Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Doctor Mad Princess: Genius Summoner!

Last time, during the crisis of the blood seal in Dutian, Obsidian was almost endangering Yun Sheng's life, Ye Beiming had been grudged.

He didn't say anything, but all these years, he has been practicing hard, and he has only one purpose to protect the loved ones.

For today's Ye Beiming, Yun Sheng is his anti-scale, whoever touches and dies.

Although it is a body of unicorn like Obsidian, the gold coin Ye Beiming realizes that even if it is the same order of Martial God, there is still a big gap between him and Obsidian.

In addition to the difference in cultivation conditions between the Eight Continents and the Promise Continent, there is another reason that Yebei Ming did not accept the Qilin tribe’s inheritance and recovery ceremony.

Unlike Du Guxiu, Ye Beiming has always hated Obsidian.

He will not accept any gifts and help from the black unicorn tribe.

Not to mention, Obsidian also wanted to force him to marry Hei Linlin.

Due to the lack of the inheritance and recovery of the Black Unicorn Tribe, Ye Beiming's first inheritance was recovered after self-excitation after fusing part of the strength of the God of War Halberd.

But after that time, he could not get other inheritance again.

But this time, when he swallowed the dark anger cloud, he accidentally obtained the inheritance, which was not a small gain for him.

The joy did not last long, and the gold coins also pay attention to understand. When he swallowed the anger cloud, the strong men of the eight counties of the underworld had already entered the ghost king's den.

It has been an hour since Yun Sheng and they entered the ghost king's cave. I hope that in this hour, Yun Sheng and they have nothing to do.

The gold coins no longer hesitated and looted towards the ghost king's cave.

After being separated from the gold coins, Yunsheng and Yingyue entered the ghost king's cave. After entering the ****, there is a path that can accommodate a normal person. The road is winding like a gut.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, the narrow passage gradually widened.

Yingyue and Yingchuan only felt that there was a strong wind blowing violently against the face, and the strong wind blew on the face, like a blade, and bursts of pain.

In that wind, the power of darkness was mixed, so that Yingyue and Yingchuan all shuddered all over the body, and even a chill in their bones.

Ghost King's Cave really deserves its reputation.

Unlike the abnormality of Yingyue and Yingchuan, Yunsheng only felt that this ghost king's cave was very comfortable. Her black eyes were slightly lazy and narrowed.

In the depths of Fa Soul, there was a pleasant and comfortable feeling, and she took a deep breath.

What a strong dark power.

Yun Sheng can feel that his dharma soul, like a fish in a ghost's cave, swelled in a short time.

In the Promise Continent, Yun Sheng's dark magic soul was always in a weak position compared with other big magic souls due to lack of cultivation environment.

But after reaching the Underworld, Yun Sheng found out that her dark magic soul had much faster practice.

Yun Sheng is sure that as long as she stays in Guiwang's cave for a few days, her dark magic soul will definitely undergo qualitative changes.

It's a pity that there is not much time left for her.

The other forces in the eight counties of the Underworld should soon catch up.

In front of the black rusty piece, with extraordinary eyesight, everyone found that the ghost king's cave was very wet, and the water dripping from the cracks in the rock was cold and biting.

"Boom, dear master, this place is not simple, I am afraid of ghosts," Biaoyang's little black bean eyes wandered around.

It can feel that there are a lot of ghosts around this cave.

The spirits of these ghosts are not weak, and they should have the strength equivalent to the human samurai martial sky magician, or the Warcraft Saint Order.

Although the strength is not the strongest, but the number of wins is large, if it is encircled together, it is not easy to deal with.

As he was saying, behind a Baichengmen disciple, there was a gray shadow, and it suddenly turned into a roaring ghost shaman, and flew towards the disciple.

"Beast, Hugh is a nuisance!" Shadowmoon's bow and arrow were off the string, and with a whizz, he shot through the mass of ghosts.

But before the ghost mist disappeared, they got together again.

After gathering again, the group of ghosts made a cry of howling and crying.

After the call, a large number of gray ghosts appeared nearby. Those ghosts, either in the shape of a city or in the shape of a beast, all flutter their claws and pounced on the crowd.

Suddenly heard, in the cave, a crisp long sound like flute and humming, a fiery red beast shadow appeared.

In the firelight, a bird like a phoenix, suddenly appeared with a red feather all over the body.

It flapped its fire wings, and the feathers spread all over it.

As soon as the fire feathers were stained with those ghosts, they turned into a fire of purification. Those ghosts had nowhere to escape, and they were instantly burned into smoke and disappeared.

The totem Suzaku, one of the Four Divine Beasts, appeared in Ghost King's Den.

Totem Suzaku is the only fire beast among the four great totem gods and beasts. The fire turned into a fire feather is the purest fire. All evil and evil will retreat.

It seemed that I knew that in the ghost king's cave, there was such a totem **** beast, and all the ghosts around him escaped.

The disciples of Yingyue, Yingchuan, and Baiyinmen have already been frightened by the totem Suzaku's expression, but just opened their mouths blankly, unable to say a word.

"Totem Suzaku, please also take us into the depths of Guiwang Cave," Yun Sheng raised his hand, and the totem Suzaku flew lightly into the depths of Guiwang Cave.

Yun Sheng has three totem mythical beasts in her hand, and each mythical beast has only one chance to summon. In order to get rid of these ghosts, she had to use Suzaku summoning.

With the Totem Suzaku, the next walk was actually very stable, without encountering any organs or ambushes.

Finally, several of them came to the end of Guiwang Cave.

At the end of Guiwang Cave is a dead end.

There are four magic circles in the four corners of the dead end.

Although the ghost ghost king has been dead for 20 years, the magic array hidden deep in the ghost king's cave is still full of magic power.

"Master, these four magic circles are not the area I should break into. The Totem Suzaku can only accompany you here," the Totem Suzaku said, turning into a flame, attached to Yunsheng's Shennong medical bracelet.

"How come there are four magic circles, which one should we go to?" Yingyue and Yingchuan hesitated.

Yun Sheng stopped for a moment before the four magic arrays. She also learned some magical truths in the mainland magic elite camp. After observing it for a while, she found some clues.

"Shadow Moon, Yingchuan. Of these magical arrays, two are teleportation magic arrays, and the other two are cultivation magic arrays. You two, the purpose of this trip to enter the ghost king's cave is for cultivation. I It is recommended that you and the remaining disciples enter one of the cultivation magic circles." Yun Sheng observed a moment and understood the role of those magic circles.

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