Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Doctor Mad Princess: Genius Summoner!

"Boom, everything is ready, you can take us to the Underworld," the atmosphere of different human worlds, people and Warcraft in the Underworld, it is easy to attract the attack of the underworld creatures.

Therefore, in order to avoid a failure on the way, Yunsheng put the Warcraft into the Beast Language Ring and only traveled with gold coins.

Earlier, the sheep also reminded Yunsheng that the human world leads to the underworld, there is no specific magic circle, and there is no empty ship, the transportation of the underworld, or the messenger of the underworld, is a kind of ghost beast called the Quartet .

Booming sheep, using the ghost key, can summon the Quartet.

Biao Yang put the Ghost Ghost Key in front of her and saw that it began to sing.

The original still ghost key was gradually suspended in mid-air.

On the quaint key, a black gas erupted, and the black gas slowly came to life in the singing, only to see it roll in the air.

A black bone appeared in the black air.

The bone heads are like life, one by one, pieced together, like a jigsaw puzzle, and soon, in front of Yun Sheng and the gold coins, a bone dragon with a length of dozens of meters appeared.

The dragon has no skin and no flesh, and emits black power fluctuations. It has a pair of dragon wings and looks very strong.

"Who, dare to call me a boneless dragon?" The dragon dragon's voice rumbled. The sheep flicked its flesh wings, and the pompon-shaped body swooped to the front of the bone dragon.

"Bao, Sifang Xiaojiao, you can't be blind, and you can't even recognize the realm gods," the difference between the small body of the sheep and the huge bone jelly is almost a hundred times. It looks like the difference between fleas and giant elephants. .

Pang Pang Yang also used this arrogant tone to talk to the Biaojiao Dragon, and also directly called the tens of meters long Ming Jiao as a small jiao, which stood on the side of Yunsheng and gold coins, which was very funny.

Ming Jiao has long lost his eyeballs, bursting out two dark green lights, and carefully looked at him for a few eyes.

After seeing the appearance of the booby sheep, the Sifang Mingjiao shuddered obviously, and its bone hair made a creaking noise.

Sifang Mingjiao is the World of Warcraft responsible for the exchange between the human world and the Underworld. Its strength is equivalent to the existence of the beast king peak, and its strength is very strong.

But when it saw the boo, it still had to be big for a while.

In this world, the one who dare to call Sifang Mingjiao as a small jiao is the only one in front of him.

This little star in this world is not rumored to have disappeared for a long time, how could it suddenly appear here.

"Bao Piao, please forgive Xiao Jiao's clumsy eyes. He didn't recognize you immediately, and ask him to forgive his sins. I don't know how to summon Xiao Jiao out today, what's the matter?" Sifang Mingjiao bowed his head and saluted toward Biao Piao.

Biao Biao is almost the same level as the Underworld God, and Ming Jiao is directly under the Underworld God, and when he sees Biao Biao, he still needs the courtier's courtesy.

"Nonsense, of course you are coming to the Underworld. If the owner who is not patient wants to go to the Underworld, the God of this world is too lazy to call you this ugly guy out," Boom was not angry.

the host?

Sifang Mingjiao was taken aback. It swung its head and looked at Yunsheng and the gold coins behind the sheep.

Terran? No, this is not an ordinary human race, and there is a breath of Warcraft on that human race.

Master Boom, how could it be unreasonably related to the human race, and Master Boom directly called the celebrity master.

This is not good, how can the majestic God of the Realm recognize the human race as the main, 噵咵 lord, it is a god.

Could it be said that Master Boom was blinded by the human race, and because he was still young, he must have been cheated.

This matter, I don’t know if the adult in the Underworld knows whether or not, Sifang Ninglong hesitated.

"Boom! Xiaojiao, what are you thinking about? Don't think that the God of the Realm doesn't know. What the God of the Realm is looking for you today must not be disclosed to the guy on the dark day! Also, don't stare with strange eyes. Looking at the owner of our family, the owner is the most important person in Piao Piao," Piao Piao Yang is not stupid. It sees the suspicion of the Sifang Mingjiao, and the **** eyes of the black bean stared round and roared.

"If you dare to use your brain to inform, believe it or not, break your bones one by one and reload them!" Boo said, waving the pair of meat wings.

In the early years, when Biao Biao was just an egg, he removed the bones of Sifang Mingjiao several times. He was also very interested. He personally installed Sifang Mingjiao back. As the name suggests, the jigsaw puzzle is beneficial to body and mind.

Sifang Mingjiao smiled bitterly for a while, but it did not forget that this adult is famously a nuisance among the world gods, and he was born with strange powers and tempers.

Even the Lord of the Underworld God has a headache for it.

Seeing Piao Piao so favoring the celebrity, Sifang Mingjiao can only temporarily dispel the idea of ​​whistleblowing.

"Bad lord, it's not that Xiao Jiao doesn't listen to your orders. You should also know that everyone in the underworld can go. The two next to you are not eligible to go to the underworld," Sifang Mingjiao is very Helpless.

Generally speaking, there are two kinds of people who go to the underworld, one is the soul of the dead, and the other is the one who committed a big crime in the human world, wanted by the human world, and exiled the people of the underworld.

The rest of the people can't enter the underworld without authorization, otherwise, once discovered by the people of Pluto Guardian, they will be punished with thunder and their souls will die.

The person in front of him is obviously not meeting these two conditions.

One man and one beast are young and there is no sign of dying, and the souls of the two are also very clean, unlike the evil generation who fell into the dark magic road.

Such a person and a beast like white paper, if they enter the underworld, they must die.

Although Sifang Mingjiao is not a kind-hearted person, he is fair and law-abiding.

"The God of this world has almost forgotten this matter, the underworld is a sin concentration camp," Biaoyang sheep thought about it, and it and the owner this time, but they entered the country illegally. "Then let the dear host and the Kirin kid pretend to be a prisoner of heavy prisoners, don't you just put a magic mark on the prisoner on your body. Dear host, Kirin kid, do you have any opinions? "

As soon as the seeds in his head turned, Yunsheng and the gold coins immediately became serious offenders.

"It's okay, as long as we can go to the underworld, we are willing," Yun Sheng shrugged. For the wisp of her mother's soul, she was not afraid of death once, let alone pretending to be a criminal.

"Well, sir, this matter can't be messed up, or the subordinates should check it first," Sifang Mingjiao's bone-filled face froze for a moment.

Sifang Mingjiao When Mingjiao has been arrested for so many years, when he was caught, he wept bitterly, he did not admit the crime, but never heard of it. Someone was willing to be exiled to the underworld.

Sifang Mingjiao said, between the left and right bone claws, there appeared two round crystal balls.

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