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Chapter 282: Shocking the Devil's Cave

People of all major forces have been coveting the ghost king's cave for the past two decades.

Their surveillance of Guishuijian is only a lot more than Yinghai, the leader of Baiyinmen.

Even the number of Throat Arrowwood, Ice Arrow Jellyfish, and the approximate location distribution have been fully investigated.

But he never knew that there were such terrible demons in Guishuijian.

This magic plant is full of dark magic power, and its strength has reached the peak of the king level, and it is only one step away from the sub-god level.

It may not have the strength of the decisive warrior Shuangxiu, but its vitality is more tenacious. I saw the abyss tentacle Aoi King and a large number of small tentacle Aoi floating beside it.

Although it is just a magical plant on the top of the king level, because of the environment, the abyss tentacles are in the ghost water stream, like a fish.

Relying on the ghost water stream, its magic waterfall has amazing regeneration ability.

Even those masters of the Wushen level, because they were trapped by the magic waterfall, could not cast their fists.

Witnessing that the Abyssal Tentacle Aoi can even summon a large number of small tentacle Aoi whose strength is comparable to the ninth-order magic plant, the hearts of the major forces in the Magic Waterfall burst into the heart.

"Fuck! What the **** is this!"

Not only can it have a strong regeneration ability, but it can also summon a small tentacle Aoi with equally good strength.

Where did the abyss tentacles come from?

Why have never heard of such a strange magic plant in Guishuijian before?

Compared with the demon plant in front of me, the red fire tree centipede in Wuwu Senli was nothing.

Although Yingyue and Yingchuan are in the distance, they can also be seen clearly.

Seeing the weirdness of Abyssal Tentacle King Aoi, the two were frightened, and secretly rejoiced at the bottom of their hearts that they did not rush into Guishuijian.

Otherwise, even the Martial Gods are demons that cannot be killed for a while, don't they take their lives.

However, Yingyue and Yingchuan couldn't help wondering why Yunsheng would know that there is such a powerful World of Warcraft in Guishuijian.

"Little Kwai Kwai is very majestic, hum, it can only work in places like Guishuijian. On the land, even a wool of the realm **** can't compare," 啵啵羊嘧嘧Then, to be honest, watching the abyss tentacles Aoi out of the limelight, it was really a little itchy, I wish I could go up and ravage the gang of martial gods.

But... the protagonist always comes out at the end, let's let Xiaokuikui such a small character, go to charge first.

Hearing what the sheep said, Yingchuan and Yingyue were all dumbfounded.

Could it be said that the terrible aquatic magic plant is actually Yun Sheng's beast of call?

It's incredible, when Yun Sheng moved his hands and feet in secret.

The two looked at the bang sheep, then the gold coins, then the ghost water stream, the abyss tentacle Aoi King who forced the heroes to dizzy, there was only one thought in their hearts.

Is it too evil?

One talking warcraft is not enough, one thousand people slaughtering beasts is not enough, there are actually summon beasts comparable to sub-god level demons.

It seems that their knowledge of Yunsheng is just the tip of the iceberg. No wonder his father said that after arriving at Guishuijian, he needed everything to listen to her orders.

I am afraid that only by following Yun Sheng will they be able to enter Ghost King's Cave smoothly.

The number of summoners in the underworld is much rarer than the Promise Continent.

Yingyue and Yingchuan have met several summoners earlier, but those people can only control one of Warcraft.

They have never seen a person, like Yun Sheng, can easily control the long warcraft, but never seen.

Apart from the emotions of the two, there was only one thought in their hearts. Fortunately, they were not the enemy of Yunsheng.

Otherwise, their end will be extremely miserable.

Yun Sheng didn't pay attention to the reactions of the bragging sheep and shadow moon, and she stared at the magic waterfall.

"Master, I can't stick to it for a long time, please also pass quickly," the voice of the abyss tentacle Aoi came to my mind.

"Don't be stunned, the time is almost up, we should enter the ghost king's cave," Yun Sheng was not blinded by joy.

Although Abyssal Tentacle Aoi King is powerful, it is impossible to trap a dozen martial arts gods, and for a long time, the magic waterfall's restraining effect on Yun Tianqiu and others will be greatly weakened.

Yun Sheng understands that they must break into the ghost king's cave before the heroes break through.

Yun Sheng's words fell, and Yingyue and Yingchuan were all shocked.

They waited all night and waited for this time!

When it was too late to say, it was fast. Yun Sheng and a dozen disciples of Baimen Gate, like broken arrows, drove through the ship and swept towards Guishuijian.

Thanks to Wan Tianqiu and others earlier, the demons near Guishuijian have been cleaned up, and Yun Sheng and others have entered the unmanned state.

Almost an hour has passed, the original blue magic waterfall, due to the killing of a large number of warriors and magicians, the magic waterfall has gradually turned into red.

Like two blood waterfalls, the major forces of the eight counties in the underworld were trapped.

There are constantly strange tentacles, shooting from all sides of the waterfall, and those disciples with less strength are killed on the spot.

Wan Yanzong's situation is not much better.

Wan Tianqiu looked at his disciples and was killed one after another, with an urge to vomit blood.

This time, he broke into Ghost King's Den and selected the most potential opponents in Zongli.

In less than one hour, he had strangled his disciples.

This time, the loss is even worse than the failure of the fierce siege of the Hundred Thousand Doors. Wan Tianqiu is going to be mad.

What makes Wan Tianqiu more depressed is that.

In his ear, there were suddenly a few more "poppy" noises.

At a glance, there were more than a dozen figures that suddenly passed through the magic waterfall!

After seeing what those people looked like, Wan Tian Qiu Chi red eyes.

It's a hundred people!

The female magician headed by the face, as well as Yingyue and Yingchuan, have a lot of people, one soldier and one soldier. One magic and one combat skill are not used, and they successfully rushed across the magic waterfall.

Their body style is very fast, just like a meteor, and they quickly rushed to the depths of Guishuijian, and they disappeared all at once.

Seeing them leave smoothly, Wan Tianqiu suddenly realized.

Damn it!

This Mozhi and the people of Baiyinmen were arranged, no wonder the people of Baiyinmen did not start.

Hundreds of doors, I have to hold your door up and down to kill a chicken.

Wan Tianqiu gritted his teeth, but immediately, he thought, no one in the hundred thousand gates had the ability to control such a powerful dark magic plant.

In conclusion, there is only one possibility, that the magic plant is not from the Hundred Thousand Doors, but belongs to... that female magician.

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