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Although Yinghai only had a meeting with Yunsheng, but he had countless people reading, and he had long seen that Yunsheng had ingenuity and stability that were extremely inconsistent with her appearance.

Yun Sheng, this person, she respects her one foot, she respects others. But to think of this person and selling his life for Wan Yanzong is not so easy to do.

Otherwise, Yun Sheng rejected him with a sip.

"Shadow Master, are you threatening me? I have heard about the whereabouts of Ghost King's Cave, and I don't need your help," Yun Sheng's voice was a little colder, and her least favorite thing was being threatened.

If it were not for the face of Yingchuan and Yingyue, she would immediately go away.

"You already know the whereabouts of Ghost King's Cave? Have you been to the Shentong Pavilion?" A strange color appeared on the surface of the shadow sea.

"Master, I let Yun Yun go to Shentong Pavilion. The purpose of her coming to Underworld is to find the ghost ghost king." Ying Chuan was upright, and he was somewhat indignant when he saw that the master had changed his normal situation and threatened Yun Sheng.

"Hey, it's also blamed that the old man didn't make it clear early, Miss Yun, you should have also taken the old fox of Shenjizi, and bought this map at a high price," Ying Hai shook his head and took out a map from his body. .

When I saw the map, Yun Sheng's complexion was as ugly as he said.

That map was the one she had obtained from Shenjizi earlier. The same map was also the ghost water stream.

The old man of Shenjizi clearly promised that she would no longer sell this map to the outside world. Moreover, Yinghai didn’t wake up long before it was possible to get the map so quickly. The only explanation is...

"Don't read it, this map is the one you got from Cloud Girl. The same map, I Baimenmen, Wan Yanzong, and the other major forces in the Shimo County, including the eight counties in the underworld, believe in your hands It’s all a man.” Ying Hai couldn’t help but sigh, he also heard Yingchuan said that Yun Sheng’s purpose in coming to the Underworld was to find the whereabouts of Nether Ghost King.

He told Yunsheng that he had purchased the map from the old fox of Shenjizi about ten years ago.

As for the other major forces, they also successively obtained the same map from the **** machine during the two decades after the ghost king fell.

This matter has long been an open secret among the major schools, just because the old man of the God Machine has more or less mastered some secrets of the major forces, so no one has dared to go to God The trouble of the machine.

But this map has also been kept in the hands of major forces.

At the time, everyone's thoughts were like Yun Sheng's. They wanted to enter the ghost king's cave and obtain the ghost king's relics or inheritance.

"So, we were all fooled by the Divine Machine?" Yun Shengqiang endured his anger, the godly Divine Machine, actually dared to ridicule her.

"That's not necessarily the case, this map should not be false, because after getting this map, the old man secretly went to Guishuijian, and the old man can be sure that there is indeed a first-class God of Warcraft in Guishuijian. Let The sub-god-level Warcraft is responsible for guarding the ghost king cave."

Yinghai also told Yunsheng that although all the forces in the Eight Realms of the Underworld had this map in hand, but none of them had successfully broken into Guishuijian in the past two decades, let alone some people had inherited the ghost king. Too.

Only because that sub-divine-level Warcraft, the strength is very strong, the major forces have failed to kill that Warcraft.

Even a warrior-level warrior or a magician-level magician beast may not necessarily be able to fight that warcraft.

It is also because of the existence of that Warcraft that Guishuijian has not been attacked.

"That being the case, why does the shadow master say that it can help me go deep into the ghost king's cave?" Yun Sheng heard some unusual meaning from Ying Hai's tone.

If the shadow is really sure, let her enter the ghost king's cave, not to mention a little stab, even if it is the entire Wan Yanzong, she can help him annihilate together.

"Miss Yun is assured that as long as you help Baichengmen through the crisis tonight, I can guarantee that you will be able to go deep into Guishuijian, as to whether you can find what you want, then it depends on your personal fortune. ," Ying Hai knew that he had moved Yun Sheng.

Yun Sheng thought for a moment, and finally chose to cooperate with Yinghai.

After discussion between Yun Sheng and Ying Hai, they quietly waited for the child to come, and those of Wan Yanzong were caught in the net.

It was night, the inside and outside of Baiyamen was the same as the day and night, before and after the hour, there were many silhouettes, like arrow shuttles, which were drilled out of the alleyways around Baiyamen.

The thorn tiger was dressed in black, and beside him, Wan Yanzong's deputy patriarch Tshuang Lie's eyes flashed, staring at the silent Baicheng door.

"Uncle, don't you see that there is no movement at Bailingmen. The old guy in Yinghai is really dead?" Uncle Tiehu's nephews have been paying close attention to the movement of Bailingmen these days.

According to reliable sources, Yingyue and Yingchuan have returned from Weiwu Forest.

The two have already brought back the soul crystal of the red fire tree centipede, presumably the old guy in Yinghai has already won the prize.

"Even if Yinghai didn't count, he was poisoned by poison for half a year. By this time, it was already the end of a strong crossbow. You and I will be able to kill it together," Tie Lie grinned and waved his hand. Wan Yanzong was near Hundreds of disciples quietly approached Baicheng Gate.

Uncle Tinglie and his nephew successfully found Yinghai's room abnormally.

Inside, there was only a dim lighting magic array, and Yinghai was lying on the side of the bed, and only a crouching silhouette could be seen vaguely.

"That old guy is dying, if it doesn't work anymore, let me be a good person and give you a ride," screaming up his palm, the grudges in his hands accumulate, only to hear the broken applause, tearing the air , Threw it towards the bed.

Stinging is already in the realm of Wushen. With his palm, the other party has no precautions. Even if Yinghai is not injured, he may not be able to escape this sneak attack.

Just behind the thorny palm had fallen to the "Shadow Sea" on the bed.

Suddenly, the back of the disease collapsed like a dead volcano, and there was a sensation.

A terrible roar of the beast, punctured punctured eardrums, and golden beast pupils seemed to light up the entire room at once.

The sharp claws were lightning-like, and the prince only felt that his head was well on his shoulder at the moment, but his head fell to the ground in the next second.

The speed was so fast that he didn't even feel pain.

Before the consciousness completely disappeared, Ting Lie strangely saw his body without a head, and was caught by a head of Warcraft flashing a dazzling golden light.

The body of Warcraft is like a gold casting, and in the light of the dim magic circle, the streamer is gentle.

On its back, there is a word "thousand" branded on it.

What a fierce beast...

In the thorny mind, there was only time to flash this thought, and then everything fell into darkness.

he died.

~ On the last day of February, thank you for your enthusiasm for voting, recommending, and rewarding. If you don’t vote, you all have to start school and work, there will be more in March~

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