Miracle Doctor, Wild Empress: Genius Summoner

Chapter 1118: The magician killed halfway

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In the room, only the father and daughter of the film family, Yun Sheng, and Ying Chuan were left.

"Yun surnamed Yun, how is my father's condition?" Yingyue also saw the writing clues from Yun Sheng's face.

Yun Sheng glanced at Yingyue lightly, seeing that the woman didn't hand over her in the forest, she would endure her once.

"Who told you that the Red Fire Tree Centipede Soul Crystal can dispel the poison of the head?" In Yun Sheng's tone, there was already a sense of killing.

With Yunsheng's medical technique, it is not difficult to find out the poison in Yinghai. It is just that she discovered the poison in Yinghai when she was seeing a doctor. It was a very fierce fire poison.

If this kind of fire poison drags slowly, Yinghai can live for three to five years, and then slowly exhausted to death.

However, if you really want to find the soul crystal of the red fire tree cents with fire poison to detoxify the shadow sea as they said earlier, they will inevitably poison the fire, and the shadow sea will die on the spot.

"The prescription was given by Shentong Pavilion. Isn't it right?" Yingyue was nervous.

"Sickly rush to the doctor, you almost killed the shadow master. I can solve this poison, it only takes about three days to completely detoxify," Yun Sheng was not angry, she won the paper and fetched the pen , Brush a few strokes, listed the prescription.

The prescription is prepared by Yunsheng, which is some warming herbs, but at the end, Yunsheng will add a few drops of water of life to the medicine.

Although she is not in the human world, Yun Sheng's behavior is always cautious. She is pregnant with the Holy Grail and does not intend to be exposed.

"Do you really save my dad? Isn't it wrong with us?" Yingyue still had a little disbelief. She was so bad with Yunsheng earlier. She didn't believe that Yunsheng would treat her dad so generously.

"Grasping medicine, within three days, the shadow master must recover. However, whether you want to announce the good news to the outside world, it is up to you," Yun Sheng was too lazy to follow the theory of the shadow moon. Yingyue's hostility towards herself is entirely due to Yingchuan.

Please, her two people are humans. It’s big enough to deal with the night fox alone. Where is the effort to ignore other women’s fighting styles?

"Yue'er, do what Yun Yunyi said. Ying Chuan, in the past few days, spread the news that my condition is getting worse," Ying Hai had already sat up. When Yun Sheng diagnosed him, he would Feeling a strange energy in between his pulse.

A master like Yinghai, who has an external force to enter the body, the first reaction is to resist, but as Wu Shen, Ying Chuan, he finds that he can't resist the strange power.

Ying Hai was shocked, and the feeling of powerlessness in her body slowed down a lot.

Soon, Yinghai discovered that the strength was not malicious, and after the strength entered the body, he felt a lot more comfortable.

The energy was like a swimming needle, and he walked around him, but within half a quarter of an hour, he felt the toxin that had been accumulated in his body, and he had cleared a lot.

In addition, when Yun Sheng prescribes the medicine, the old fox, who has experienced strong winds and waves like the shadow master, can't understand her secret meaning.

Yingchuan and Yingyue went to Shentong Pavilion to find a prescription for their own condition, but they didn't expect that Wan Yanzong's people secretly seized the gap, if not for the gorgeous woman in front of her. Appeared, I am afraid that this time, I will be confused.

If he died, Baichengmen's end could be imagined.

"Dad, your body can move?" Yingyue was pleasantly surprised, but she was immediately surprised by Daddy's instructions.

"Master, are you suspicious, someone secretly framed you?" Yingchuan also found something wrong.

"Well, some people want to take the opportunity to annex the Hundred Thousand Doors. This time, I must let them steal the chickens without killing the rice," Ying Hai's face shrouded in a cloud.

Wan Yanzong's group of scum, even with such shady means, he shadow sea, how can they make them get their wish.

Yingyue served Yinghai to rest, and Yingchuan arranged rooms for Yunsheng.

After Yinghai’s incident, in the heart of Yingchuan, the love for Yunsheng has already become awe. He also knows that this woman looks younger than herself and Yingyue, no matter Whether it is strength or ingenuity, it is far from being comparable to that of Shadow Moon, and he dare not regenerate the non-divided thought.

"Brother Win, I have one more thing to ask. When you were in the Wuwu Forest earlier, you said that the ghost ghost king fell behind. The place where he was buried is called the ghost king's cave. Where is that ghost king's cave now?" Yun Shengzao? I was in the Wuwu Forest before I was asked about half of it and was interrupted by the thorn tiger.

Fang Cai and they only cared about seeing a doctor, she never found a chance to ask Yingchuan.

"Ghost King's Cave is a living tomb built by the ghost ghost king during his lifetime, and its address is very mysterious. Over the years, no one has known its whereabouts. If the girl Yun is interested, you can go to the Shentong Pavilion to ask Maybe the people there know how to know the whereabouts of Ghost King's Cave." Ying Chuan regretted to tell Yunsheng that he didn't know the whereabouts of Ghost King's Cave.

After all, Bailingmen is just an unimplemented force in the county of Silmo, even those big forces in the underworld, may not necessarily know the whereabouts of the ghost king's cave.

Not only the Hundred Thousand Gates, but most of the martial arts strongmen within the eight counties of the underworld also have a family. After the ghost king fell, he has been looking for the whereabouts of the ghost king's cave.

The ghost ghost king's whereabouts are erratic, but his strength is divergent. His footprints are all over the human world, the underworld and even the **** realm.

So his tremendous learning and wealth are countless.

It is said that he fell behind, and all the treasures and martial arts were left in the ghost king's cave.

As long as you can enter the Ghost King's Den, it means that in the foreseeable future, there will be people like Ghost King on the mainland.

Unfortunately, when the ghost king built the ghost king's cave, he had hidden the whereabouts of the ghost king's cave, and he had no relatives and friends. The whereabouts of the ghost king's cave became a headless case, and the result was nowhere.

It was also the Shentong Pavilion. It seemed that the original plan remained unchanged. She had to go to the Shentong Pavilion when she changed her mind, and Yun Sheng was secretly worried.

On the second day, Yun Sheng got up early in the morning. She inquired the people of Baiyinmen and learned the specific location of Shentong Pavilion, and then took her to the Shentong Pavilion.

There is an auction house on the Promise Continent, but there is no such place as the Shentong Pavilion. As described by Yingchuan earlier, Shentong Pavilion is more like an intelligence agency in Yunsheng’s impression. As long as you have money, you can buy it. All news, in these news, there may be the whereabouts of Ghost King's Cave.

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