend his life in Penglai.

"I was born in Penglai, died in Penglai, this is the destiny of the old man," Chang Siming's voice, calm, this wise old man has predicted the life and death of countless people in his life, facing his own life and death At that time, he seemed very indifferent.

"The purpose of the old man letting you come to Penglai, presumably you already know, you have been looking for the ghost key," Chang Siming said, took out a box and gave it to Yunsheng.

Yun Sheng opened the box. Inside the box was a black key, and there was a letter on the key.

The ink on the letter had already dried up. This letter was written when Ji Rumo left Penglai.

"Ru Mo's stupid boy, he probably knew that this time, he was already in trouble, he had already arranged everything. The heart of the mirror is exquisite, the boy has always been a transparent person, but emotionally, he was confused. Once, and this time, let him fall into the present end," Chang Siming looked sorry.

Ji Rumo is the most proud disciple of Chang Siming. He taught everything he learned, but he did not expect that Ji Rumo would end up in a mirror ruin.

Chang Siming sighed for a while.

But even so, he was still reluctant to accept the Destiny Mirror.

"The Destiny Mirror has been damaged, and it is no longer useful to stay here with the old man. Just give it to you. I believe that Rumo will also agree with the old man's approach."

Chang Siming said, waved his hand, and issued a chase order.

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